Miraculous ladybug fanfiction marinette taken. " Marinette said, her voice cracking.
Miraculous ladybug fanfiction marinette taken "Please don't do that! You might wake-" A loud banging sound was heard and she facepalmed. " "Y-yes, it has been. /Lady Wifi/Rena Rouge, A fic where post-reveal Chat Noir and Ladybug are sore after a fight and who can resist a bath bomb and hot bath. Throwing them in a corner to burn later. 0 because Nino and Alya had taken great joy in ribbing Adrien about it and trying to get him to divulge more details about what had happened. " he grinned at the thought of the blue haired girl. He clutched Marinette in a hug and said, "My Lady! Marinette!" So that's done. No one even tried to help her out. Adrinette sick fic. Follow/Fav in a new skin. " "No problem Marinette, anything to help out a fellow music enthusiast. Marinette . By: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - [Marinette D-C. " Her eyes slid sideways to Marinette, a silent challenge that she was so sure that Marinette wouldn't take. "If you Marinette could see the grin and she stepped back nervously. "Take me. This one wasn't her fault, though! Hawkmoth decided that it'd be a lovely idea to Akumatize Manon again, this time over her having a nightmare about getting her dolls taken away, so Marinette had to spend five hours chasing after Puppeteer and now she was sleep deprived and late. Fiction K - English - Humor - Marinette D-C. If they didn't read her proof then let them get hurt later. Follow/Fav Dish it and take it. "Many people would be, yes. Alya, with her fox miraculous, Nino with his turtle miraculous, and even Chloe with her bee miraculous. "just may take a while to get over. am making this a series Rated: Fiction K - English - Humor/Friendship - Adrien A. She could tell this girl had gone through a lot, and Marinette wished she could help her. She forced herself to ignore him, climbing slowly to her feet and staring down Tempest, who had snorted in disbelief. Damocles which the bluenette entertained for a bit before switching to discussing their homework. She stood up, taking a good look at the photos before ripping them forcefully off the walls. " She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself; she was the Guardian now, so she made the rules. Have a nice rest!" Marinette slowly made her way up the stairs and crawled into her bed. ) Everything happened so fast. "So at last, I saw a life I could have again with my wife. The Italian had put her plan into motion earlier by making sure "It's a side-effect of the Miraculous," Tikki explained, landing on the desk in front of her. /Cat Noir] Alya C. "Oh, Tikki, I'm going to be late again! And after all that!" Tikki sighed. The Dupain-Chengs tried to hold their composure as the other girl—Lila Rossi—pointed the finger at their daughter for a long laundry list of heinous deeds: Marinette cheated on a test and then accused Lila of planting the evidence, Marinette purposefully bullied Lila and tried to turn their classmates against her, Marinette pushed Lila down the stairs when Alya filmed from what she deemed a "safe" distance, by Marinette's request. Can't she ever get a grip? Finally, Marinette looked back at Lila, the Italian girl looked both insulted and mortified by these turns of events. "Too late you might wanna run. The raw emotion in his voice made her heart ache for an entirely different reason. Marinette has been keeping strong. By: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - Marinette D-C. /Cat Noir] She would've continued to ask dry, scripted questions if Marinette hadn't taken the lead and steered the rest of their dialogue. She had been studying Marinette ever since that wretched day, and was going to put all of her research to good use. Ladybug will be no more after she's through with her. I go home. Adrien's father would kill him if he was in a supervillain's After Adrien kisses her during a truth or dare game, and being reminded that he doesn’t see her as more than a friend, Marinette is devastated, and finds comfort in Chat Noir as Ladybug. A quick check near the Relaxation Trial sign revealed Marinette's map had flown into a bush. Marinette was glad to see the two of them together again. You always come here when you need to calm down or to think things over. He hated lying, and he wouldn't do it normally (except to protect his identity, of course), but Marinette was too dear a Cartoons: Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir fanfiction archive with over 25,733 stories. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Family - Adrien A. " He wipes his tears away. Suddenly, Adrien could understand her meltdown. " Adrien nodded softly and stowed his outburst for later before grabbing their backpacks, wrapping an arm around Marinette's shoulders and leading her out of With a swift motion, Ladybug tosses the toy elephant into the air, invoking her miraculous power to restore peace and normalcy to the city of Paris. And then the lyrics started. " "Alright sweetie! I'll just pop in in about an hour to check on you, but I'll be quiet if you're sleeping. "I'm here for you" After School. Tiki was silently laughing in Marinette's purse. Marinette was cut off by the oh-so-familiar opening chords of Jagged's newest song, and she trailed off. Marinette found a new respect for the feline super villain. Photo's of Adrien surrounded her, Marinette felt like she was being suffocated. First fanfiction, bare with me ya'll. "It would be good if something she loves doing would secure her a good future. " He joked with a smile. Not everyone. Marinette suspected that Chloe knew she was Ladybug. So when Marinette tried to complain about not wanting to take part in the sleepover and tried to get out of it, Adrien blatantly lied. "This is my house key, could you please take the twins home when you are done here and wait for Alya and or myself to get home. " "Stolen? Marinette's content face tensed into one of shock. The locker room at Marinette's and Adrien's school is filled with commotion and emotion. Marinette had learned from her time as Ladybug that there were times when life just wasn't fair. I love the feeling of winning but achieving that myself was an amazing feeling. By: Awakefor48hours. Gone were the days of stutter-nette, and the new way that Marinette held herself confidently, worked well for Lila: she just needed to make sure there was no mistakes on her part. "Hey, dude!" There were a few basics that Marinette knew; Chloé's companions had died a few hours before they met, leaving her alone, and that she'd latched onto Marinette and refused to take no for an answer. I trust you. But, A blind Marinette uses the Butterfly Miraculous to become Lady Fairy in order to protect Paris from Fear Master's Sintimonsters. Marinette bucked her hips and thrust the liar off of her. It bashed Ladybug for not working as team with Chat Noir who was the better super hero. And all it took was a few compliments on the other team to anger a jealous spotted bug into making an insulting remark to every citizen in Paris. Marinette is no Lady, but when the Lady she serves decides she doesn’t want to take her place in the group of potential brides for the prince, Marinette must adapt to pretending to be a lady. "Ladybug will sa-sacrifice herself for i-innocent people. Blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin, Kim and Nino were drowning in guilt, what they did to Marinette was just plain evil, and it made them question the credibility of Lila's words. She wasn't sure her already absent-minded chosen would survive a week with a baby, but miracles do happen. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Mystery - Adrien A. /Cat Noir - Chapters: 3 - Words: The pair of heroes never got in trouble with the law regarding all the collateral damage because Ladybug's "Miraculous Ladybug" would always put things back to normal like nothing ever happened, "There's Adrien!" Rose exclaimed, pointing to him as he walked down the catwalk, sporting a feathered fedora that may have been created because Adrien had realised that he was the person Ladybug had rejected Chat for and he teased Marinette mercilessly for. Adrien is no better, telling her to 'take the high road' and 'lies don't hurt anyone'. "Alright, cool," Adrian said taking her arm. Marinette and Adrien stood in their walk-in closet. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Friendship - Marinette D-C. ' Marinette stroked her small baby Barely 22 and he already had a record deal with an independent label. Marinette is much smarter and shows much greater potential for character development than is shown, as do many of our beloved characters. "It's been a while Marinette. The Kwami's please became more angry as Adrien addressed Hawk Moth as his dad. What if the episode Ladybug in Season 3 had turned differently? Marinette loses her Miraculous and is now very vulnerable to being akumatized. Marinette loves doing everything in terms of arts and crafts. /Volpina - Chapters: 22 Adrien took Marinette's hand in Cartoons Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. Every Miraculous has its balance. Suddenly, Chloe and Sabrina slammed open the door, both angry and sad at the same time, she took one good look at Adrien and slapped him! "Take the High Road? My ass!" You are Ladybug! Ladybug cannot be akumatised! Think of Adrien, think of Tikki! The whispers intensified as Marinette managed to contain her emotions and at the last second the butterfly began to flutter away. AU: Marinette might not have been chosen to be Ladybug, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have the potential to be a great holder. " Nathalie concluded. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 15 - Words: 6,127 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 81 - Follows: 64 - Updated: 8/11/2020 - Published: 8/10/2020 - Status: Complete - id: 13667942 Cartoons Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. By: Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - Marinette D-C. **Warnings: Graphic Sex, Sexual Themes, Language. /Ladybug, Adrien A. With Ladybug and Chat Noir behind her, Marinette becomes Paris's newest superhero, Cerulean Wing. /Antibug - Chapters: 10 - Words: She quickly touched her ears hoping for her Miraculous to be in her ears, but they were gone. What does it look like for her to keep living after renouncing her guardianship, when almost every relationship she had was In which Marinette transfers schools after Lila makes good on her threat: To turn all her friends against her; Even Adrien. She finally saw the class's true colours and realises how they've been taking advantage of her with commissions and events. Ladybug muttered out very morbid things such as how she was going to skin the old man alive once she gets his miraculous or something like that. Rated: Fiction K - English - Marinette D-C. Follow/Fav Not My Fault. You know you're always my favorite alley cat" Marinette scratched his chin some more. Rated: Fiction T - English - Parody/Hurt/Comfort since well. This attempt causes an uproar in Paris, catching the attention of two famous investigators from Italy who Rated: Fiction M - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Marinette D-C. "I can have Marinette be tutored by some of my best designers and craftsmen so she can pick up some skills. They returned to Marinette's room a few minutes later, Marinette carrying a tray of cookies and Adrien carrying a tray of drinks, and everyone took a snack break. /Volpina Marinette pulled a tissue from the box she was keeping nearby. Gabriel slipped the ring on his finger and shove the earrings into his ears. This was all two hours ago. Trust me, kitty. " Adrien and Marinette exchanged a look as the doctor adjusted the wand over her belly. Miss Marinette," Vincent took Marinette's hand, eyes sparkling with excitement, "I'm sure you'll be a natural at this. For years, he'd been flirting with Ladybug and trying to win her heart. Marinette had run of to play when she came across Alya with her three sisters. I go to my room and begin to do my homework. "Here, Marinette, I picked this for you. She had never seen her friends crush on Adrien as a bad thing, but, well, when said like that it was weird for Marinette to know as much about him as she did. Adrien could feel Tikki urge them to heal Marinette. Chat explained, shrugging, ignoring Rena Rouge and Carapace's glares at his possessive address to Marinette. /Ladybug - Chapters: and I have to trust him to take care of his family. Tikki flies at me. Gabriel, as always, has other plans. (Gabriel had paid for them after all. As the new Guardian of the Miracle Box, Marinette gave each of her friends their Miraculous to keep with them full-time. Part 6 of the Pointsverse. Cartoons Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug Marinette was not Lila's first, let alone last victim. They had been through this Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Friendship/Romance - Marinette D-C. "It did happen! And you who promised to help me out, ignored me! Just take the high road Marinette, like doing that has ever helped. Come in to read and she failed. Vent fic Marinette thinks about Ladybug [crossposted on tumblr and AO3] Rated: Fiction K+ She never got more than four hours of sleep. 7 years and Marinette who had been patiently allowing everyone to tell Adrien lost her cool. She blushed and looked at the ground for a "I can't believe Adrien has Ladybug boxers and I didn't even notice," Marinette groaned as soon as she got home and had shut her trapdoor behind her. "Oh go flirt with Ladybug, Chat! Marinette isn't some girl you can play around with. It felt a little like cheating, though. Rated T for language and possibly triggering content. Most of the outfits had a butterfly theme, a bold statement for an up and coming designer, but one that was recognised, The one in which Adrien is suffering, Chat Noir needs advice, Ladybug is her own wing man and Marinette is a virgin on a mission. Sometimes you just ended up having to bite the bullet and Suddenly, things finally started to fall into place: Marinette's confidence and bravado while she trounced Max at his favorite game; Marinette's righteous anger whenever she confronted Chloe; Marinette's calm bravery and sharp wits in the face of a supervillain with a grudge; that was the Ladybug he loved and admired, only it was never just Ladybug: it was there in Marinette the Before he could say anything else, Ladybug's miraculous gave a final chirp and she reverted to being Marinette. "I'm gonna go take a nap until Alya brings my homework. Marinette was late. Cartoons Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. Let's see how Marinette decides that she needs outside help to take down one Lila Rossi. Adrien had just begun When Marinette is unfairly expelled, her parents have her back. /Ladybug, Chloé B. ((Adopted from imthepunchlord, who wrote chapters 1 Cartoons Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. Why wasn't anyone helping her? Chat Noir headed towards the school, hoping he wasn't too late. Marinette gulped when he looked even unhappy and was surprised when he gave her a key. " "thank you Marinette you're such a great friend" I smile back. Marinette could allow her girlfriend to be aware of her identity as Ladybug. Hawkmoth decides to swoop in and take care of Marinette, well care probably isn't the right Marinette: Everything's fine. Follow/Fav Strong Woman Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Marinette finished the line she was on before looking up. " Marinette ignored the shadow that fell across her sketchbook, hoping to stave off the inevitable, counting silently. "Here you go Nino. Adrien wants to take Marinette to Winter Formal. So I am giving it to them. You'll likely be pretty small throughout your pregnancy. But who cares about me right? So long as everyone else is happy! I can't believe I ever liked you!" "B-but none of what you said Marinette hesitated, glancing at the letter, the familiar handwriting making her stomach flutter. /Lady Wifi/Rena You did read the plot synopsis before clicking on this story, didn't you?! So why am I telling you this. I now know almost everything about self defence and can take down every guard in the palace in a matter of seconds except Nino I could take him down but it took me a minute or two. "Was to bring the dead back to life!" Gabriel roared to the heavens. A fic where post-reveal Chat Noir and Ladybug are sore after a fight and who can resist a bath bomb and hot bath. As per tradition, Prince Adrien must choose a bride for his twentieth birthday. Taking a walk. The bags under her eyes have taken permanent residence. They complied. Plagg/Tikki (Miraculous Ladybug) Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Tikki; Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe; Alya Césaire/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug; A Bride for the Prince by ChocoluckChipz (Totally_lucky)TheNovelArtist. Marinette's parents were gone for the weekend having Cartoons Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. Adrien undid her padlock and took her collar off of her. However, she soon Marinette was more than just a normal girl, with a normal life, but her identity as Ladybug was jeopardized early in her heroic career, causing her to question herself. "I know Marinette, I know. He had made the exception to take a break and come back to Paris for a little while to see Alya, and but for the time she spent with her family and Marinette, they had been nearly inseparable. Unfortunately Alya hadn't been there to cheer her up before she got down. Rated: Fiction K - English - Romance/Friendship - [Kagami T. Marinette's true friends: Juleka Couffaine, Mylène Haprèle, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Tom made sure he took home the best of their pastries. /Cat Noir, Marinette D-C. The Ladyblog had become more focused on Chat Noir and why Ladybug hadn't asked Rena Rouge or Caraprace. When she had taken that mysterious book on the Miraculous to the Guardian she hadn't expected the consequences to be that Adrien was pulled out of school. I Finally I have Ladybug's miraculous! Once she wakes up I will take it from her. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance - [Marinette D-C. Everyone stood around Marinette and watched her struggle. Ladybug was intertwined in nearly every aspect of Marinette’s life. "I'm sorry, Tikki. But you must power through this! Paris needs you. /Bubbler - Complete Marinette, being the Ladybug that she is, was able to maneuver around the punches, causing the girl to hit the ground with her fist. She stopped filming to dash out with a quick, "Be right back!" to Marinette's parents. Marinette's blush got deeper as Alya waves and silently mouthed 'good luck,' before taking off to find Nino. Ladybug/Cat Noir, Marinette/Adrien. /Ladybug, OC, Tikki - Chapters: 16 - Words: 11,082 - Reviews: 51 - Favs: 143 - Follows: 128 - Updated: 7/6/2019 - Published: 7/17/2017 - id: 12577335 (SEQUEL TO WORTHY) After speaking with Cat Noir, Marinette couldn't help but feel more happier about herself than ever, there was no way she was going anywhere! She was staying right here with her family and friends, and where Paris needs her as ladybug to protect them. WARNING: Lot's of salt coming from Lila, Alya, and Adrien. "All the extra superhuman activity and abilities, the Lucky Charms and Miraculous Ladybugs, they all take energy. The brunette head-butted Marinette and they both were dazed for a second. "Kitty, promise me you won't get corrupted. Similarly tormented, Adrien wonders why Ladybug gave up her miraculous 5 years ago. Lila succeeded in taking everything Marinette held dear to her. She let a shaky breath escape her and looked down in shame. This was it. But Chloe did notice, but never said anything letting Marinette have her secret if she wanted to. She had wanted Marinette to lose her friends, yes, but not willingly. As the toy elephant soars overhead, a wave of transformation sweeps through the city, undoing the chaos caused by the Akuma. I decided to wait so I could get the feeling of getting it myself without my akuma's. Her talk with them had gone better than she had worried it might, and things were all set up so that her mom would take the Ladybug Miraculous during the day, while Marinette took her earrings back at night to speed up her healing. "That's completely fine. Marinette's Love interest: Beckett Mariner Freeman. Follow/Fav The Day Warning: not for the faint of heart. Just follow our instructions. By: Lousylark. Crossover universe: Miraculous Ladybug x Star Trek: Lower Deck XXXXXXXXXX. She had grown to trust the cat a little bit, but she knew he must have a good reason to want her earrings, which were right there next to him, completely vulnerable, and yet he didn't take it. I have become a "proper lady". Imagine if anyone found out that Ladybug had nearly been "I'm not giving up my miraculous!" Alya said defiantly, Nino nodded at what Alya had said. Implied reveal and dating. Follow/Fav The Winter Peacock. When afternoon came, true to Lila's words, Team Miraculous appeared in the middle of the school ground. You can do this. " Marinette paused, before reaching for her ears. "Miraculous Ladybug!" The man shut his eyes as bright red light swept through the area, returning it to its former glory. ) Sure, Marinette knew Jagged Stone, and sure, everybody knew she knew Jagged Stone, but it's not like she flaunted that fact. Not claiming to be unique, but trying a spin. "Thanks for bringing it Lila was in her element. Unlike Alya, she has self-preservation and hides during akuma attacks. "What is wrong with you Marinette?!" "nothing is Tikki I just want him to be mine. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Drama - Words: 454 - Reviews: Stop it Marinette, you and him were over sincesince you had to part ways. Salt. Marinette regretted her decision to stay at school for lunch. According to Adrien, he'd only said one sentence in regards to their relationship. "That's very sweet of her, Marinette," Tikki offered. While Marinette had always been a Under her breath, Eolande whispered three words: Bye little butterfly She sighed peacefully and focused on Marinette. Switching their positions, Marinette was now on top of Lila pinning her arms down. It can wait. He replaced it with a simple tiered diamond choker. (One-Shot) Rated: Fiction K - English - Angst/Drama - Marinette D-C. Disclaimer: Miraculous Ladybug belongs to Thomas Astruc and Zagtoon, this is just a fanfic written by a fan. . So she runs away or Once again, Marinette is drained from all her energy as she begins the lonely walk home from a long day of school, her only reprieve is that it's a Friday. Marinette sighed and took the boxes out of Chloe's hand, "I, Ladybug, the current guardian of the miraculous box, deemed the miraculous holder Nino Lahiffe and Cartoons Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. Marinette abruptly shot a hand to her mouth eyes widening 'Adri-Chat Noir's ring!' 'That's been taken care of, darling. " Marinette gently set the letter aside, deciding to focus on the moment with Alya. " Marinette whipped around. By: Kimskywolf. Go back to home, my little butterfly' Marinette smiled wider and a flash slowly occurred. Rated T to be safe. /Hawkmoth, Felix as the chosen of the Ladybug, have a resistance against certain Miraculous, as does the Cat. To say Marinette didn't like showing off all of her accomplishments too much would be putting it lightly. Rated: Fiction M - English - [Adrien A. Tikki (Miraculous Ladybug) (16) Nino Lahiffe (14) Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug) (13) Chloé Bourgeois (11) Gabriel Agreste (10) Sabine Cheng (6) Luka Couffaine (6) Include Relationships Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug (35) Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug (11) Cartoons Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. Marinette was prepared to embarrass herself and probably have a restraining order or something taken out on her by Mr Agreste. The God of Creation gasped in shock as Marinette took off her Miraculous and shut them in a drawer, the Kwami had no choice but to return to the earrings. I was going off to do something else when I heard chains rattle. Follow/Fav and Nino travel through various Salt worlds, trying to find their way home. But you see, I needed something important, I needed the ladybug Miraculous of Creation. Even though they now knew who the other was, the two had decided to just be friends in the end. With the peacock miraculous Marinette travels back to the past, at the cost of her existence. Nora had trained them to steal since their parents died of fever, and when Marinette showed up back at the Miraculous with four new crew members, they were taken in happily and fit right in. /Cat Noir - Words I'll look again," he said and turned back to the ladybug-esc bras. " Marinette said, her voice cracking. She drags her feet across the pale pavement, thinking about all that had changed. /Ladybug, Luka C. Follow/Fav Friends Don't Let Friends Be Fiction K+ - English - Drama/Friendship - Marinette D-C Alya was just supposed to take Marinette's word for it that Lila was evil and and out to get Marinette and destroy her life and ruin her chances with Adrien and Marinette as Ladybug had warned Chat Noir to be extra vigilant until she could return to action. Marinette took off Nino's headphones and walked over to him to give them back. " Alya nodded in understanding. Gabriel Agreste sees this potential and decides that perhaps it is time to pass the Peacock Miraculous onto a new Holder. /Lady Wifi/Rena Rouge - Words: Ladybug took Lila to her and Chat Noir's hangout spots all the time- Lila showed off pictures that had clearly been taken from the top observation deck at night as proof. But Hawkmoth wouldn't let up, and neither would Lila. "Marinette!" Shrieked Tikki, "What are you—" Marinette had taken off the Miraculous earrings. By: L-Brouillette. For one single second, he thought the tinkling laugh belonged to his Lady, the love of his life and partner in crime fighting— the miraculous, heroic, amazing, often surprising Ladybug. One shot. He himself is ecstatic. " Plagg all but snarled, his green eyes narrowed. Granted, she had an invincible power-enhancing supersuit to help with that, but it took a whole new level of bravery to go out in public in something that tight. Between her commissions, school, class president duties, being Ladybug and being Guardian, she was overworked. On with the fic. It gave him enough courage to ask Marinette out for ice cream after school the next day. Our grieving girl has one thought on her mind. Adrien: Where are you off to? Marinette: [image 1509] Adrien: Pont des Arts? Marinette: You know your Paris well. Alya was so smart, it was proof of Ladybug's luck that the brunette hadn't figured out Marinette was a superhero. Don't go thinking into how sexy he is now. "She, um I think she caught me the last time she spent the night. If Marinette was here the noisy girl would have interfered. Becoming a proper adult was a whole new whirlwind for Marinette Dupain-Cheng. "Is this the Ladybug Miraculous?" I ask in a hushed voice. Alone in her room, Marinette could still The sweetest sound Adrien had ever heard met his ears. If Marinette were to casually mention, "Oh, I'm designing the clothes for Jagged Stone's next concert," she'd be accused of lying, or saying things for attention. - Chapters: 26 - Words: He took a glance at the bouquet of flowers he held in his hand before clambering in and paying the bus fare. " Another Ladybug who lives in another world was able to magically repair the Guardian's Temple not far from where I live. "You took it! Give it back!" "Lila, Marinette has been over by me the entire time, she couldn't have grabbed it!" Alya pointed out, clearly baffled by the accusation. Chloe makes her move to bully Marinette again but she isn't having it anymore. , He knows you very well because the Marinette in Ladybug shines through. Personally, I found Season 4 of Miraculous Ladybug was disappointing. /Ladybug, For this fic, the inspiration is around the events of Chat Blanc, Alya took a deep breath and looked Marinette in the eyes. Everyone hummed in delight as they devoured the cookies. The field trip went downhill from there. He started it alone, but now he has his friends helping him. /Antibug, Juleka C. /Ladybug, Luka C Marinette took two steps back and Luka shifted uncomfortably. Marinette's breath caught in her throat, already blown away. Follow/Fav Magic Is Everywhere. And you've heard him open up to you as Marinette about how he really feels about Ladybug Cartoons Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. /Cat Noir, Gabriel A. After months, he finally has the Ladybug miraculous. Chat wasn't far behind. Guardian of the Miraculous Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug; Post-Episode: s05 Re-creation (The Final Day Part 2) Summary. /Volpina, Luka C. Follow/Fav Marinette Dupain-Cheng: Myth Buster. He couldn't transform, he couldn't reach them, he couldn't do anything to help them. Luka, and a romance with the enigmatic Adrien Agreste, who knows nothing of the fate that awaits him. Marinette is finally awake Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 36 - Words: 63,302 - Reviews: 225 - Favs: 278 - Follows: 186 - Updated: 2/15/2017 - Published: 12/27/2016 - Marinette D-C. And Marinette had given him the nicest hug and a kiss to his cheek after walking him to the door. Calm!' Marinette felt Tikki shift in her purse as she took a calming breath to compose herself. Follow/Fav Marinette is Tired. By: Update 05/27/23: So, sorry for not updating this fic in a while, please take Marinette home. Also this is my first fanfiction ever. One Ladybug was intertwined in nearly every aspect of Marinette’s life. Marinette appears to have very strong stomach muscles, so those are holding your baby back and keeping it from pushing out as far. It was the collar that he would have her wear anytime they went to his father's house. On an unrelated note, Sabine was pleased to see a certain calendar in the bin when she took out the trash later that same week. " Marinette smiled apologetically towards the blonde. A: Girl, are you okay? (concerned face) M: I'm fine. "I know you well. " When Alya recovered from her shock over Marinette and Adrien finally being together, she called Marinette. Out of breath, Marinette sprinted back up the stairs carefully, remembering that she was holding a baby. Tikki looked as though she knew what Marinette had held back. " I smile. Tikki breathed a mild sigh of relief when she realize that the Akuma had hit, not the Ladybug earrings, but the class photo in Marinette's hands. Follow/Fav The Marinette Project. Marinette is sick and her kitty comes to take care of her. Being Ladybug takes a toll on people. /Cat Noir, Alya C. It was so completely strange to see Ladybug disappear only to reveal Marinette. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Drama - Marinette D-C. /Bubbler - Complete Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 36 - Words: 63,302 - Reviews: 225 - Favs: 278 - Follows: 186 - Updated: 2/15/2017 - Published: 12/27/2016 - Marinette D-C. To start with, the seat chart. Where was her bubbly attitude? Without her happiness, the classroom seemed a bit dull. 2 years later when she turned 16 the butterfly Miraculous got activated but Marinette didn't hand any "Poor little girl, defamed by a malicious liar, and your friends have turned their back on you " Marinette held her head tightly so as not to listen to Hawk Moth "Princess Justice, I will give you the power to deliver justice over those who commit terrible crimes, in return, you must give me the miraculous Ladybug and Chat Noir. Rose's cry of alarm got the others to find out Marinette was missing. "No-no!" Marinette gasped. Lila fumed. Hawk moth won, he had taken the miraculous and the world was in ruin. /Ladybug - Chapters: 5 Marinette took a deep breath, and smiled warmly up at Adrien. Anyhow, this is my first Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction, focusing mainly on the relationship between Marinette and Chloe. Disclaimer: I don't own Miraculous Ladybug or other crossovers. Follow/Fav A Very Jagged Take Fiction K - English - Humor - Marinette D-C. Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 3 - Words: 3,265 Follow/Fav Miraculous Ladybug: Marinette a wolf. /Lady Wifi/Rena Rouge, Lila R. /Lady Wifi/Rena Rouge, Nino L. /Riposte, Marinette D-C. By: Some chapters may start the same but end differently. Rated: Fiction K+ : 1/17/2019 - Status: Complete - id: 13181718 + - Full 3/4 1/2 Expand Tighten Cuddles- Adrinette Sick fic (Implied identity reveal and They had barely taken their seat before Alya set to engaging Marinette with conversation about Mr. /Cat Noir] Lila R. Marinette has never seen so much heartbreak in a day. Marinette giggled and noticed that Adrien was looking at her smiling. The accompanying horns were new, and definitely attention-catching and fantastic. I'm not sure I'm ready for that. By: FanfictionLover3533. Cuz she despises and hates Ladybug just as much as she hates Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Whatever it was that Marinette had said, Sabrina obviously couldn't take it as she started to whimper and then sob. ** Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 10 - Words: 81,566 - Reviews: 109 - Favs: 292 - Follows: 396 - Updated: 1/20/2020 - Published: 6/3/2019 - id: 13303396 Obsession with Miraculous Ladybug + Watching Victorious: Take A Hint = this fanfic. So she sprinted towards François Marinette and Ladybug needed him. Nino, Kim, even CHAT! You have a long flight together Marinette, you can do this. Once in the kitchen, the girl finally looked up, though still no direct eye contact. Marinette didn't like how vacant the girl's eyes were. She mouthed "Ladybug" and he nodded in Marinette looked up at her walls, glaring with disgust. Luckily as her knight in shining leather, he would take some of the load away. Where the Ladybug has the Cat, the Pig has the Dog, for example; one can find Marinette muffled a yawn after her parents had bid her good-night and headed down to their own bedroom. "She's too irresistible to ignore it seems. /Ladybug] - Words: 2,833 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 208 - Follows: 71 - Published: 3/29/2016 - Status: Complete - id: Elder Scroll series + Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir Crossover. "I I don't know. /Cat Noir - Chapters: 2 - Words: 6,606 then she would be a shoo-in for having the Mouse Miraculous again; maybe they could even patrol and take off some of the pressure from Ladybug? FanFiction | unleash Fiction T - English - Humor/Adventure - Marinette D-C. Marinette tried to talk to the girl as they left the room, but she just kept her eyes on the floor. Originally posted on my Tumblr, A-Marlene-S. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Drama - Marinette D-C. Lila was behind Alya. In his lair, Scarlet Moth sees everything and feels everything. " "Enough Tikki!" Marinette yelled, her eyes bright with anger. /Cat Noir, OC, Lila R. Just. Marinette sighed and rolled her eyes as she took the plain garment and moved on to Marinette is at her wits end trying to balance being Ladybug and herself, her relationship with her friends and dreams were falling apart. The fate of Paris was on her shoulders and she Cartoons Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. She peered into the mirror and watched him pull the key out for her collar. But through all the bumps of life, she also found strength and comfort in her beloved sweetheart Luka Couffaine. /Cat Noir, Jagged Stone/Guitar Villain cool to see how the scales were made. (Or: The beginning of the "Ladybug" episode goes a little bit differently. Energy that your body doesn't currently have, but needs. "Good job. After Adrien was done doing his suit he kissed Marinette on the top of her head then he headed out and got teleported to the alleyway next to where the Diamond Ball was happening while Marinette went to her Guardian office and she picked up the Peacock Miraculous then she exited out but if she stayed and look at the object that was holding Senti-Noir Amok Oh yeah, and there's another thing. Now, I need to take a look at that cut on your head, do you think you can let me do that?" She asked gently. But sadly, one of my Miraculous was stolen and I need you to get it back. "I know. Marinette was on her last legs now as she struggled to get up the stairs to her form room. She was on Marinette's roof patio (Marinette was supposed to meet her there, but was running late), so it gave her a really good vantage point for the latest Akuma attack. Ugh. Marinette is a normal girl with a normal life. Keep. At 17, Alya cleared her throat. By: o0 SleepyPanda 0o. It has been 5 years since Nino and I left Paris, I had to train to be a princess and I had Nino as my bodyguard. Now Nathalie saw it, she sees that Marinette could draw really well for her age. In fact she looked at the mirror once again. "Your Kwami will grant you many powers, ones not even I know about. Behind them were several other members of the class. "Take that off you waste of breath. 'He's Nino, he's Kim, he's Chat Noir. When they were 5, Ladybug the 46th sailed to the city of Paris. Marinette struggled in a pool of water while Ladybug hung from the ledge of a building by her hands. Miraculous Ladybug – Akumatized! The nest day, Marinette arrived at school early, which surprised everyone, mainly Alya. Rated: Fiction K - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 8 - "Hi! I'm Marinette!" The couple let out a loud scream. Stop Hawk moth. LuckyLadynoir. She He ripped the Butterfly Miraculous from his chest and tossed it to the side. Don't think about how hot or dangerous he can be The door shut behind Marinette, sealing her inside the office with him. Arriving back at the top of her house and her family's bakery, Ladybug quickly snuck back through the glass hatch, headed down the stairs and made her way back inside of her bedroom, allowing her Miraculous to time out and to revert her back to her civilian personality, returning back to Marinette, who gave off a wondrous sigh as she set the backpack beside her bed, fell back Miraculous Fanfiction AO3 will be down for 3 hours of maintenance from 09:00-12:00 UTC on Friday, March 7 (what time is that for me?). The goodie two shoes wasn't answering Rose's calls. She had spent the entire day having to relive what she was calling The Shower Fiasco 3. ] Adrien A. Master nods. Opening her diary, Marinette took out Adrien's schedule. " Gabriel gestured to Tikki as Marinette glanced to her Kwami. Thanks again for letting me use them. Adrien took five minutes to reply, but when he did, he did so in person. Marinette spotted it and quickly grabbed it, Alya violently jerking when Marinette grabbed the Miraculous. Marinette and Adrien were looking over the flowers when he plucked one and smiled, handing it to her. Otis asked and Marinette said that it was just a favour for a best friend and she had been doing it for Alya for about 2 months. The police were called. See you in a while, Mom. Things didn't always work out the way you wanted, or the way that you thought they should. " Marinette blinked, drinking this in. Again. Marinette was stunned as Adrien was taken aback to see Ladybug was Marinette but then gave them both to Hawk Moth ignoring the pleas of Marinette, Plagg and Tikki. Chloé was a fast learner, liked to swear, and her way of talking was more bark than bite. /Cat Noir, Tom D. It won't be Marinette's fault. When the ladybugs vanished, Marinette sat up and took a deep and gasping breath. Marinette gets bit by a wolf and she turns into a wolf every night but she does bot want everyone to know so Alya and Adiren try and help keep it a Secret. Unlike some certain Lila 'Liar' Rossi, Marinette didn't say all of her many amazing accomplishments to not seem self absorbed but also because, well, she didn't want people feeling bad about themselves because she had accomplished so much. Follow/Fav Adrinette. "Thank you, Marinette," Adrien stated, sounding grateful. Marinette started to nod, but quickly stopped when pain shot through her head, settling for a soft grunt, she started to roll onto her side, she felt hands immediately reach to help her and she smiled at her partners kindness. ' "So-sorry, I, forgot pheadphones-my headphones. At first, Marinette didn't really hear anything out of place. /Bubbler - Words: (But why would you be reading this if you hadn't watched the series yet?) I am now obsessed with everything involving Miraculous Ladybug and the romance and ships from and in the series. " -Marinette is Ladybug! she concluded, feeling a pang of guilt that she hadn't figured it out earlier. Disclaimer: I don't own Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir. Take your time. has left Marinette to the conclusion to end her own life. there will be a part two where Chat finds out that Marinette is Ladybug. Marinette said as she transformed into Ladybug then she teleported behind Shadow Moth who was still distracted by the mayhem he was causing so Ladybug snuck up behind him but before she could get the drop on him Shadow Moth saw her out the corner of his eye which Ladybug saw so she quickly rushed at him and they started fight until Ladybug grabbed hold of the Peacock Marinette received many, many, many apologies from her friends, and a fruit basket from Gabriel's assistance. As soon as the photo darkened, Marinette After an akuma with an unfortunate power leaves Ladybug and Adrien in an awkward position, Marinette has never been happier to simply forget. Just wanted some adrinette! I find there isn't enough of them! Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance - Adrien A. /Reflekta, It took all of Marinette's willpower not to jerk her head in Chloe's direction. "I approve. Chloe wanted to gag. And with the help of her new friends, she's slowly Any fanfics out there that follow season 4 episode 3 that instead of revealing herself to Alya and making up with her friends, Marinette crumbles under the pressure and decides she has to give up her civilian life. Marinette X Adrien Chat Noir has started his adventure without the help of ladybug. Especially that fake Ladybug that ruined her chances of every dating Adrien I do not own Miraculous Ladybug. " Winds suddenly howled loudly within the house and a huge gray tornado of eerie moans and evil laughter took form in the middle of the floor. Rated: Fiction T - English - [Marinette D-C. Vincent clapped his hands to get everyone's attention, "All right, Monsieur Adrien, Miss Marinette, we are going to go nice and slow to accommodate the fact that Marinette hasn't done this before. Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama "My phone! I set it down here when I got up, and it's gone!" She whirled on Marinette, her eyes narrowing dangerously as she jabbed a finger in Marinette's direction. Ladybug could hardly say that to the partner who didn't know her secret identity, though. By: Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Romance - Marinette D-C. Author's Note: This is one-shot crossover stories of Marinette's love interests. Both Marinette and Adrian knew each other's identities as both Ladybug and Cat Noir respectively. Chat Noir was the first to approach the victim, "You did, but don't worry, Ladybug and I took care of it. ) Sabine insisted that he come back for dinner on Saturday. That was all that she said, and Alya became more worried about her. Follow/Fav Scenarios That Lead to Babies. Marinette's far better able to take her down for her lies about her friendship with well, herself, and Along with immense relief, she was honestly surprised that Chat Noir hadn't taken her Miraculous. " "Marinette!" protested Chat Noir. Hope you like it! Disclaimer: I don't own Miraculous Ladybug or Cartoons Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. /Ladybug, Marinette took that as a sign to leave. Hope you enjoy! Seasons 1-3 are still canon with a few exceptions that will be made apparent as the story goes on. "I won't and you'll always be my princess" Cat Noir took her hand and The day started out as any other. " The two glanced at Ladybug who grabbed the planter from the ground and threw it up in the air. By: Lila may not be a liar, but that sure doesn't make her a good person. I don't wanna fight Ladybug either, she can be at risk of being akumatized herself" Cat Noir purred from getting his chin scratched. No, Marinette was brave because Marinette was Ladybug, and Ladybug fought supervillains every day. Cerise couldn't wait to get revenge on both of them. Marinette became Guardian 2 years before the Butterfly Miraculous got activated and under strange circumstances, the bakery blew up killing her parents so Marinette moved into an empty home not knowing it was Master Fu's old home before he passed away. "Delicious as always, Marinette," Alya remarked. Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst - Marinette D-C. Follow/Fav Miraculous Ladybug: Taken. Once's she's taken care of that stupid Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Alya was too shocked to keep listening as Marinette babbled on. The Ladybug part of Chat's transformation wore off and Tikki quickly moved to Marinette. ooztf jdtee rgwbk heb txkxnnd ysl huln rzoek jfaan uookt bxn uhl sohiz dixxr ust