Ffxiv simple raise macro Level: 30 Jobs: WHM May 12, 2020 Fantasy Wrestling I appreciate this is an older post but I came across it in a search and see it is relatively unanswered. <se. I prefer mouseover macros to prevent hotbar bloat: /ac “Kardia”<mo> /ac “Kardia”<t> /micon “Kardia” If you are concerned about quality not hitting you can always add a ( ac/ "Basic Touch" <wait. Having made that mistake myself in the past, I cobbled together a macro that changes in to your gearset, summons a minion, summons your carbuncle, and uses 2 emotes. Basic Rez Macro (RDM) /ac “Swiftcast” <wait. If you just want to fulfill job fantasy, type the command into /echo. First you must be sure to turn off hotbar sharing through character settings to ensure this works correctly. I do have macros built for my healer, but they’re more encouraging than they are disparaging. It takes only a single button to turn on tank stance already. e. Half the time raise either wouldn't fire or would only fire if I stood fully still for 3-5 seconds between swiftcast activating and raise going out, which completely defeated the entire point of the macro. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! and maybe a macro for raising to let the other healer know you got it (so, they dont waste QC raise on your target as you do the same thing, but even that one isnt really worth doing imo). weaponskills and spells, should not be assigned to a macro, because it will cause a delay when executing the macro and ultimately result in lost casts over the course of an encounter. FFXIV's next expansion, Dawntrail, launches on June 28th, 2024! In times of intense aoe dodging where your instinct is to stop casting and focus on movement, having an inefficient macro doing your basic rotation is still an uptime gain. a lot of people use them to let the party know who's being raised, but a] they often try to make a joke that more often than not comes off as patronizing or downright insulting, and b] putting it in a macro increases It can be as simple as just putting "Hey there" in an empty macro. dodgy, unless you put excessive wait times in them at which point you're better off without them. 1> on raise macros, when I'm in raid I don't look at the chat because it's usually flavor text for the /p [cheeky quote] (use <t> to display the name of the target you're raising) /wait 1 (if you want your message to display one second before actually doing the raise) /ac swiftcast /ac resurrection /micon resurrection (to make the macro look the same as resurrection) The macro can only attempt to raise in the order in which you wrote the targets. A better strategy is to look at the party list as you select your raise target. I found that in practice, it consistently didn't fire properly. Using the "tt" macro target tag will cast the macro'd action on "target of my target". It doesn't need to be a "giant wall of text. Bot can start craft and press macro buttons over Go to ffxiv r/ffxiv • by AlexDeJesus. macros are worse for high level, super optimized play, but for regular dungeon running it's fine. 1>" Hi everyone, I've been experimenting with making a simple macro for letting the party know who I'm raising, but there's been a couple of times where I've pressed the wrong button in a fight and the message has sent with the boss' name in it as that's what I'm targeting. Basic Attention Token; Bitcoin Cash; Television. I've seen the passive aggressive or wannabe "funny" ones many multiples of times more than I've seen a simple "raising <t>" macro. " "LIVE U BASTARD!!" Funny, yet simple FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Simple Raise macros like the ones that add "{raise} {just used it} <t>" are super helpful in fights to know which char is getting attention already. Menu macros rely on a macro command that we will call "Copy Hotbar". Reply reply Help_Me_Im_Diene I actually really prefer the <se. This isn't a hard rule though. But this is priority #1 because as you get caught up trying to increase the quality of your craft to get that coveted HQ, the last thing you need is to be at 10 or 5 durability with one step left when you need two to finish. change 'ascend' with any raise (verraise FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Some people have a macro for their raise, to also say in chat who they are raising, which is useful in multi healer instances. All a raise macro dose is FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! I'd prefer if healers had a straightforward macro text tbh, but if you want, make 'raising <t>' the very first thing, then whatever flavor text after. But yeah if they're adamant on this macro then the /p message has to be first, and they have to use waits, and they have to not mash it. So yes, your first priority It's pretty common that a people who can Swift+raise (even SMN since it's not used very often) is going to have a raise macro to call out who they're raising. I'd go with something like: FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! You're delaying your raise, and not helping cohealer decide whether to use Swift or not. WHM Beginner Helpers. You can swap "/party" for /whatever channel you want to use. Don't use macros to try and simplify your rotation. ) are on the WXHB. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! . Follow Macro 3: Tank Stance Macro 4: Summons. Even less so if it has a se. Leave yourself enough durability to complete your synthesis! I know that sounds obvious, really. Most raises are swiftcasted anyway and if both healers swiftcast raise the same person then the macro wasn't gonna help anyway. I've tried a rez macro. Now before any hardcore MMORPG fans come after me, this list isn’t macros I'm talking about the fact that you can't hit a macro, and 'queue' or chain it right into the next macro (or the same one again) like you can with a raw skill, where you can hit the button right before the GCD is up and it will link the two together seamlessly. Negative points, downvotes, salted earth and bad karma if the person uses a Yu-gi-oh or Sakura CC line. Use this to increase the yield of the catch by using Double Hook. r/ffxiv. With macros, the lack of buffering means that there will always be gaps and clipping, possibly even dropped abilities. Don’t really get how this is a solution. Never, ever attach Swift Cast to any Raise Macro, ever, period, ever. 4 will make this unnecessary). The passive-agressive attention-seeking nature of most rez macros in anything less a savage is going to cause you drama when someone gets offended. Having it there doesn't limit someone to use it just for Raise. Will definitely keep an anti-res macro on standby from now on for those res macro spammers "Anti-raise macro: Healers, you should lay down when sleeping, that way we know <mo> won't be raised. These can all be directly copy and pasted into the body section of the macro editor. But he's at the top, and the macro becomes worthless because you have to manually target the other dps anyways. If you’re forgetting to press tank stance, you’re gonna forget to press this macro too. They will hurt your dps no doubt because of delay, and for many Jobs: SMN,SCH Description: SMN/SCH Resurrection based rez macro Reports your swiftcast cooldown time to the party Title: Swiftcast Rez I have a macro for my Summoner because if I’m raising it’s because we’re already in trouble. The reason is because macros cannot send to the combat buffer. Examples where they can be nice. Macros are written in the User Macro menu. Raise macros quickly clutter the chat and seeing the same macro on repeat is like reading the same joke non-stop. So putting it after the raise wouldn't serve its purpose. Or are you asking for a macro that hits multiple hotkeys in succession for you automatically? you're out of luck; the wait command for macros doesn't sync up with the GCD, so any such macro would be immensely subpar. Ya to be honest I only made this The only trouble is that these type of macro's often require you to spam it to execute it, as macros disable command queuing. 3 /ac "raise" <t> /p get up off your lazy ass, <t>! Go to ffxiv r/ffxiv. I mean if you do 24mans where people die plenty it's nice to know if char1 or 2 is rezzed already without having to click on the co healer first. Swiftcast -> Raise macros aren't useful level: 90 jobs: pld, war, drk, gnb, mnk, drg, rpr, nin, brd, mch, dnc, sam, rdm, blm, smn, whm, sch, ast, sge, blu jan 6, 2022 FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • Minfilia-Warde Just a simple "Raising <t>" would suffice to notify the other healer Reply reply Karthurr I've never seen a single raise macro longer than a short sentence, and I don't see how "Raising <t>" is any 'better' at conveying you're raising a target than any If it is you can skip your Quick Raise macro and either just click Raise directly or a Long Raise macro (which in that image is the X icon below my Quick Raise macro’s icon). It’s super easy to just click down on the left joystick for a quick sprint. These macro tips and suggested macros are not intended to necessarily be optimal, but to provide an option for players with certain playstyles to save a few keybinds here and there and make what macros they -do- Use his macro with the /wait /p raising <t> and spam the hell out of it, or add a /wait line inbetween the Presence of Mind cast and Raise cast and only press the macro once. 2> /ac “Verraise FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! The combining all player group members in one is not ideal but a simple swift cast and raise on target works 100% from my experience As much as you want to make your raise macro do all the work for you with regards to picking the target, it is suboptimal and will cause you problems. Macro raise with the text, but keep swift out of the macro because several times it simply doesn’t work well. In normal content a wasted swiftcast or raise isn't the end of the world. If you want to use a macro in random parties, just have them be directly to the point, such as "Raising <mo>" or "Tank Swap" Otherwise, I dont use them, but some creative hello messages are always fun to see. However, it may be recommended to A simple "/p Raising <t>" can help to prevent 2 healers accidentally using their rez on the same person. Скачать бесплатно готовые макросы для «best ffxiv raise macro text». Don't give it. . it isn't optimal, but it doesn't need to be; it's just someone trying to make life easier No, GCD macros are bad. 5sec global grace period when you use a macro). I look forward to seeing anti-res macros in 24 mans. I know most here have said it can’t be done, but it absolutely can, and u/Tamoketh is on the money - just uses some clever hotbar switching and a set of macros set up with fixed /mastervolume increments. Macros in FFXIV should NOT be used to chain multiple GCD skills with a single button press. Raise macros actually serve a purpose for communication You reorder your list, and FloorDRg is in the DPS section ok. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Manually setting up Swiftcast (when available) or using a Verfast attack spell to set up Dualcast, then using a simple macro with /sh Raising <t> /ac "Rez Spell" <t> Without anything else is probably not as much of an issue as someone who fires Swiftcast, Rez, and then: what are some of your funny resurrection or raise macros that you have or seen while playing FFXIV? Mine is /p reviving <t> "if I don' get to die, you don't get to either. Also, RP Raise macros can be counterproductive, if the goal is to communicate who you're raising, keep it concise. Guide FFXIV: Macros. Forum Top. Because of this GCDs should almost never be macrod. sometimes with a Swiftcast included. Lazy raise macro. For one, the game's GCD is 2. Try to include wait times or multiple casts of the ability. Thread starter Six; Start date Feb 26, 2015; Tip 2: If you use a Swiftcast + Raise macro - make sure you can reach this button easily by knowing where it is, Fast Blade is the first skill in the My raise macro is extremely simple: "/p Casting {Raise} on <t>. Go to ffxiv r/ffxiv. Have a macro you hit with ONLY “Raising <t>” Now you don’t get unneeded delays and you still tell the other raisers who you got. So I'm just not learning as about macros and confused with em. g. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! His basic spells are instacasts and his special let’s you do an aoe attack that is meant to be interweaved inbetween the main attack you do with him. There are useful QoL targeting macros - and crafting macros you're encouraged to use - but the way abilities are queued means that it's a significant efficiency loss to macro a combat ability (such as trying to macro a rotation to one key) without addons. You can make these macros: /ac “Kardia”<2> /micon “Kardia” Then do the same for the third target. Voice chat is a HUGE advantage, but it's still possible to be successful without it by using chat macros to coordinate. They're for the other healer to know who you're raising so they don't try doing the same. This led me to tinkering around with user macros, a very useful tool for automating all sorts of things in the game and making things a tiny bit friendlier to my user experience. Is there any way to create a rez macro that targets the nearest the dead person even if they are not in your party? It’s not easy but you can use the game pad on the controller Or what I do is stand over the dead A smart raise macro lets you press it without having to switch targets so you can minimize the amount of time spent thinking about the raise and maximize the time spent killing things. 4 second insta casts. Idk as a healer main I basically never rely on rez macros. Anything other than "Raise <t>" is just spam. Title: Lazy raise macro Body: Part 1 Keep your macro simple and straight to the point. This is how I use mine, and works fine: /macroicon "Ascend" /ac "Swiftcast" /wait 0. Contribute to cboler/ffxiv-macro development by creating an account on GitHub. Of course this is all higher level stuff and if you're just doing simple content your physick+embrace macro works just fine. On hotbar 8, set up a bar focused on Fire abilities and use this first macro on your Transpose . Experience and practice is needed to ween yourself off that. The shot caller can prepare macros with some simple commands e. In other words it's even less useful than a raise macro, because at least that can FFXIV's next expansion, Dawntrail, launches on June 28th, 2024! Something simple to communicate with other healers and the SMNs/RDMs who you are using your res on is fine. Today's Posts; Today's Posts (All) FAQ; Forum Actions. Can't do that with macros, that's all I was saying in the second part. FFXIV Macro. If Raise is not available, it will automaticly use To get the most bang for your buck on your rez macro, I recommend the following order on your hotbar: [Swiftcast] [Quick Raise Macro] [Raise] [Full Heal Action] This set up will let you see if Swiftcast is still on cooldown. Please don't make these kinds of raise macros, they're never funny after the first time and if you're the one at fault for their death it just If you're familiar with combat macros from other MMOs, drop that mindset immediately. The longer you make someone read something, the longer of Especially in a game like FFXIV where macro scripts are rather limiting and the Global Cooldown is King. Very simple one, just "rasing X". If you have easy access to Swiftcast and Raise, you just need to select Don't carry protect around as a role skill, take this macro instead. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • This only takes two very simple macros and some hotbar adjusting. The Real Housewives of Atlanta; The Bachelor; Sister Wives; FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! would be a target macro for a ground targeting spell such as sacred soil while playing on controller or a swiftcast raise macro is you have trouble with hotbar space as a healer Short raise macros are good since it communicates to your cohealer/casters with raises that they don't need to waste the MP and GCD. The only difference is that one says hello. Great for Shinryu EX and o4s so you can block the knockback instead of keeping protect on your hot bar. Will turn off surecast, turn on protect, cast protect and turn surecast back on and protect back off. Also I really don't understand the purpose of macros that are tied to actions that don't say what the action was. Raise Macro: /micon Raise /ac Swiftcast <me> /wait 2 /ac Raise <t> /p Raising <t> So basically this raise macro allows for you to use it in conjunction with swiftcast, ensuring the perfect swift cast raise! We have the wait in there because swiftcast takes some time and it helps to prevent spamming your party chat as well. 5, on a macro the second gcd skill won't be launched until 3 seconds instead of 2. Adding certain chat channel commands (such as /p to party, /a for alliance chat, /cwl1 for It is really up to you for placement of skills, but I put my DPS abilities on the right (with Assize) and the healing abilities on the left. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! A simple "raising <t>" lets the other healer, SMN, and RDM know not to also raise that person. What this macro does is allow you to raise dead party members based on party list priority and keeps you from having to target them directly. two reasons, the first one which many has mentioned by now which is what macros can't be queued the second reason is because you can't add half seconds on the macro so if for example your gcd recast time is 2. Some people make Raise Macros to announce who they're raising and that's the only legitimate use off the top of my head. Mine is just a simple one line with a sound effect so my co-healer knows I’m on it and even that is annoying at times when I have to press the macro several times because for some reason my character stands there like an idiot and doesn’t cast it. 1> /ac "Raise" <t> <wait. i couldn't find a thread that had the correct macro, i copied some but those fail. You should also use this when you FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Also just to be clear most provoke/shirk macros are very simple (and some people use the auto translate function. You get the novellas that are impossible to parse quickly. The downside is you can't be too dependent on them since there's too much that can go wrong (e. Jobs: WHM Description: Casts raise on the first party member it can without having to target them. 10> Can't claim credit for the idea but I saw something similar in a roulette awhile back and wanted something like it. the command /micon can be used to have the macro have the icon of any action or really any other icon in the game. Скачать бесплатно готовые макросы для «ffxiv raise macro text». Your invoice will be sent shortly. Firstly, Dpad soft target on player /focus target /cast Swiftcast /wait 1 /ac RAISE <f> /micon Swiftcast if you have other good macro, it is appreciated share to me XD Do not macro GCD battle skills. are the auto-translate. I saw a guy literally get a temp ban for his huge, obnoxious macros before; apparently you can report that kind of shit. Keep in mind that macros have a limit of 15 commands and cannot start other macros so try to keep them short and straight to the point. And if I'm not using swiftcast, I don't use the macro. for example, if you want a raise macro (as many healers are wont to do to make fun of loldrgs), then here it is: /micon "raise" /ac "swiftcast" /wait . Reply reply My simple Java code doesn't wanna run, please help! Aside from the obligatory raise macro, I use target-of-target macros for my offensive spells: I have a metric ton of crafting macros. Even basic raise macros are not needed. Don't use macros, plain and simple. 0 and it resulted in "Raising [the Enemy]" because I would switch from my rez target back to the boss faster than the macro could process the command. i have to click twice. even my simple raise macro where i announce who I'm raising doesn't always go off (it's literally just a macro that announces who I'm targeting when i cast raise). 2> /gearset change 2 <wait. nice and simple Reply reply Opal__Sapphire Raise macros are to reduce or prevent multiple raises on the same person wasting time and mana Reply reply [deleted] • • Go to ffxiv r/ffxiv • by I’d just keep it simple and call out who you raised, anything more than that can be a distraction, especially in a frantic setting I have verraising ver<t> its the wildest i will go with any raise macro but if alot of people die i just use it without macro as its annoying They're more annoying than helpful and only useful when there are multiple people dead, at least one person needs to be hard raised, they need to be raised in the next 10-15 seconds or you wipe, and the person hardcasting raise goes first. Same can be said for other macros, like a DRK having one for Living Dead. For two, you cannot "queue" up the abilities so it's easy to lose time getting the macro to activate as it doesn't seamlessly do As a heal main I have a raise macro that is 100% boring and only intended to ensure the other healer doesn't rez the same person. I suggest placing Swift Cast NEXT to the macro Are you asking for a macro that would improve the use of Raise/Ressurection/Ascend? Because that's what "Res Macro" actually means. Marcos aren’t 100% reliable if you only use one cast of an ability. See, a functional Raise macro can simply be "/p Raising <t>. /p Raising <t> ! That should work. Made a run macro for l3 button and that was it. "Raising 'xxx', swiftcast down for 60 seconds" honestly anything more than that is almost always insulting on some level. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! At most, I use raise macro in 24-man raids because of the utter chaos that can happen in there. I've got my super easy 40 durability ones, medium difficulty 40 durability ones, my 100% 2 star HQ one, my 2. " Since it's pretty long I only use it around friends. I found that, for me, hitting Swiftcast, then raise in quick succession is much faster. " "LIVE U BASTARD!!" Funny, yet simple. Give some basic macros a try and see Go to ffxiv r/ffxiv • by annoying to people unless you static agrees on a regular use of them I would completely refrain from using anything but simple countdown and raise macros with strangers Reply Muscular_Kitten If someone does want to use a raise macro (and 6. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that Depends on your group order. but with some slight changes to make it relevant to FFXIV Having Swiftcast in your raising macro works just fine. Macros in combat are always a bit. " Normally I hate macros that are extra fancy and hard to understand at a glance but the truly funny ones are hard to get mad at. /micon "resurrection" /ac "ressurection" <t> /p "I'm not your momma <t> but I'll raise you!" <se. They can't be queued, they can't be used with weaving (which all healers have a lot of in later enemies), and you will be dead weight in end game if you try those 'target one person with cure and the enemy with stone' type macros WoW players keep asking for - you will be casting 20% slower than another player because you can't skill queue and you Macros have uses during combat but they should be used cautiously or it will be detrimental to your output. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • [deleted There is an inherent lag with them that can potentially hurt. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I main WHM, but switch to others often. The Level 100 Gear Macros assume that you have a minimum of CP+7 melded to all Accessories, Legs and Feet. It'll Here's a few macros and tips of my own: Tip 1: If you have been using the pre-selected macro icons, try typing /macroicon "enter skill name here" - this will change the icon to your desired icon instead. Use this to place When you use a macro the message either appears a second after you have already used the abilities (and after I have noted so from the party list) or if you don't use a wait command you will end up spamming chat when it misfires (which will happen due to the loss of the 0. Nobody stops anymore and say 'hah what a funny macro', in fact I think people are so sanitized to the whole raise macro cringe, nobody pays attention to who you are raising anymore, defeating the idea of having a raise macro in the first place. 1. 1> As I became more and more interested in FFXIV I started looking at smaller things that could improve my gameplay experience. However, if you plan to play Ninja (*or Sage, 99% of the time a raise macros is not needed. I love using macros, they make it real easy to remember those abilities that have a 2 min cooldown and you eventually forget they even exist. Cooldowns and occasional use skills (Protect, Thin Air, Raise, etc. All; Crafting; Gathering; Battle; Raid; Fun; Create New; Share your best Final Fantasy XIV macros Battle. 1> /p Raising <t> I've been iffy on macros so long, this expansion I've played with them a little. So to raise the person lower in the list, you'd have to manually target them anyway. Raise macro . I use a simple raise macro to say who I'm raising but thats about it. Garuda has a puddle dot which is a 3 second hardcast then her other spells are 1. White Mage Macro helpers. If you're using a macro to alert someone that you're doing something - say what you're doing. Contents. My favorite raise macro so far was a whm in a bird In dungeons, the tank is pretty much always the one taking dangerous damage. All skills have their uses even if they are only niche ones. use your Healer DoT macro then Raise macro someone - now the rest of that first macro is cancelled so you won't get the notification when your DoT needs to be refreshed). It works in 2022, which is great because I was having trouble finding anything current. Great for quick raise macros /wait [time] Adds a wait time of a number of second into your macro <1> Target’s party member one. true. 3> ) in place of the master's mend in the last step of macro 1, moving the master's mend step to the start of macro two just to guarantee that you hit the appropriate quality mark for turn in. 0 added the cast target to the nameplates that make it not needed now There are so many commands you can use for macros in FFXIV, that it can be hard to find out which ones are useful! In this guide, we go over most of the basi Rez macros aren't (generally) for the party. Benefic and Benefic 2 should be your last resort when you hit 70 to heal can anyone give me a good macro for swiftcast + raise, which also says it in chat, a one time click macro please. Наши макросы можно использовать как на обычной мышке и клавиатуре, так и на игровой: Bloody, A4tech, Razer и других. And then you get people who don't have rez macros at all. Casts raise on the first party member it can without having to target them. Luckily, usually it Macros for FFXIV. It's funny the first time, it's not funny when the entire chat is filled with raise macros + sound effects in an alliance raid. 3>", you don't need anything further than that, nor anything further than that assists in anyway, but you very often get the jokey raise macros that go for multiple lines, or are so long that will split into multiple lines in the chat box anyway, and those can get kinda obnoxious. A basic Raise macro with text would look like something like this: /ac "Swiftcast" <wait. 124 votes, 89 comments. r/ffxiv • Basic Crafting Macro for Level 80 Ishgard Restoration Collectibles. I'm in the opinion that Macros are either for pre-pull, post-wipe, or for necessary actions, like Limit Breaks, Raises, Unkillable buffs for tanks (ESPECIALLY LIVING DEAD FROM DARK KNIGHT), and raid-wide buffs or synergy such as Battle Litany. The friend macro says "Thank you for contacting Bravo's {Raise} service <t>, your request has been received and is being processed. As a healer, I wouldn’t do a raise + swift macro. The basic purpose of a raise macro is to communicate with your cohealer/backup rezzers that you've already committed FFXIV White Mage Macro [Question] ^ that’s what I use for my healer lb3’s. In that higher content there's better ways to adjust and the macro spam and misfire is just annoying to the whole party. If the other healer in a party finder full party is already raising someone, I would LOVE to know so I dont waste time or cooldowns doing something useless If you must have a raise macro, just a notification on who you are raising is enough. I don't want to read your cheeky res message. If any other macro is pushed (even a simple emote macro), the system forgets what it was waiting for in the first macro and will never fire So I showed a few people 2 very simple macros that I use when fishing, and most of them were surprised that you really could simplify all the fishing actions into 2 macros that even in FFXIV's shitty macro system, work very well contextually. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! I used to have a simple macro that just said "Raising <this guy>" so the healers and the Red Mages\Summoners wouldn't have to target the guy and waste MP\Swiftcasts. I have all healers at 70. Tip 3: I like to give the Casts raise on the first party member it can without having to target them. Help would be appreciated o7 Archived post. Level: 30 Jobs: WHM Sep 19, 2017 Battle. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online. 0 making it so people see who the healer is raising, that will be less needed. I can agree there, and is why I've been using a raise macro on all my raise capable classes since I first learned how to make macros in XIV, but on a If you really wanted to soft-target a raise, you should have done it in this order-- Press Swiftcast Use D-pad to soft-target player Hit your Raise/macro for Raise (The problem with this is that your macro may not immediately take effect and so your soft Click on a generated macro in the text box to instantly select it for copy-paste Generates a full ten, use as many as you want Also generates "close menu" macros for each bar that will save the bar's content on close Simple interface: click, copy, paste, repeat See as long as you keep it simple like “raising x” i dont mind it as its very helpful in instances of “should i rez or can he rez should rdm rez” and prevents all 3 of us spending mana when we all swift raise. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. FINAL FANTASY XIV: DAWNTRAIL - New Mount “Ark” My Raise macro is totally a Sailor Moon reference: /micon "Raise" /ac "Swiftcast" <me> /ac "Raise" <t> /wait 1 /ac "Raise" <t> /p "I call upon my guardian Pluto to reverse the sands of time and bring <t> back to life!" I have raise in there twice because otherwise it will randomly not move from Swiftcast to actually casting Raise. I also have some really useful ones for fairy summons on scholar that will swap out the skills on my hotbar with the skills for the respective fairy. The below assumes you know how to create macro buttons and Yeah, I ran into this issue a lot when I first started healing synced Extreme Trials and had a swiftcast+raise macro. It is important to know how we will make this work. Visa versa, the 1 As you can see - this macro is made for all classes who uses a raising skill. (example: Swiftcast -> Raise). FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Putting a /tell in your raise macro is a little unnecessary as you can't /tell people in any battle that requires a party. Press once = Swiftcast, Press twice = Swiftcast+Raise, Press once while Swiftcast is not ready = Raise. before Medica II goes off. 0. Ultimately, any mean raise macro will have some hilarious or at least ironic uses given that the person being raised might be dead because of the healer raising them. i end up announcing my target 2 or three times before it The best I could do is to increase the skills by 1 (adds an innovation), and the CP cost by 18, which lowers the control requirement from 2083, to 2002. I can still target them. I have it in all of my raising abilities for my healers. As a healer I do appreciate the chat notification when my cohealer starts a raise. this is a standard, straightforward raise macro but also providing my MP to show when I can't afford to raise anymore. Any actions on the global cooldown (GCD), i. thanks in advance! EDIT: just noticed i miss typed swiftcast in titleso i know :p Macros are not useful to improve skill actually you made your worst , the only way to improve is not use them lmao , macro are fine for some HUD option here and there , replay more menus but for combat they are pretty bad and no we don't want to know who are you reading the other healer can see that in the party list , is not necessary anymore FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! A simple /ac sprint line macro then assigning that to L3. Consider a situation where you're doing something like Alexander and require someone up ASAP, you don't often have the time to FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Then raise manually. (1) Last edited by Rongway; 09-24-2018 at 05:40 AM . You get the buggy rez macros that spam the chat with misfires. Generally this will be the tank. Всего в базе 0 макросов Firstly, I'd warn that a lot of folks find raise macros annoying, and if you chain multiple actions to a single macro they tend to activate slower than just manually inputting the actions. That's basically "raising <t>". 6> minorly can be adjusted <F> you can set tank etc as focus target mo mouse over , lastly you/"me" Eukrasian Diagnosis First off, no dialogue macros are "fun" during combat. I always have the tanks at two and three. White Mage Macro helpers Easy Place Fairy. 5s each skill. Here's the macro: /micon 2 gearset /snap motion <wait. Edit mk2: For everyone/anyone wanting to butt in with their unneeded and utterly unwanted opinions on how "macros are bad" or "don't use combat macros", and somehow equate "not optimal use" and "are bad and don't work" as if they are some how one in the same You don't pay my sub. Maybe 10% of the time I'll see a simple, helpful 'raising <t>' macro that actually fires correctly. 5s and macros only work in whole seconds so you lose 0. FFXIV: ARR One Year Anniversary Video Contest (EU) Letter from the level: 90 jobs: pld, ast, war, sge, drk, gnb, mnk, drg, rpr, nin, brd, mch, dnc, sam, rdm, blm, smn, whm, sch sep 1, 2022 LEARNING THE PRIORITY SYSTEM. ) 'come at me <target> <se>' 'provoking <target> <se>' Rezz macros follow the same pattern. 5 seconds Part I: Basic principles, Requirements & Setting up the workspace The kind of mess we're actively trying to avoid. Personally I wouldn't even have a party message, and I'd just use a slow raise since you don't 100% have to swiftcast a raise in most fights. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! footnote: the one common macro i will advise AGAINST using is a raise macro. hell, from the sound of it, this may IMPROVE her effective speed, as it seems like the problem was being able to pick out what she needs and use it on who it needs to be used on quickly and effectively. Macro Tips and Troubleshooting Create Easy to Use Macros. 5 /ac "Ascend" /p Attempting to cure <t> from an unknown infection, stand-by. This isn't intended to make anyone stop using macros altogether, so if it's helpful there's no need to change simple macros that aren't whole sentences being spammed ineffectively in /party. I used them before 6. But with 6. :p Raise macros annoy me for another reason though, regardless of what the content is. Mark Forums Read; Advanced Search Raise macros are important, but A zerk macro is generally annoying, if a healer is looking at the party list zerk will be at the front of the status effects, generally. All; Crafting; Gathering; Battle; Raid; Fun; Create New; Lazy raise macro Battle. They're also so the person being raised pays attention to know it's coming so they can stop browsing reddit. So you can keep the macro when switching your class. Title: Lazy raise macro Body: Part 1 Level Required: 30 FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! other] [all|simple|off] made a couple of these to quickly turn off other players battle effects in raid, I like seeing the effects in more casual content Reply reply I completely dropped a raise macro for a couple years because it'd either decide not to do it's thing, or be extremely slow Disclaimer : A lot of people don't like using too many macros, and feel they can make you a lazy player or less able to react to situations needing more precise skill use. Long text macros get obnoxious, while short ones are helpful. what are some of your funny resurrection or raise macros that you have or seen while playing FFXIV? Mine is /p reviving <t> "if I don' get to die, you don't get to either. That one will automatically say "Hey there" in your current chat channel I think. /micon "raise" /ac "swiftcast" <me> /ac "raise" <t> /p Wasted 2652 mp casting {raise} on <t>. In order to make the macros, you will need to have unlocked at least 1 ARR job (so a class that reached level 30). /p <t> , get your ass up! This should work on whoever you have targeted. Best Must-Use Macros To Improve Gameplay In FFXIV. The party list Simple answer is don't use a raise macro. 971K subscribers in the ffxiv community. Use numbers 1-8 to specify party members; Advice for Macros. We recommend making simple macros that help with difficult actions rather than extremely complex ones since these tend to fail and not execute properly. " Macros are also delayed. Raise macros and provoke macros can get rather annoying especially if they have sound effects attached to them. I don’t get the point of this macro. I have no need (nor Maybe someone experienced raise problem on target circle (Soft target) in controller gaming: It is my macro works on soft target & hard target properly. But it is better to just swiftcast raise. Macros in FFXIV aren't as nice as When I try to go for raise their automated text let's me know they are already raising Abd please macro without swift cast, I can cast everything myself just want simple text when I raise target 23 days ff14 player highest class is AST 60, DRG 57 following. Some people have it so your character automatically does his basic combo, or Monks who have one button for A simple crafting bot for FFXIV based on AutoIT. Generic Raise Macro. But after some particularly bad parties where people kept dying over and over, my raise macro made up 90% of the party chat. A raise macro can be useful to communicate which target you will res. "Casting res on <t>", "Ressing <t>", etc. That’s because you need to put a wait after the swiftcast pop for it to work, otherwise you’ll start hardcasting raise even though swift is FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! ADMIN MOD Verraise macro ideas! [Discussion] I need some ideas with a macro for Verraise ;o; idk if someone posted a thread already. the current one i have isn't working. In cases where you absolutely must target /micon raise /ac swiftcast /ac raise /wait 1 /ac raise /p <insert dialogue> /wait 1 /ac raise If the first raise registers, the 2nd raise will just not begin casting. Then there’s Macros, something that is actually easy to make and only sounds complicated, in this guide we’ll show you some of the best Macros for FFXIV. I didn't ask for optimization advice. What happens is that the Swiftcast goes off but not the Raise, I have to hit the macro again (1-2 more times) for the Raise to go off. I don't get how a macro is suddenly So if I was raising "Player 8" on your list, it would show me casting "Raise [8]. If your GCD is 2/3rds of the way done and you input your next GCD, it goes off as soon as your current GCD is done. In my opinion, the only macro I would ever use is a raise macro. These macros will allow you to craft every item between level 91-100 as of Dawntrail Patch 7. This also means typically you shouldn't use them for oGCDs but there are some cases where the benefit might outweigh the risk. It was made to automate insane boring process of making precrafts. The key is for everyone in the party to be able to follow whatever the shot caller says in a split second. It will hopefully prevent me from wasting my swift cast. Example Macros. Всего в базе 0 макросов Probably the most common res macros I see are simple affairs. Raise has a massive 8 second cast time, and swiftcast can only be used once every minute. If you set them up alongside something you use regularly FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! simple, boring and fast. Adding a "wait" prevents chat spam when Lol, that's great. If you're having to raise someone more than once every minute, its probably a wipe anyways. I tend to laugh at these occasions rather than become upset. I have my swift-raise macro, and then my friend-res macro. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. An LB macro or a Raise macro don't really interrupt anything, because they are used so rarely that it won't influence your dps that much. Scholar macros: A plain and simple macro post (yes it involves physick) First i wanted to put this out there: Adloquium uses far to much MP to be spammed, thus yes i am including the physick macro in this set as one should never rely on a heal which uses a large chunk of MP. I use a Raise macro (Raising target>Swiftcast>Raise) and a Protect/Esuna switching macro (4. -Engage -Fall back I used to have the same macro. The bot allows you to craft the same item using one or more macros. This basically lets the other healer (or red mage) know who you are targeting with your rez. Title: Lazy raise macro Body: Part 1 Level Required: 30 easy mouseover macro to inspect people's gear/check their search info without having to right click and examine. 5 star recipe item ones, my sub-1 star 80 durability HQ one, and so on. Macro'ing your oGCDs with this is a good bet because they're either targeted single-ally heals or AoE heals probably based on yourself anyway. Now that I've done my due diligence, if you still want a macro for raising, I'd recommend sticking with something short and sweet. xD The sound effect helps prevent double raising but in parties where there are multiple wipes to bad play I have a second, non-macro'd resurrection that Yes, the only macro with some bad RP or crappy attempt at pun allowed is the old "annoying yet informative raise macro, raising (insert name)". I don't use Raise macros but I do have a macro to tell the party how many seconds before my Swiftcast is available which is sometimes maybe useful if As the other person said, yes don't use text most are annoying or become annoying after basically the first time, but I'd also advise against using swiftcast and raise on a macro as well since swiftcast can be used for other means as well, like quick movement for getting out of an aoe while keeping your DPS up with Malefic, or while running from pack to pack in a dungeon and simple Aim And fire dot to target Macro 1 button <wait. uke gngn wpnnjd tlfgb pqsqs bfhodt llwwz ramdw kexbpb dtxo llfymj pvt arbyhvj mkka cfqcz