Denton county juvenile probation Reports of referrals to the Denton County Juvenile Probation Department and Denton If you do not know the amount you need to pay or the cause number or PID number, contact the Juvenile Probation Department; Do not use this site to pay Court costs and attorney fees. Woodrow Lane Denton, Texas 76205 940-349-2415 (phone) 940-349-2402 (fax) shannon. The juvenile probation officers in the court unit work with families, judges, defense attorneys, school officials, prosecutors, and other agencies in providing much of the preliminary material for juvenile court hearings. County Criminal Court 3. Phone Directory. $25. Denton County, Texas records show Carlos Amaro held one job between 2017 and 2018. If offered a position with Denton County Juvenile Probation Services are you willing and able to pay $13. Woodrow Lane Denton, Texas 76205 940-349-2424 (phone) 940-349-2402 (fax) stacie. While your referral of this Juvenile is vitally important, please know that, due to state and federal law, we may not be able to respond to you or provide you updates on the Juvenile’s progress through the Court process. Fax: 972-434-7181 Directions Physical Address: View Map 1400 FM 424 Suite 172 Cross Roads, TX 76227. The Chairman of the Board is Judge Kimberly McCary. Juvenile Probation Department . 00 · Experience: Denton County Juvenile Probation · Education: University of North Texas · Location: McKinney · 7 connections on LinkedIn. Intensive Supervision Probation is designed for youth considered at a higher-risk than on regular juvenile probation. 00: 11. The Denton County Juvenile Probation Department is not endorsing or refuting the validity of any program or facility by including or excluding it from the list. The Denton County Juvenile Probation Department is committed to the protection of the community, juvenile accountability, and helping juveniles achieve goals for good citizenship. Woodrow Lane Denton, TX 76205-6304; Phone: 940-349-2400; Fax: 940-349-2471; Contact Us. Located IN Lewisville, Texas, The Department Also Provides Family Counseling, Parent Training And Support Services. Reports of referrals to the Denton County Juvenile Probation Department and Denton Juvenile Cover (DOCX) Narcotics Checklist (PDF) Denton, TX 76208. Compare pay for popular roles and read about the team’s work-life balance. Special attention is given to any court-ordered counseling, attendance in specialized programs, community service, and the payment of fines and restitution. $1,938. Denton County has no mandatory retirement age. 152. Attorney WebAccess Portal (For attorney use only to view case information and documents) Denton County Records (Case Records, Court Calendars, Sheriff Jail and Bond Records) Juvenile Probation - Completed Surveys of Sexual Victimization Submitted to the US DOJ All Archives U. INITIAL DETENTION HEARING 1. The Denton County Juvenile Probation Department and its staff are not responsible for services provided by any of the agencies listed here. Attn: Eric Hill, Grievance Officer . Our recommendations and supervision of juveniles take into consideration the unique situation of each child, the child’s family, and the developmental needs of The Denton County Juvenile Probation Department contracts with area counseling agencies to provide individual, family, and group counseling to referred juveniles and their families. Juvenile See how Juvenile cases are referred to the Denton County Juvenile Probation Department. Before accepting any plea agreement, the Court has taken steps to assure compliance with the Rights of Victims set for in Chapter 57. 00, which includes testing done at Denton County Juvenile Probation. One of the most recent records in 2018 lists a job of Juvenile Probation Officer and a pay of $56,105. Juvenile Probation | Denton County, Texas — Visit this website to learn more about the Denton County Juvenile Probation Department. Denton, TX 76205 . ) The cost ofthe program is $575. County Clerk - Civil; County Clerk - Criminal; County Clerk - Probate; County Clerk Quick Links; County Court at Law 2; County Courts; County Criminal Court 2; County Criminal Court 3; County Criminal Courts; County Judge & Commissioners Court; County Roads & Facility Construction Projects - Active Road Projects The Denton County Juvenile Probation Department is committed to the protection of the community, juvenile accountability, and helping juveniles achieve goals for good citizenship. Only authorized County employees have access to the information submitted. Denton County Facilities Available for Reservation; Juvenile Probation - Reports, Audits & Other Documents; Juvenile Probation - Resources for Parents / Guardians; County Court at Law 1. FOR DENTON COUNTY JUVENILE COURT APPOINTMENTS I. gov/jobs Address 1 Courthouse Dr Denton, Texas, 76208 Denton County Juvenile Probation Attn: Eric Hill, Grievance Officer 210 S. 1, the Juvenile Probation Department, the Denton County District Attorney’s Office and local defense attorneys. The Denton County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) was created pursuant to Senate Bill 1, passed by the Texas legislature in 1995. Denton County, Texas Denton, TX. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Kimberly McCary Male 15 1 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 12 Denton County requires its employees to be at least 18 years of age. Denton, TX 76205. Our recommendations and supervision of juveniles take into consideration the unique situation of each child, the child’s family, and the developmental needs of The Denton County Juvenile Detention Center is a short-term, secure facility, designed to protect the community and the child and to assure the child’s appearance in court. Reports of referrals to the Denton County Juvenile Probation Department and Denton The Denton County Juvenile Probation Department strictly prohibits any form of retaliation against a victim, other residents, staff members or any other person that reported or cooperated with an investigation of abuse, to include investigations of sexual abuse and sexual harassment, neglect or exploitation. Denton County Juvenile Probation Phone: 940-349-2400; Denton County Sheriff’s Office Phone: 940-349-1600; Denton Police Department Phone: 940-349-8181; Denton County Adult Probation in The Colony, TX, is an organization that provides supervision and support to individuals placed on probation by the court system. The response is subject to revision as the COVID-19 situation evolves Find out how to contact County Court at Law 1, read through frequently asked questions and learn about Juvenile Mental Health Court. Reports of referrals to the Denton County Juvenile Probation Department and Denton Juvenile Court Indigent Defense Plan (PDF) The Denton County Juvenile Board. A paper referral occurs when a law enforcement agency chooses to send a juvenile’s offense report directly to the Denton County Juvenile Probation Department for further action. Denton County Juvenile . Denton County Juvenile Probation Department 210 S. This form has been modified since it was saved. Reports of referrals to the Denton County Juvenile Probation Department and Denton Denton County Juvenile Probation . com The SOAR Case Manager conducts interviews to determine a recommendation on a referred family’s suitability in the SOAR Program and conducts orientation with accepted families. Certification as a Juvenile Probation Officer, upon County Court at Law 1. The Court Unit is responsible for preparing the necessary documents to process a child through the court system. 6. vilarreal@dentoncounty. gov . The Deputy Sheriff position and several Juvenile Probation Services positions minimum age requirement is 21. 00 Average daily p opulation 35 youth Average length of stay 16 days Annual number of youth in seclusions 14 780 Annual number of physical restraints used on youth 55 Annual number of injuries 1 On a weekly rotation with other Court Unit officers, provides Juvenile Probation presence for all court hearings. Aug 15, 2023 · • Lowering the Tax Rate • 5% slide (Non-law Enforcement Pay Scales) • 14% slide (Law Enforcement Pay Scale) • Expanding Juvenile Justice (State Directions Physical Address: View Map 1029 W Rosemeade Parkway Suite 125 Carrollton, TX 75007. Denton County Courthouse, 1450 East McKinney Street, Denton. Are you a new user? Speak to your supervision officer to obtain a web reporting identification number before attempting to log into your CSS Account. Denton County participates in the E-Verify Program. Work involves supervising juveniles to ensure their safety and welfare, shift coverage, and transporting juveniles between detention facilities, medical institutions, schools, and other locations. Woodrow Lane . This website is AudioEye enabled and is being optimized for accessibility. The Intake Unit juvenile probation officer is responsible for making critical decisions regarding whether a juvenile should be held in a secure detention facility or released to the custody of a parent, guardian, or custodian. Fax: 940-349-4471 Find community supervision, correction, probation, and parole services in Denton County, Texas The Denton County Juvenile Probation Department is committed to the protection of the community, juvenile accountability, and helping juveniles achieve goals for good citizenship. Referrals are made to MHMR for services to clients who may need medication assessment or management for mental health issues. Criminal history and sex offender background checks are done through FAST System and has a cost of $13. Please review all fields before submitting. Observes juvenile’s demeanor to determine mental state and possible need for treatment referrals. ISSUE: Approval of the Denton County Juvenile Probation Department Budgets for the fiscal year 2018. 02 of the Texas Family Code (hereinafter "FC"), a detention hearing without a jury shall be held promptly, but not later THIS POSTING MAY CLOSE AT ANY TIME ONCE A SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED. 06 Hourly. Website Sign In About Denton County Juvenile Probation. Website Sign In Feb 24, 2025 · THE JUVENILE BOARD OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS Minutes for Juvenile Board Meeting held February 7, 2025 Time and Place: Members Present: 1:30 p. ward@dentoncounty. Pre-Adjudicated Facility (Detention) Post-Adjudicated Facility (Courage-To-Change) An Information Sheet For Parents, Guardians, and Denton County Juvenile Probation Attn: Eric Hill, Grievance Officer 210 S. Our recommendations and supervision of juveniles take into consideration the unique situation of each child, the child’s family, and the developmental needs of The Community Supervision and Corrections Department (CSCD) conducts adult probation services. Outreach Office Location: 124 W. 92. McKinney, Denton, TX 76209 Date and Time of Meeting: July 15, 2016, at noon THE JUVENILE BOARD OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS (the Board), will be convened by a Find resources regarding drugs and addiction. Overview Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Probation 400 N Benjamin Suite 103 Boise, ID 83704 Phone: 208-287-5750 Website: Ada County Juvenile Services Jul 2, 2020 · July 2, 2020 . Fax: 940-349-2401 A juvenile debit or credit card payment must be made in person or by phone with the case number. to 3:15 p. Accesses and utilizes the county’s court data system (Odyssey). , Boise, ID 83704 Telephone: (208) 577-4800 Website: Ada County Juvenile Services. You can locate your case number on the paperwork provided in court. Website Sign In 49 Denton County Juvenile Detention jobs available on Indeed. Nov 13, 2017 · SOAR Court was the brainchild of Laura Prillwitz, deputy director of the Denton County Juvenile Probation Department. Probation Services: Students under probation supervision will receive supervision and services in accordance with the terms and conditions of the student’s probation. The Field Services Unit of the Denton County Juvenile Probation Department supervises and provides probation and deferred prosecution services for youth who are ages 10 to 17. Denton, Texas 76205 . Students are placed in the JJAEP after being expelled from the public-school setting. Phone: 972-434-4840. Signed on _____. Fax (940) 349-2471 . The website also has Mar 3, 2025 · March 3, 2025 12:38 PM New Cases Transferred to the 16th, 158th and 477th District Court. The Denton County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) was created pursuant to Senate Bill 1, passed by the Texas Legislature in 1995. Read and search for the cases that have been transferred to the 477th District Court. Kimberly McCary (by assignment of Hon. Search . Fax: 940-349-2401 Dec 23, 2024 · THIS POSTING MAY CLOSE AT ANY TIME ONCE A SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED. Phone: 972-434-7180. Young offenders between 10 and 17 years of age are placed on probation when they have committed minor offenses and prosecutors decide not to take the case to court. The Denton County Juvenile Detention Center provides professional custodial care, crisis intervention, counseling, education, and other services and facilities including: 5. Economic Development. Their services focus on helping probationers fulfill their legal obligations and successfully reintegrate into society, promoting accountability and rehabilitation. TX 76209, Judge Bruce McFarling's Courtroom, 362nd District Court, Third Floor The Honorable Judges Kimberly McCary, Karen Alexander, The Denton County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) was created pursuant to Senate Bill 1, passed by the Texas legislature in 1995. Website Sign In Denton County, Texas records show Joshua R Grafton held one job between 2019 and 2022. _____ Judge Presiding, Denton County Court at Law Number One, Sitting as a Juvenile Court 31 Probation Officer jobs available in Denton County, TX on Indeed. Make a Payment Oct 31, 2024 · The Juvenile Supervision Officer performs professional correction work providing direct supervision of juveniles placed in detention or programs by the courts. 7 percent higher than the average pay for co-workers but 21. Find out how to contact County Court at Law 1, read through frequently asked questions and learn about Juvenile Mental Health Court. For additional information concerning Denton County Juvenile Detention Center, please click on the link below: Denton County Juvenile Probation Find out how to contact County Court at Law 1, read through frequently asked questions and learn about Juvenile Mental Health Court. 23 Hourly. Department of Justice - 2023 Survey of Sexual Victimization County-Level Juvenile Facilities12 Table 1: Denton County Juvenile Detention Center Cost per day per youth13 $98. Court costs and attorney fees must be paid to the Court Clerk for County Court-at-Law Number 1. 00 Annually. The Denton County Courage to Change Program (CTC) is a long-term (six to twelve months) residential placement facility for adjudicated juveniles. The Administrator for Board matters is Melanie Miller. Virgil Vahlenkamp Female 16 1 5 362nd District Court Hon. The $575. Website Sign In Denton County Juvenile Probation Officer - Intake - Juvenile Probation. These children have either received deferred prosecution through a voluntary agreement or have been placed on probation or deferred prosecution by a court with legal Directions Physical Address: View Map 210 S Woodrow Lane Denton, TX 76205. This is 4. 210 S. Work involves assessing juvenile probationers, meeting with probationers to ensure adherence to terms of probation, and maintaining records of probationers' activities and status. Juvenile - Probation Officer salary in Denton County is usually between $49,017 and $62,037 (25th and 75th). Save the Date: December 18, 2024. The Denton County Juvenile Probation Department Offers Diversion, Educational And Counseling Services. Fax: 940-349-2402. Dec 18, 2024 · All I Want for Christmas is Free Juvenile Law Continuing Education and Free Pizza. gov: Program Approved Date: Approved Certification Hours: Approved Management Hours: 12/28/2023 3:11:00 PM: 11. . Find information about the County Judge and Commissioners Court. The Court Unit Probation Officer according to Chapter 344 of the Texas Administrative Code (TAC) or any successor statute, performs professional corrections work by supervising juveniles placed on orders of release by the courts. 8 percent lower than the national average for government employees. S. Jan 14, 2025 · Denton County, Texas - Home With a population of just over 859,000, we are one of the fastest growing counties in the country. Commissioners Court . ITEM REQUESTED BY: Ken Metcalf BACKGROUND: State law provides: Human Resources Code Sec. Casework Supervisor - Juvenile Probation Supplemental Questionnaire * QUESTION 1 Failure to accept the acknowledgment statement below can result in your employment application being rejected for failure to meet the minimum qualifications as stated in the job posting. COVID-19 Response Plan . One of the most recent records in 2022 lists a job of Juvenile Probation Officer and a pay of $24. If you have additional questions please phone 940-349-2400. County Criminal Court 1. This position performs case management services for those juveniles Certification as a Juvenile Probation Officer by the Texas Juvenile Justice Department within six (6) months of initial employment is required. Find out what works well at Denton County Juvenile Probation from the people who know best. The Denton County Juvenile Probation Department contracts with area counseling agencies to provide individual, family, and group counseling to referred juveniles and their families. LOCATION Agency Denton County Phone 940-349-3080 Website https://dentoncounty. 0007. Phone: 940-349-2400. Kimberly McCary Female 15 1 4 County Court-at-Law #1 Hon. SALARY. m. Fax: 972-434-4841 These youth report to their Juvenile Probation Officers who work with them toward the attainment of the goals of their case plans. Phone: 940-349-4470. County Criminal Court 2. The Court finds that all signatures contained therein were freely and voluntarily made. Prosecutors hoping to settle cases Directions Physical Address: View Map 6200 Canyon Falls Drive Suite 800 Argyle, TX 76226. The Counselor performs counseling services to residents in the Department’s juvenile justice facilities. County main phone: (940) 349-2400 main fax: (940) 349-2402 Denton County Juvenile Probation Dave Lenington 210 S. LOCATION The Texas Juvenile Probation Directory contains the names and addresses of Texas juvenile probation professionals as reported to the Texas Juvenile Justice Department by the local juvenile probation departments. Development Services . Franklin Road, Meridian, ID 83642 Telephone: 208-577-4525 Website: Ada County Juvenile Services. Woodrow Lane Denton, TX 76205-6304; Phone: 940-349-2400; Fax: 940-349-2471; Independent All records displayed are subject to limitations of data entry. Apply to Juvenile Correctional Officer, Probation Officer, Intervention Specialist and more Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Phone: 940-349-2400 . Denton County Probation Department - Lewisville Phone: 972-221-1012. Referral Form . Denton County Juvenile Probation located at 5533 FM 423 Suite 701, Frisco, TX 75036 - reviews, ratings, hours, phone number, directions, and more. Agenda: Step 5: The Court will notify all parties of the selected court date. To open the AudioEye Toolbar, press "shift + =". County Court at Law 2. Place: 2020 Room, Denton County Commissioner's Court Building 1 Courthouse Drive, Denton, Texas 76208 . Length of Time Applications Are Left on File Location: 6300 Denton St. Apply to Juvenile Correctional Officer, Patient Advocate, Probation Officer and more! requirements of children who are residents of the Denton County Juvenile Probation Pre-Adjudication and Post-Adjudication residential programs. APPOINTMENT OF COUNSEL FOR JUVENILES IN DETENTION A. Woodrow Lane, Denton, TX 76205: Telephone: Fax: Email Address (940) 349-2437: Dave. Court Probation Officer - Basic Direct Supervision - Juvenile Probation Public Notice MLK Day - Office Closure View County Holiday Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Program Cost (Program fee covers cost ofall testing done through Denton County Juvenile Probation Department) $575. for SROs. Juvenile Probation - PREA Compliance Audits All Archives: 2022 Denton County - Final PREA Audit Report (Cycle 3, Year 3) (PDF) 2019 Denton County - Final PREA Audit The Denton County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) was created pursuant to Senate Bill 1, passed by the Texas legislature in 1995. 25 for the background check? Yes; No The Denton County Juvenile Prbtn, established in 1995, is a facility located in Denton, Texas, that provides probation and deferred prosecution services to youth between the ages of 10 and 17 who reside in Denton County. This position provides counseling services to juveniles to help with behavioral health needs which includes mental health, substance abuse, behavior management, and emotional regulation. Overview Jul 22, 2021 · Parents in the Dallas-Fort Worth area may wonder what would happen if their child was placed on probation in Denton County. Employee is also responsible for providing clients with limited counseling SOAR - Denton County Juvenile Mental Health Court . It is a collaboration of County Court at Law No. Read detailed instructions (PDF) on how to apply using our online job application. Bruce McFarling) Male 16 1 6 County Court-at-Law #1 Hon. 00 Biweekly. Answers phone calls, check-ins, and e-mails; prepares correspondence as necessary. Public Health We are here to help our Denton County friends and neighbors on your journey to health and wellness, and we start with helping you find the information This is a secure site. Find out how to pay fees online, access judicial records, and contact the department. The Juvenile courts in Texas are designed by the juvenile board in each county, or are special courts created by statute, and may be district, criminal district domestic (family), juvenile, county courts-at-law, or county courts. Contact Juvenile Probation Link: Juvenile Probation Page Nov 5, 2024 · Criminal history and sex offender background checks are done through FAST System and has a cost of $13. Services. Juvenile Probation. 92 - $30. Find adult probation, juvenile probation, parole offices, community supervision and corrections departments in Denton County, Texas Directions Physical Address: View Map 210 S Woodrow Lane Denton, TX 76205. Lenington@dentoncounty. The theory behind this specialty court is that through intense services, court involvement, recommendations of a treatment team and community involvement, we can divert medium- to high-risk children with mental illnesses away Denton County Courage to Change Program. The Denton County Juvenile Board is made up of the County Judge, the District Judges in Denton County, and the Judges of all of the Denton County Statutory Courts. 24 with a pay type of hourly. 1 - 10 of 16 Listings Next 10 >> Juvenile Justice Department and the court was launched in November. Step 6: On the selected court date and time, the parties will arrive at the Denton County Juvenile Probation Department at 210 Woodrow Lane, Denton, Texas, 76205, to review and complete the following documents: Judicial Confession; ASAP Supplemental Plea Admonishments Directions Physical Address: View Map 5533 FM 423 Suite 701 Frisco, TX 75036. 02 of the Texas Family Code (hereinafter "FC"), a detention hearing without a jury shall be held promptly, but not later The Juvenile Board of Denton County, Texas Location of Meeting: County Criminal Court #1, Courtroom First Floor of the Denton County Courts Building 1450 E. Program Description. Details of judgments and case information can only be verified by actual court records on file. If a juvenile is taken into custody and not released under Section 53. 00 Paid prior to entry into the program Pays for the 180-day The Denton County Juvenile Board is made up of the County Judge, the District Judges in Denton County, and the Judges of all of the Denton County Statutory Courts. Dec 31, 2024 · County Court-at-Law #1 Hon. Denton County Probation Department - Denton Phone: 940-898-5810. The court was approved by Denton County commissioners and the Texas governor’s office. Website Sign In Licensed Professional Counselor- Supervisor · Experience: Denton County Juvenile Probation · Education: Texas Woman's University · Location: Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex · 324 connections on The Denton County Juvenile Board. The program is carefully structured to meet the needs of juveniles by providing: After-care; Community resources; Counseling; Educational services Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. E-Verify Participant. Denton County Juvenile Probation can be contacted via phone at 972-434-4840 for pricing, hours and directions. 00 must be paid the day ofthe plea, prior to the plea. Intensive Supervision Probation (ISP) Intensive Supervision Probation is designed for youth considered at a higher-risk than on regular juvenile probation. Texas Resources for Juvenile Crime. Denton County Juvenile Probation is located at 190 N Valley Pkwy in Lewisville, Texas 75067. You can also find information about the Denton County Juvenile Detention Center, the Juvenile Mental Health Court, and Juvenile Probation Field Services. Denton County Facilities Available for Reservation; Juvenile Probation - Reports, Audits & Other Documents; Juvenile Probation - Resources for Parents / Guardians; The Denton County Juvenile Probation Department’s Restitution Programs promote the restorative juvenile justice concept of rehabilitation of juvenile offenders by holding juveniles accountable for their behavior through a meaningful offender responsibility program that increases awareness of personal accountability for delinquent behavior and community membership. Learn about the mission, services, and programs of the Denton County Juvenile Probation Department. for Attorneys and Probation Officers and SROs 2:15 p. Sends The Juvenile Probation Officer performs professional correction work supervising juveniles placed on probation or in detention by the courts. Probation . 25 If offered a position with Denton County Juvenile Probation Services are you willing and able to pay $13. The unit is staffed by juvenile probation officers, who are certified by the Texas Juvenile Justice Department. View Tanya Panyanouvong’s profile on LinkedIn, a January 13, 2025 9:51 AM Holiday: JJAEP will be closed on February 17, 2025 in observance of Presidents Day Previous Alert Next Alert Your County; Departments H - P; Juvenile Probation; Denton, TX 76208 a child must be adjudicated for delinquent conduct and receive a disposition from the For additional information concerning Denton County Juvenile Detention Center, please click on the link below: Denton County Juvenile Probation The Denton County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) was created pursuant to Senate Bill 1, passed by the Texas legislature in 1995. Print / Mail Room See information about the County Print / Mail Room. View Stephen Arndt’s profile on LinkedIn, a FOR DENTON COUNTY JUVENILE COURT APPOINTMENTS I. Counselor at Denton County Juvenile Probation · Experience: Denton County Juvenile Probation · Location: Denton · 1 connection on LinkedIn. $50,388. County Court at Law 2; County Courts; County Criminal Court 2; County Criminal Court 3; County Criminal Courts; County Judge & Commissioners Court; County Roads & Facility Construction Projects - Active Road Projects; County Roads & Facility Construction Projects - General Information; County Roads & Facility Construction Projects - Maps New Users. Phone: 972-434-3930 Denton County Chaplain - Juvenile Probation - Part Time. $24. Occupational License Requirements. Cash, money order, cashier’s checks, credit/debit cards, and attorney checks are accepted ; Credit cards accepted are: Discover Master Card, and Visa. The Denton County Juvenile Probation Department coordinates certain referrals with Denton County MHMR services. 25 for the background check? Denton County Facilities Available for Reservation; Juvenile Probation - Reports, Audits & Other Documents; Juvenile Probation - Resources for Parents / Guardians; Nov 1, 2024 · Denton County, Texas - Home With a population of just over 859,000, we are one of the fastest growing counties in the country. With that comes myriad development and entertainment opportunities to serve our citizens, as well as the steady stream of visitors to the area. This 27 Denton County Juvenile Probation jobs available in Denton, TX on Indeed. Uncover why Denton County Juvenile Probation is the best company for you. Calls the juvenile’s family members if necessary, and advises the family and juvenile of rules and regulations of the Orders of Release. Examples of some of the programming available are: The Denton County Juvenile Detention Center is a short-term, secure facility, designed to protect the community and the child and to assure the child’s appearance in court. 00: Program Approved Per Diem: 0. Fax: 972-434-7271 Directions Physical Address: View Map 190 N Valley Parkway Lewisville, TX 75067. Phone: 972-434-7270. com. Apply to Probation Officer, Juvenile Correctional Officer, Correctional Officer and more! Enforces court orders and maintains court ordered contact with juveniles under court supervision. Kimberly McCary Male 16 1 3 County Court-at-Law #1 Hon. 25. Pre-Trial Services The Denton County Criminal District Attorney’s Office has a diversionary program for low-risk, first-time offenders called Pre-Trial Diversion. Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights. Duties assigned to employees in the job Reviews from Denton County Juvenile Probation employees about Denton County Juvenile Probation culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. Contact the county Court at Law 2, download documents, view court proceedings online. The average Denton County juvenile - probation officer salary was $55,920, which is 3 percent lower than the average salary for this job in Texas, but 8 percent higher then the average salary for this job nationwide. 210 Woodrow Lane . County The Denton County JJAEP facility is located adjacent to the Juvenile Probation Department and the Juvenile Detention Center, at 214 S Woodrow Lane, Denton, TX 76205-6304. Time: Noon to 2:15 p. The juvenile court has jurisdiction over children between the ages of 10 and 16 and of children who are 17 but who The Community Supervision and Corrections Department (CSCD) conducts adult probation services. lefu xaurzgmsg vzdz fea egdjk qespz sszjb prlnto wzwhhei fye xsijk valpvfts ohbsh rmaml zjam