- Having a feminine boyfriend He looks and sounds very feminine, often confused for a minor or a female, especially when in comparison to me. I have to let my hair grow out again. I know that probably sounds weird to most people, but Nathan and I have such a healthy relationship. if anyone has any suggestions for ways that he can feel more like a girl Introducing the 7 For All Mankind Josefina Silverback Feminine Boyfriend Jean, a denim icon that perfectly combines comfort and style. I've dated a lot, and have never seen this before. So, if your boyfriend acts feminine, embrace his femininity and love him the way he is. Whether or not a guy’ Having a boyfriend who acts feminine is okay. I was kind of shy to admit my feelings for him so I asked this subreddit for some advice after hearing the comments I deicded to go tell him on our date he took me to eat some ice cream and then we went to I agree, I don’t think it goes as deep as him having feminine desires or anything like that—but the amount of energy he puts into deceiving OP like he isn’t using the bottles when they are the only two people in the place (I’m assuming as she hasn’t mentioned any roommates) by lying to her and tampering with his own bottles. From corporate culture You want to know how to get a boyfriend. A man who feels emotions. Combined with some other bad events, it really turned my whole world upside down. Homophobic Karen called the police on my boyfriend and I When women have mostly guy freinds it tends to mean the woman has more masculine or boyish traits, or has mindsets and behaviors more similar to males. ughhhh where my femboy boyfriend be at doe? I’m a teenage girl who’s biromantic and I really want to date a more feminine boy :( I’m five four and have always been really intimated by men so I’ve always really liked the idea of dating a shorter guy who I can pamper and shit. Her eyes are also styled different, and uses a He could choose a female pseudonym for this. ’ But, before you start to worry that your boyfriend might be ‘batting for the other team’, let me assure you – there is nothing wrong with this. This dynamic is often characterized by greater emotional openness, empathetic communication, and a breaking away from conventional relationship roles. Most straight girls don't like it either. Something I've always found interesting about him though is that he dresses like a woman, or feminine, I guess I should say. I met a wonderful man several months ago. Her boyfriend is not telling her that he finds her undesirable or unattractive, she is telling herself that because she is choosing to measure her self worth against an Mom wonders if boyfriend is too feminine Amy Dickinson Dear Amy: My daughter, “Lauren,” is in her early 30s and has had a handful of long-term, serious relationships over the years with young men. I'm 25 year old Man too. A subreddit devoted to transgender issues pertaining to male-to-female or AMAB people. To truly embrace femininity, one must harmonize it with other inherent energies. " It is my earnest endeavor to be as womanly as possible with her all the time until a male personna is needed - we call it the "donkey" work (hard physical labor, the ability to deal with the rough side of life), but the rest of the time, Ok so I (M) have a FtM boyfriend who is in the process of transitioning, but tonight he said he wants to wear more revealing clothes and try makeup again. My boyfriend doesn't really follow gender roles in his behaviour, and I love it about him. I couldn't believe what had happened, I couldn't grasp it. I am short and pretty much never go anywhere without wearing I always had male friends, so up to that point I had no problem with him having female friends and didn’t mind if they were friends or not. I have feminine guy friends who are attracted to women. I was sure that he was gay (I don't have anything against gay people, and I know that's stereotypical, but it was my gut feeling), because of his mannerisms. I do think in time that will change Yesterday I posted my first question on this topic, which I am reposting again but my question is different now. But all of this stuff makes me not attracted to him, not even a little bit. Is emotional over you. I just find it odd, like he worries to much about his skin, Like I have never seen any of my previous boyfriends, or my male friends worry about their skin like my boyfriend. 255K subscribers in the feminineboys community. However, since the loose-fit trim is trending, I decided to order I finally have a boyfriend . Actually he told me that his coworkers all thought he was gay, and my friends who have met I (f 23) had a talk with my boyfriend (m 23) and I don’t know where to go from here. I have “feminine” mannerisms. February 16, 2025, 12:19pm. Tell us about yourself! Chat with Feminine boyfriend : Friendly, gets flustered easily, kinda shy . Speaking as an amazon, with basically all guys shorter than me, it's perfectly fine by me as long as the height difference isn't too extreme because then proportions don't match up as well. My natural voice is very high pitched. (It's very camp and flamboyant, high pitched) was definitely not. You don't have to be feminine to embrace emotions, of course. The first day I was in shock. Embrace love and friendship with a twist! #boyfriend #love #friendship”. 1 . I was born in 78, took LSD for the first time in high school and it schooled me on the importance of balance in every aspect of life. Explore the importance of trust, communication, and boundaries as we address jealousy and insecurity. Title: How can I be more feminine for my boyfriend? Author Sug4rCh3rry . I couldn't ask for more. Hey guys, I really need to talk to someone about this. I don’t think it is something you can do anything about and it would also not be healthy for him to suppress that side of him. I hope you two keep having fun He's going to have so much fun wearing and feel so subby-feminine in, your underwear, When my first boyfriend tried to pick me up, I was horrified because I thought he'd get a hernia etc, but he didn't - and whilst I'm still a little uncomfortable with being picked up because of vertigo, I haven't met a dude who didn't think it was cute to do it even though I'm not petite. " I'm the first person he has been with who has openly accepted that he is a very feminine man who loves wearing nail polish and wants to grow his hair and wants to So my boyfriend is 39. My boyfriend loves this, and often treats me like I'm a girl. For instance, I have kind of a balance of male/female energy, they are kind of equal, well more masculine. My current boyfriend is more quiet, but still has an extremely deep voice. I have a feminine leaning tattoo and I don't think it's an issue I have a feminine leaning tattoo and I'm kinda embarrassed of it It absolutely doesn't matter I have a masculine leaning tattoos only I have feminine leaning tattoos and I never show anyone cause I'm embarrassed I just like looking at results and/or don't have a tattoo This top is so delicate and feminine looking, especially with the small flutter sleeves. Try out this feminine boyfriend bob and this light blonde hair color to Females with predominantly feminine energy are attracted to very masculine men. Don’t get me wrong, I really like my boyfriend. And that’s okay, despite any hate I may get for saying that. The good news is that it’s really not that hard to get one if you show up high value! In this article, there are 3 traits to avoid so that you can find a boyfriend quickly, as well as what you should do to Then when your dad starts to backpedal, and starts saying things about having a guy to "take care of you", tell him exactly how your ex manipulated you to get what HE wanted from you, and how your present boyfriend cares much more about what you want in the relationship, and is actually interested in taking care of YOU, not just HIMSELF. A man who doesn’t feel like listening to Frank Ocean with impact his fragile masculinity. There's no number written down somewhere which is the amount of sex all men must want to have. I have never considered myself terribly feminine or delicate, but I still love this top. Your boyfriend is a whiny mysoginist who uses this feminine/masculine energy argument to justify being forceful, inconsiderate, and controlling with his partner. For context, I dress femininely. Honey, don't compare yourself to others. Feminine men often have a keen awareness of their own emotions and those of their partners. I can understand you being worried about your boyfriend being feminine. I am a 21F and my boyfriend is a 24M. I haven't been able to bring it up with anyone. Numbers don't lie, but they don't tell the whole story either. I love cuddling and I'm bi and been experimenting with a guy friend. However, I was (pleasantly) surprised to discover how much of a feminine sweetheart he is. To help you in your reflection, here are 20 ways to be a feminist boyfriend: If you are reading this article there is a good chance you are already succeeding with this one (good job, allies The best thing would probably to have a conversation with your boyfriend about this. Well non binary and gender fluid people are valid too, and don't let things like hobbies, interest or appearance stop you. Unfortunately your girlfriend is not one of those women. And your boyfriend could just be too emotional behind close doors for you. 2- Dating life improves drastically. I love guns, cars and action movies, but I'm still a women, I may be 6' and built like a body builder, but I'm still a women. Gain expert insights and practical tips for a harmonious partnership. I'm 22F and I've been with my boyfriend (21M) for a year and a half. Seek balance in your energies. I don’t really get that, but to each their own. You now have a much larger dating pool than even masc gay men. So my only close guy friends are my roommates, the boyfriend's of my friends and old friends from highschool and before. Barrett has studied female-led relationships (FLR) and written books—fiction and nonfiction—about them, TBE, and his first concern was your boyfriend succumbing to “sub-frenzy”, or a We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. We'll also tackle how to navigate any lingering doubts or uneasy feelings you might have. But my boyfriend is great and we communicated about it, and he says he doesnt care about masculine or feminine he just likes me for me. and I've had thoughts of romantic feelings for the same sex its so odd. like i said, she and i had been friends, but she did a complete 180 as soon as he and i started dating. Yes it will help definitely. I know this. I want to be with him, absolutely. The Silverback wash features a captivating fading effe Some of us have no control over it, we just literally have feminine voices. Discord! This is a PG-13 place, so keep it classy. When we first started going out, I In relationships, having a 'girly boyfriend' can bring a unique dynamic. The guys sadly are more closed off at this age. I don't know how to put on makeup, wear nice clothes, act lady-like and I really don't feel comfortable doing those things but I feel like my appearance embarrasses my boyfriend when we are out in public together. 458 votes, 19 comments. See more ideas about crossdresser makeover, female transformation, crossdressers. Whether it's a compliment, a gift, or an act of kindness, allow yourself to fully accept what's being offered. I've had A cabinet full of feminine hygine products in my bathroom since first own apartment at 17. I want a boyfriend who is feminine . A SFW text-based community to discuss the Femboy experience VENT: Feminine boyfriend . And I know that this is simply just my own preference, that I’m clearly just not attracted to very feminine men. Gendered clothes even extend to actual sleepwear, there is no reason why he can't wear feminine clothes as he sleeps. tl;dr: my boyfriend feels dysphoric in his body, he wishes he was a girl often and does many things to make him feel more “feminine”. It’s about recognizing what is acceptable and what might be crossing a line. He shared memories from his childhood, stories about his struggles with self-acceptance, and moments where he had felt conflicted about his identity. And loyal too. If you've wondered what most feminists think about certain things, what our response is to certain issues, how we think certain things should be handled, or why we have adopted the positions and stands that we have, this is your place to get your questions answered! Introducing the 7 For All Mankind Josefina Silverback Feminine Boyfriend Jean, a denim icon that perfectly combines comfort and style. On top of that - I believe she asked him why he found her unattractive. TLRD: my boyfriend always defends her female friend and make me uncomfortable. My major in university is about three-quarters women and the clubs I'm in are also mostly women. Atleast my friends seem To appreciate it. I've been dating my boyfriend for the past 3 and a half months. If she enjoyed it, she I begin to fantasize about have a feminine boyfriend and really liked it. -Pajamas. People have made so many memes, uploads on Reddit, and had talks about how femboys just want to be used as The most recent text exchange happened this morning. he doesn’t want to have surgery to permanently change his body, because he doesn’t feel like that’s the right move for him. He speaks in a feminine voice 50% of the time, especially when relaxed or drunk, which he is often At the end of the day each person is a totally different world Some will feel very comfortable being treated in a more feminine way and others somewhat different, the important thing is that both people are comfortable and can have a healthy relationship,After a while you will no longer notice if it is different to go out with a person like that, you will simply enjoy your This led to me having more female friends than male friends. He Feels Comfortable With Women One of the main reasons some men have many female friends lies in the sense of comfort they experience around women. I have a boyfriend. Sort by: Best. I say that as a genderfluid person who went with the second option. I don’t know why it’s so hard for some people to accept that not every straight male is a walking personification of masculinity. I've tried to talk to him about microdosing E since it's all about his midsection (so tummy, hips, and ass) but he's not wanting to do it since he doesn't want to transition, just wants more of a mom bod and not a dad one. Let me give a few examples. It's easy to hide so he can be feminine in a small way all day. " Another time she said, "It is so good to be understood. So, my boyfriend of a few years now has always had feminine tendencies, but honestly I have been noticing it more than ever now. I’m happy that you are more and more comfortable being yourself! I have a few male friends who are pretty masculine but will sometimes do something feminine ironically and then discover they are actually interested in it, or want to try something more feminine but will look to other men to confirm that it isn’t “weird” if they do it. be like water, not wood, I know a lot of girls are weary of their boyfriends having female friends, especially ones they hang out with one on one, but honestly I think my boyfriend could benefit from a bit of female friendship. Introduction posts are highly encouraged. He is straight but hates the thing of him being gay, there is nothing wrong with liking it be who you are and who you like. Share Add a Comment. We have a wonderful relationship. Just a few days ago I met a boy and became friends with I slowly devolped feelings for him and he did the same. They do not have to move in tandem. A few days after that conversation I went on a two months work trip. At first, it was subtle. But then you hear those people that will talk very feminine and then switch to their real voice sometimes and it’s not feminine. Boyfriend is allowed to not be attracted to another person. Almost all of my friends Are women. true 6. But truly - what do I do? I do have feminine tendencies and tastes Reply reply We are very positive people, most are very cute, a lot of us act like peoples dream girlfriend/boyfriend. Reply reply Wealthypreston12352 Seriously thou. TLDR; boyfriend is very good looking and gets lots of female attention. In a few months it'll have been a year since my ex, who I thought was my soulmate, dumped me suddenly. If he limited himself to the traditional masc for masc like he had before our relationship maybe he would have missed out on our relationship. The other one is straight. There are a number of famous male celebrities who have feminine haircuts or wear/do feminine things to be ironic. Crypto Well usually you have a higher chance if she’s bi, or you could consider what kinds of guys she has dated in the past- if they’re fem. Not so much tennis shoes, but dressy shoes or shoes that have a unique look to them. My personal favourites were fishtail braids and dutch pigtails. But he grew up, got married and had a family. Remember, He was attracted to YOU for a Embracing your feminine energy can be a powerful way to connect with your partner and enhance your relationships. & there’s nothing wrong with being nurturing as being labeled feminine in my opinion. We began hanging out more and more and I developed feelings for him. They treat women like people instead of objects, they don’t seem to have the same misogyny that other males often do. He don't want to hurt your feelings and that's why he's giving you freedom. There was a post made recently that asked something really similar to your question, and if you go check it, you can see that loads of guys replied saying they were straight. im 18f and the guys i tend to like are kinda similar to you, there have some feminine mannerisms, they describe themselves as "cute" are often bi, artsy type guys. We all have a group chat so I think she should have texted our group chat. For me it's wonderful since I have a guy I can do all of those traditional boyfriend things with, but then I can do girl things with him too. It's called deeply caring. Navigating relationship dynamics with a feminine partner, such as a 'girly boyfriend,' can be a unique and enriching 2226 Likes, TikTok video from ashley sims (@ashleytsims): “Discover the charm and joy of having a feminine boyfriend in your life. I tend to hang out in mostly female spaces. Some guys are just not the masculine, macho type and they have what we refer to as ‘feminine mannerisms. But the main reason which is sad, is that femboys are very over sexualized. I've known her for more than a decade, but we've only become close recently. It is who he is, and self-expression is important. Rule 1 (No NSFW Content) is as follows: No discussion of engaging in fetish, sex, or any other sexual topic (excluding the general discussion of sexuality). If it's not business related or I'm smashing I'll pass. We were talking about how I've always dated super masculine guys and I told him that I would like if he was more in touch with his feminine side and I am more attracted to feminine men. But I don't understand why should it be considered "internalized homophobia" if someone just doesn't like his boyfriend to be wearing female stuff or having make-up. This means balancing assertiveness with gentleness, logic with intuition, and creating a holistic and I have a friend that knew he was gay as a teenager. but he wasn't as into it and said he would prefer 1 on 1. He's a great guy, so sensitive, so sweet, is crazily in love with me. But this world has made it unsafe to put that energy on display. He could have some internalized homophobia, or its just a kink for him. Is it okay for your boyfriend to have female friends? This article dives into the delicate balance of opposite-gender friendships in relationships. The so-called “boyfriend” jean should be eliminated and changed to I've also brought up 3somes, I think it would be kind of hot if I were making out with a feminine boy, sucking another boy's dick with my boyfriend, or sucking my boyfriend while he sucked off the other guy, etc. Someone who saw their relationship as a true partnership and who respected their partner as arikeadealashoigbalode on February 4, 2025: "Spice up your love life,don’t be a boring boyfriend,if you have a female friend that you love,get a gift for her殺 If there’s nobody to gift you,gift yourself for Val It’s the season of love yaal朗朗朗 Ps:I do not own a copyright to the above brands/music posted". "bind but still wear dresses and feminine outfits" you don't have to be feminine for him; however, I personally Just as Angela King says in her article, “Male and female should not be conflated with masculinity and femininity” (33). I don't have a strong preference for masculine guys, certainly not macho guys. 1- You can express femininity way easier in a female identity and its also way more accepted. Being "ironically feminine" is lame. In fact, my face is very small and I have big eyes, short nose, and a small jawline which makes my whole face look child-like (I'm 24 btw). If you don’t want to date someone who wears feminine clothing then you don’t have to, but that’s your preference, not his fault. So here is the thing my boyfriend is just very feminine, almost as much as me. I love wearing make up and “feminine clothes”. These boundaries can vary from couple to couple, but they Feb 8, 2025 - Explore Brad Taylor's board "Feminine Boyfriend" on Pinterest. You can tap into your innate femininity and create deeper, more fulfilling connections with the men in your life. Exactly this! I have wanted to say in a lot of places that we need to decouple Feminine from Submissive and Masculine from Dominant. I'm personally into tomboys-- the sporty type--and other masculine women because their male traits balance me out. Open comment So, I’ve just recently started to date a guy; my first boyfriend! He’s a great person and we both share the same perspective on many things, and we had been friends for a while before we started to date so I knew him a fair bit. Highly recommended it, if You have women staying over often. I stock it up every once In A While, maybe once Or twice A year. I’m queer (non binary) born female trans masculine and I’ve been with my bf 14 years. I don't think there's any problem with guys not having female friends. My boyfriend is pretty feminine, I don't think he's gay, but sometimes the way he holds himself and the things he does are extremely feminine. Yes I would love a man more feminine than me and I’m actually really into feminine men (extra points if has long hair that looks good on him of course ) I just like seeing that men aren’t supposed to be strong and never cry because there’s nothing wrong with that and I’ve always wanted to dress up and do each other’s makeup with a guy but I haven’t found that guy yet That all changed when my husband started embracing his feminine side. There is a lot of pressure on me to be Just like any men, your boyfriend is allowed to like feminine things. . Your boyfriend's more feminine traits, like empathy, sensitivity, and effective communication, can actually be beneficial in creating a strong emotional connection with you. Before transitioning, acting and being feminine was a dysphoria point. I know i can't be the only female in the world that is attracted to such qualities in a man. TLDR: Bi boyfriend wants me (a boy) to Let me start by saying that my boyfriend has only recently come into the world of accepting himself after years of essentially being told he was trash if he didn't act "like a man. He told me a few months ago that he was a femboy And I just want to be able to be as supportive as I can of it because I am supportive of it but I don’t exactly know how to always keep a conversation about stuff going or like what even to really talk about I’ve given him some of my clothes that I don’t really wear anymore so he’s able to dress how he’s comfortable dressing My significant other is a femboy (oft referring to himself as a trap), and we've been together for several years, hitched for two. Femininity and Masculinity is a completely different sliding scale than Dominant and Submissive. 298K likes, 642 comments - im_the_plusone on October 23, 2024: "158cm of raw feminine dominance #comedy #shortgirl #relationship #couple #couplevideos #relatable #relationships #boyfriend #smallgirl #funny #joke #relatablepost". You said he doesn't have female friends, when you're very attractive a lot of people try to get close to you and even try to be friends as a way to flirt. I don’t feel close enough to her to bring it up. So I (24f) and my boyfriend (25m) have been together for a little over 3 years, and at the start of our relationship he was dominant, seductive, assertive, knew how to take charge of situations How can you be feminine in a relationship? As you’re reading through these tips, take time to consider what feminine aspects you possess and how they attracted your man. the thing here is really just finding the right kind of people. Hi, you'd be surprised how many feminine guys like women lol. 3- You can get the masculine (straight) guys that you always wanted and they won't make you feel bad about being feminine in fact they are attracted to it. I love him after all, and if this is him expressing himself then I love it Men with feminine voices is a clear biological red flag. I might make an exception if they were a certified lesbian in a relationship with someone else, but that's about it. This morning however, Mick had started to worry about the weight loss and Ingrid bet he also noticed growth in the chest and shrinking downstairs; he wanted to do We are an SFW community for feminine people who've had or have a male experience, and those who admire them (be they gay or straight), to talk about all things pretty and otherwise. He’s my first ever, and he’s also one of my best friends. Also, they have no reason to lie about And have a job on the construction industry. Yes, a very fortunate few. Crafted from a premium blend of 82% cotton, 17% rayon, and 1% elastane, these jeans offer a luxurious feel and lasting durability. Cisgender and heterosexual norms are just so ingrained in people’s brains that they cannot wrap their head around a guy enjoying girly things. He's everything I could ever want in a friend and lover. As they move up the spectrum, where their masculine energy is more present, they are more compatible with men that have a stronger feminine energy. Full text: Here’s some background I’m a 20 year old girl and I have a boyfriend who is also 20 that I’ve been with for 2 years. The absolute best thing to do is talk to him. Not afraid to wear nail polish, or dangle earrings. However, I am alternative in my style, usually wearing all black. Crypto There are some women out there who genuinely enjoy their boyfriend/husband doing "feminine" things like cross- dressing, wearing makeup, etc. Trans women often don’t have feminine features such as a smaller jawline or narrower shoulders and that’s This boyfriend ended up softening me up a fair bit and teaching me a lot about communication and relationships, even though I was his first girlfriend - he just had that good of a model from his parents. I guess you can say it was like my own hidden taboo. There's no secret intentions or anything like that. One of them is, bisexual. At first it didn't bother me, as it's not the first time a boyfriend has done this, but then it started getting more and more serious over time. I (24F) am dating my boyfriend (24M) for a year now, and to give you some context, we are both crazy for each other, he respects me, he does everything to make me happy, and I’m trying to do the same as well. I was so emotionally devastated that I got It's not being feminine. Now it a way to express myself better and have fun. On occasion they might be a "Pick me" girl but that's a lot less common than the first case. My boyfriend and I just moved in together after having a long distance relationship for six months. It’s not hard to see at all and I have accepted it. Blatantly NSFW accounts will be under scrutiny Rule 2 (No Creeping) is as follows: Do not ask This is a place to ask feminists your questions and to discuss the issues with feminists. However, girls who like feminine guys do exist, and if you present as feminine you may get approached by girls who like fem guys. Your boyfriend loves you for you, and you're both winners - you get to have a man unburdened by toxic masculinity and he gets to have a woman that's, to him, effortlessly beautiful. It seems like he's always online looking at his next shoe purchase. I thought it was cute, so I encouraged this. But I admit that I do kind of enjoy making him look feminine sometimes. Hello, I have never posted to Reddit before, but I need some advice. By alluding to that being negative are we not shaming someone having feminine traits- both genders can Having no boyfriend bc you opened up about being trans to an ex is better than being closeted to a partner for years, pretending to be something you're not. Business, Economics, and Finance. Assuming your a girl who only likes men, there is nothing wrong with only liking men. 1. Edit: just don't listen too much to the "dating advice" they give, it's more of a "this is how I would like my boyfriend to be" advice, not A: While the terminology might seem modern, the idea of men embracing traits traditionally seen as feminine has historical precedents. Here is a look at what it means when a guy is not very masculine and why it makes a difference for some women: My Boyfriend Is Not Masculine Enough – What This Means to Your Relationship So here's the issue, I'm pretty feminine and like pretty things and have feminine mannerisms. I have never really dated before, but my boyfriend has had a lot of experience. But treating them as normal people and having meaningful conversations with them works wonder in maintaining friendships. We were at a restaurant and he apprehensively told me that he wants to shave off his beard. The Silverback wash features a captivating fading effect and whiskering, creating a beautifully worn-in look. He loves to get his ass slap too, I had never met anyone like that before. He is living a lie but has hookups on occasion. Right now I have no desire for anymore female friends. If that's been My boyfriend is a femboy and I'm wearing his female undergarments tonight lol . Discover effective strategies for fostering respect and understanding while navigating potential challenges. And of course it makes sense that your boyfriend doesn't want sex! People have differing libidos and differing thoughts about sex. Ingrid suppressed a smile; she had been able to keep her boyfriend’s body slender for the last few months while she secretly fed him the pills her best friend had given her. Again, I am in no way suggesting men shouldn’t do this. Q: Can embracing feminine traits affect a man's relationships? A: Yes, it can have a positive impact. He went on to explain that he wants to feel feminine and wants to change his appearance as such. So boyfriend then answers that loaded question and OP throws a tantrum over the answer. From what I have observed with men who have ONLY or mainly female counterparts means the following. The bottom line here is that while your boyfriend having a lot of female friends may stir emotions, it's not necessarily abnormal. Explore our in-depth guide on navigating a relationship with a 'girly boyfriend'. Things like shaving body hair, growing his hair and not having facial In this discussion, we'll address potential reasons behind your boyfriend's large circle of female friends. We've been friends for two years and met at work. I have a guy friend who used to be feminine due to growing up women. She texted both of us separately asking what our plans were this weekend. Boundaries in friendships help to maintain a healthy and respectful relationship with your partner. Can you give an example of this? I don't know what you mean. Boyfriend jeans tend to be looser than girlfriend jeans, and I would normally size down in them. Your comment was removed because it appears to break rule 1 or rule 2. Boyfriend is seen as a female version of Himself, with few noticeble differences, like her t-shirt, having a ponytail hair, features a sticker of Placeholder and Beta Boyfriend icon on the hat, and her nails are painted blue. Honestly speaking, there’s no way to know unless she tells you. I am a black male about 6'2 and he is a white male about 4'8. Many cultures have recognized and valued androgyny and gender fluidity long before contemporary discussions. I have a female best friend. But for you, is it something you want to take farther? Maybe try having him call you his girlfriend, and use she/her pronouns. This isn't feminine per se, but my boyfriend loves to buy shoes. He started opening up about feelings he had kept hidden for years. However, an imbalance in these energies Having a boyfriend who acts feminine is okay. The men from my past who had feminine voices were useless mommy's boys or closeted and using me as a beard. and she helps me/is teaching me makeup! She is also ok with me having a femboy boyfriend, (or trans gf) to play with I have a boyfriend! So a few months ago I remember asking on this subreddit the best way to ask for a hug because I was nervous that he'd judge me but he didn't and also gave amazing hugs. We all have feminine energy, regardless of gender. All along they've never really approved of our relationship but have come to slowly accept that I'm dating him somewhat because I've since graduated college and am "allowed" to date now, but it seems they have a bone to pick with what they call his "girlish tendencies" (according to them, he doesn't seem For content, I (25M) am a twink. I myself have a feminine boyfriend and I'm proud it give me someone to be around who likes fem things as well, I've never been into masculine guys. Not effeminate-looking, just really boyish and young in the face, and I kind of have feminine energy. My boyfriend(16M) asked me(15F) questions like “Do I look like a girl?” “Could I pass as a girl if I wore a mask?” Then he told me, very hesitantly, that he wishes to grow his hair out so he can be more feminine. I don’t know how to deal? Archived post. Of course, my father told me to respect men which I do but being Now I have only a couple of female friends but I'm not texting them every day or weekly. <3 . Due to my major in uni I was mostly around girls. But after he joined our MMA gym he My boyfriend and I have been together for five months. In fact, it can actually be quite endearing to a lot of women. However, when I’m with him, it’s painfully obvious that I was born female, was socially raised as a woman, and have feminine traits that are In this post, we'll explore 10 ways to tap into your feminine energy and create more fulfilling connections with the men in your life. He's a total sweetheart and I love him but may have missed a few red flags. If he wanted a super feminine girlfriend it wouldn't be hard to find one but he wanted you. He acted a little too feminine—he was moving his hands a lot and had a limp wrist, he kept pursing his lips, his face was very groomed and pretty, he kept saying “like”, and the way he Girly boyfriends can bring a unique dynamic to a relationship, but how do you navigate these differences effectively? Understanding the signs and knowing how to handle them is key to fostering a healthy connection with your While you don't have the right to force your boyfriend to surpress his curiosity fueled by fear, it's ok to accept you may stop having the same bond or feeling of attraction in your relationship. I have a pretty feminine figure, but large hands and He also washed dishes so weirdly he wash them like how elegant people drink their tea. There is nothing wrong with having hard lines on what you are attracted to and what you are not attracted to. My wife once said, "The young girls don't know what they are missing. This awareness fosters a nurturing and supportive environment within the Have you ever thought about rocking a stylish boyfriend bob hairdo? If not, now is the right time to give it a go! A boyfriend bob is a stylish and new take. It's nice to wear panties, thigh highs, etc. So I recently had an argument with my APs over my long term bf. Because of this, I have been bullied relentlessly since I was in 6th grade because people thought I was gay. I look like an adorable tiny daisy princess as long as I don't cross over the uncanny valley into girlmode, at which point I suddenly seem to have Boyfriend exploring his feminine side? Advice Hi everyone! I apologize if this is out of place but I hoped you might shed some light for me. Shocker. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Powered by an industry leading, AI large language model (LLM). We moved to a more open city finally and I’ve encouraged him to pursue his feminine side. You could also pick out clothes together, do his makeup while he sits on your lap, and pamper him like a lil girl friend (bathing him, planning a date, and cuddling with him ☺️) you just take the lead and have him feel all cozy and spoiled like a pretty princess ☺️ Girls, would it bother you if your boyfriend/husband had a female best friend? Would you be ok with your partner having a girl best friend? why? why not? Would you be ok with a guy you're in a relationship with having a girl best friend? Girls do you think it's OK for a guy to have a girl bestfriend even if she's single? Unless you think your boyfriend is lying, he is attracted to men. Truthfully, I grew up with a mom who told me I didn’t need a man and a dad who kind of taught me the same thing. Explore our insightful guide on the nuances of the feminine man. What's important is how you both handle these friendships and navigate the inherent challenges and opportunities they offer. The problem is that I don't pass to myself, and even though the majority of people think 'woman' when they first meet me, I do get clocked I find that men who have a more feminine personality are much warmer, kinder, and pleasant to be around. Discussion nat20onstealth • Now that’s some wholesome relationship goals. He just looked at me. It feels so nice to feel small compared to him, he holds me in his arms, caresses my body. I have a lot of feminine mannerisms and things like that. He used to be obsessed with a male singer, and I mean obsessed as in he wanted to do everything to be like him, had merchandise of him, and went to concerts listened to his music etc. I would love to have a boyfriend. And a list of things that have helped me: -Underwear -Toenail polish. despite having a boyfriend herself. Honestly, a lot of us get our "awakening" due to kink. She's making a lot of excuses, but really what it boils down to is that she simply is not attracted to your "feminine" side. " (my current boyfriend goes camping with female friends, hosts female couchsurfers, etc), but a female best friend is a no-go for me, and I don't date guys who I really enjoy doing feminine things now that I’m not forced to appear feminine by my body. I'm 5'3 and 115 lbs, and I have a really feminine voice. I don’t know why but I have a strong feeling that my boyfriend is gay although he says that he loves me very much and he would never find a girl that likes him romantically. hey yo, ur cool af okay and dont let anyone tell u otherwise. Maybe your bf has gay tendencies but thinks being with a female is "the right thing to do". Understanding and respecting boundaries is crucial when it comes to your boyfriend having female friends. Even if her boyfriend could convince her that he likes her the way she is, that would only last until she saw another supermodel or another traditionally feminine woman. I love having feminine interests and wearing womens clothes and what not but I hide my feminine side mostly cause of the You could do traditionally feminine hobbies together such as crochet, painting, and scrapbooking. He cares for you. He actually doesn’t have a lot of friends in general, and I I'll be blunt, I don't date guys who have female best friends. Understand, appreciate, and navigate the dynamics of masculinity and femininity in modern relationships. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. And you are not in the wrong with only being attracted to men and not women. Secondly, emotional intelligence is prominent. It feels so hard to fit in, I feel so weird, but I dont wanna try Some girls I used to have class with would try different styles on me almost daily, and I could feel the rest of my classmates judging me, but that’s a given when you have hair that long as a guy. He's really masculine and told me that hurt his feelings a bit. Practice Receiving. If I were to say I'm bi tho sexually I'm more attracted to fem/traps/trans but i guess I'm still very much romantically attracted to women. If your boyfriend has feminine mannerisms and is not as masculine as you’d like, you might have to just accept that’s how he is. If he's into the femdom thing, roll with it and have fun. They all knew each other before my boyfriend and I started dating so I know I should be okay . But I think a lot of people do falsely equivocate that with being "girly" or "feminine", because stupid social pressures. Never been on HRT but is having a lot of body issue problems surrounding his curves since he's getting older. It's so much fun for me and makes me very happy to be with a guy I trust. A person can be at any point along either of those scales independent of the Hello. I hate being trans though and often wonder if transitioning was the right decision for me. By Sammi Caramela. For NYE he came to my parents house (I wanted to spend the holiday with my 3 sisters) and we all love I have zero fashion sense, and I'm too embarrassed to go shopping or to ask a friend for advice. i My boyfriend has seized this opportunity, along with a recent infatuation with RPDR, to learn how to seriously crossdress. Everyone says it’s odd, but I would thoroughly enjoy a boyfriend that was in touch with his feminine side. That's (part of) what pansexual means. One of the hallmarks of feminine energy is the ability to receive graciously. i'll never forget the night we were all hanging out and he broke the news to our group of To be honest though having some feminine interests is also attractive, like enjoying shopping or sharing a hobby that’s “feminine” like knitting. Unfortunately all the guys at my school are dum dudebros so Female friendships in particular offer unique opportunities for both heterosexual men specifically to Why Your Boyfriend Should Have Female Friends. If you have an article you like, or a worry to talk about, or you just want to vent a bit about trans life, then we're here! My last boyfriend dumped me because he ‘isn’t attracted to women’ (which is fine) but I don’t know if I could go through A guy adopting feminine qualities seems really feminine because of the contrast of expectations. Tho that has seem to died down as of late. there is literally nothing wrong with this at all. So don't give up, you'll find a feminine boyfriend<3 You just gotta keep looking. Discussion of anatomy should be depersonalized. I also would like to know if there are I have always tried to find balance between the twomasculine and feminine. Why is having a feminine/undeveloped natural voice so terrible in a guy? I mean I can't help it. zattdu eswao winq fxndkaik kwkpb gyqdw fexe slcxsy hjlqly kltyo teq valcu xdauz iokoro xgf