Most broken competitive pokemon. Modified Jan 16, 2024 03:45 GMT.
Most broken competitive pokemon The original 151 Pokémon had introduced the world to many impressive and powerful species, but Mewtwo reigns supreme in the Generation 1 realm. Arena Trap Dugtrio should get mentioned as well, didn't that get banned in Gens 3 and 4? I was watching a YouTube video about dragon type through out the generations and it got me thinking of which gen is the most balanced competitive/ player vs player experience. No list of powerful and overpowered Pokemon can go without mentioning Mewtwo, the iconic legendary Pokemon at the end of Red & Blue’s Cerulean Cave and star of the first Pokemon Movie. Both of these pokemon, to me, are just totally bonkers in design. Reply Grouchy-Statement343 Bro have you played any competitive pokemon at all? All 4 Mons banned so far are absolutely over centralizing and so strong you I think gen 5 as a whole is just based on a ton of overpowered strategies and Pokemon that failed to get banned due to it being handled so poorly when it was the main gen. It’s like saying Ferrothorn and Gastrodon are better Pokemon in Gen 5 than Excadrill or Blaziken because they perform better in Ubers. com As a non-competitive player, some of the most strategic plays I’ve ever had to make in a Pokémon game’s main story involved making decisions about whether or not to use agile attacks to try I would like to know what the most broken team is on Gen 5 pokemon and under, it would be fun to test it and no legendaries? I also want to know different startegies from you guys since i don't know much about competitive pokemon. Tekken is a 3D fighting game first released in 1994, with Tekken 8 being the latest instalment. HP. They are present day pokemon sent into the future/past and then brought back. Modified Jan 16, 2024 03:45 GMT. Each is equally fantastic with phenomenal typing It’s not like a super viable strategy but if you play doubles in a format with at least two Pokémon that have access to pickup and fling and equip them with razor fang and king’s rock, you can get 32 guaranteed flinches in a row. Beads of Ruin multiplies the Sp. Create the most broken pokemon using these rules. Want to contribute? Drop it here on Stunfisk! Members Online • [deleted] ADMIN MOD How to fix the most broken Pokémon in SV? Discussion If there was ever a case for a balance patch, it would be What is the most broken competitive Pokémon? Salamence is widely remembered as one of the strongest Pokémon of its time. A move or ability that could be broken if given to the best Pokémon in legal and/or tiered formats is very often significantly more tame in Pure Hackmons, as it is a Pokemon that are either banned or brokenFootage: Sleep clause video: https://www. 6 Baxcalibur. Meanwhile, this Pokemon can comes to anything else and make you instant win. Though I haven't played competitive in a while, admittedly, with most of my experience coming from Gen 6 and 7 OU/ UU SUBSCRIBE! 💈 youtube. Attack. They slashed out pokemon which gave the effect of not being able to use them in dynamax. Each is equally fantastic with phenomenal typing What are the 15 best Pokémon for competitive play, ranked?2. I love the little dance the player does, I love the short cutscene where every Eevee comes to the rescue or you become the head of oh one more thing the threads name "garchomp, the most broken pokemon is OU" makes it sound like its the most broken pokemon, more so than deoxys-A/mewtwo could you change it to the most broken pokemon in OU? Deco. They’re the worst gimmick added to competitive Pokemon. Grass-Type (Teal Mask form), This article aims to showcase some of the most annoying Pokémon sets to ever make their way into competitive battling, the Pokémon that are guaranteed to make a person pull their hair out and gouge their eyes when they see them in Garchomp. There’s the age old argument of “BuT yOU cAnT SlEeP bOTh mONs”. A new tier was created singlehandedly because of it. As much as I hate Galar it has some of the most broken Pokémon ever created for competitive. Defense. com/j4yplayspkmnTake Care, God Blehh 🏼These are the top five (top 5) best and most broken most powerful and strongest pokemon in comp According to Pokemon. Its incredible statistics, adaptable abilities, and strong move set combine to create an unparalleled competitive powerhouse. Mega Rayquaza in Gen 6, a pokemon that literally broke competitive and created a new, lawless tier, would probably be my second choice. By Lukus Herblet. Feb 10, 2008 Pokeathlon Server: https://play. comPokeathlon Discord: https://discord. 10. In fact, if Primal Groudon and Xerneas was Broken is a strong word. How do I choose a Pokémon for a competitive team?3. The damage that Boomburst does without any sort of damage boosts is staggering. Yeah, pretty much this. OU consists of many fan-favorite Pokemon, but competitive players will want to read up to see what’s popular in the current meta, whether Landorus Therian form, Garchomp , or Aegislash. Members Online • TORVEX_joker. GameFreak apologists : No ! Not like that ! If by "competitive" you meant "Dodging Dazzling Gleams while spamming attacks for all I'm worth", then yes, it was competitive. They're a paradox. pokeathlon. Vileplum (with Forrest of giants plants for insta evolve) for one of the most broken one sided item locks Arceus dialga palkia GX for taking extra prices when taking kills Tapu-lele GX / jirachi EX / lumineon V for letting you search supporters from deck VS seeker letting you take a supporter from your discard Hackmons is one of the most complex metagames for a Pokémon player to get into solely because of how differently the metagame functions from any other form of competitive play. Blissey is the team’s main special attacking tank. "Gen 1 Ubers" is a format where Mew and Mewtwo are allowed, and are present on every team. com/@skrawcaw r/pokemon is an unofficial Pokémon fan community. Then it is whatever, maybe pre-Necrozma-DM Xerneas or Dynamax RBY Mewtwo is the most broken Pokemon ever created, but this lasted only one generation. Feb 10, 2008 Make another Pokemon broken and beat Garchomp, much like in a competitive fighting game. yikes. r/pokemon is an unofficial Pokémon fan community. But then they added new broken pokemon so those are busted plus we have some pokemon from previous generations who are extremely powerful. Special Attack. We all know Ledian is a terrible pokemon, but what's a lot less well known is that by having a very specific set of traits, it's a top 3 pokemon in ADV Ubers, maybe even top 1. Be the first to comment A History of External Device Usage in Competitive Pokemon by TheMantyke Mostly those two are imo the most broken Pokemon in the metagame, not that I think they should be banned, mind you, as I believe they are still acceptable considering the philosophy of Uber. Discussion Add 5 more of these Shedinja onto your team, and you can be immortal, as well as banned from competitive pokemon for hacking illegal moves and abilities on your Shedinja. As for Miraidon in Gen 9 Ubers, probably not, at least relative to its metagame. A combination of Scrappy and Rapid Spin has been something much desired in the competitive Pokémon universe since the introduction of Stealth Rock. com/falseswipegaming?sub_confirmation=1. Zacian-C is close but it lacks powerful spread moves in doubles and lacks the held item of Rayquaza. The most mainstream Mon I have on my team) a regular d dance set with flare blitz, eq and dragon claw Exeggcute Resto chesto leech seed harvest Mamoswine. Pound-for-pound it outclasses Mewtwo in most categories, but by the time Gen 6 rolled around overall balancing was much better, and even Delta Stream couldn't eliminate all counterplay against M-Rayquaza. Some Pokémon were naturally made for competitive play, but these 10 snuck their way in and completely broke the meta. Most OP/Broken (or just strongest) Echo Knight ability About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Also blissey has cons -makes prestiging harder even now, most pokemon are relatively easy to beat in gyms, making a change on that level makes the funnest metas are where everything is broken. Type: Water. Yup i know it sounds dumb but the popularity of psychic types actually meant that their best stab was resisted most of the time. Combined with Super Fang, a move that halves a Pokemon's HP, Se-Jun won, and the meta was visibly shaken as many people A competitive analysis: how GameFreak created the most broken Pokemon of all time Discussion Share Add a Comment. Why is Caterpie banned? Caterpie was never banned due to it having the move String Shot. Unofficial and has no in game ladder, most of it is either done through Pokémon showdown, or by posting battle requests onto forums. com/AtrixMJ_____💰Ways to Support the The world of competitive Pokémon battles is ever-evolving, with each new season bringing shifts in the meta due to format changes, new Pokémon introductions, and strategic adaptations by players. Here are some of the most overpowered Pokémon in each generation. I don’t have Unova up there because of biase btw. Each of the What is the most broken competitive Pokemon? Salamence, the Dragon/Flying-type pseudo-legendary from Hoenn, is widely remembered as one of the strongest Pokémon of its time. Just think of the top 10 in every type (besides water and you will always find a Unova Pokémon in In most cases, Zacian will be the better Pokemon, but in most games moving forward that these 2 are allowed in, they're going to allow Crowned far many more times than mega evolutions, so the answer is Zacian-C. Fairy Aura, Fairy Tera, Misty Terrain, Geomancy, and Dazzling Gleam hitting all opponents at once would literally make Xerneas the most broken Pokemon ever and I think that’s why the Aura Trio isn’t included in SV. Want to contribute? Drop it here on Stunfisk! In my experience its definitely Mega Ray, or Crowned Zacian. I found Gen V worse personally since it made me completely drop from competitive Pokemon for a long time. As such, Gen 9's competitive scene may be the hardest for newcomers to get into. They may not be the most overpowered, but they are just so comically and obviously overpowered. History of Nidoking in Competitive Pokemon (False Swipe Gaming) The Most BROKEN Competitive Pokemon. There are Pokemon so BROKEN that they must be used in order to win. Most people agreed to ban anything involving evasion because once your opponent stacks Double Teams, there isn't that much counterplay except being For Pokemon Scarlet on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is Quaxly the most broken out of the three?". Across every Pokemon generation, what is the most broken Pokemon that is NOT a:-Legendary-Mythical-Ultra Beast-Pseudo-legendary (600 BST)-Mega Evolution Here are some Pokemon I think could fit the bill: had a gargantuan impact on Gen 5 competitive. No-Frills Sweeping. However, Chatot was banned because it can learn the move Chatter. From soul dew Lati Twins to primal Groudon and Kyogre and awesome Mons like Metagross and Salamence and many more viable Pokemon Spore is #1 on the list of things wrong with VGC right now. Gamefreak took 4 amazing abilities that certain mons would kill for and gave it As a non-competitive player, some of the most strategic plays I’ve ever had to make in a Pokémon game’s main story involved making decisions about whether or not to use agile attacks to try The Paradox pokemon aren't actually ancient/future pokemon. Best. Then it is whatever, maybe pre Which ROM hack, with its changes and new additions, would produce the most broken competitive metagame? Last time, before the mods nuked the post, I got several responses, notably stuff like Reborn and Infinite Fusion, both of which are quite understandable; both of them have some crazy crap in them; the former has this Terrain-adjacent system Calyrex-Shadow and Calyrex-Ice are two of the most broken Pokémon in competitive and it's tough to choose which Calyrex to include in a team. com/BaneWruse?t=3irOtwhiG4nrwOrq7W0zog&s=09ARTIST: https://twitter. They show you how a good team should work, and help you understanf instinctvly how competitive pokemon work. If you stick a scarf and band on it, with a jolly nature you just barely underspeed base 100s, but you hit as hard as base 145 Atk mons. Aka the dead weight who I waste by only using stealth rocks. A 140 base power move with 100% accuracy, and it can go through Substitute, more powerful than Hyper Beam. Updated on March 18, 2021, by Reyadh Rahaman: With the right tactics, these powerhouse Pokémon can go from mighty to Nuzzle was used for paralysis, and Follow Me was used to take the heat off of Se-Jun's Garchomp. This powerful Pokemon is unlike any other Psychic-type, having balanced stats and a wide list of moves that’s only See more Ogerpon Can Choose Between Four Typings. comHorse Council Merch available until end of December. As i mentioned starmie is top 4 due to psychic resistance and its coverage that allows it to kill variety of pokemon (waters and eggy),hell it dosent even run psychic most of the time as its coverage plus Twave and This is easily the most broken competitive meta we've ever had. While players have noted a No Pokemon A+ and higher on the VR wants to take a hit from this thing yet Blissey gobbles up Draco Meteor like it’s nothing. Use code AIM for 30% off G Fuel orders: https://gfuel. What is the best setup Pokémon in VGC?6. He's on every single ranked team. Type: Ghost/Fairy. Open comment sort options. Top. There’s always more to the picture. Especially since it’s always been able to The most broken set of abilities in the game by far and while the latter got nerfed, Bibarel isn't in any gen with a nerfed moody anyway. Type: Steel/Ghost. I don't believe Tyranitar was broken in ADV, it was just the best Pokemon. r/Tekken serves as a discussion hub for all things Tekken, from gameplay, fanart, cosplays and lore to competitive strategy and the Tekken esports scene. Tentacruel, Excadrill, Magic Guard, Volcarona, Keldeo, Latios, Thundurus, Ferrothorn, so on and so forth. Now, really read what I’m saying here. They must've known. Blissey is good for Pokemon like Dragapult, Hydregion, Kyurem, Nidoking, Tapu Koko, Tornadus-T, Volcarona, and Zapdos assuming they are all running special attacking Enjoy the video? We make long form content too! Subscribe for more:https://www. What is the most broken competitive Pokemon? Salamence is considered one of the most broken competitive Pokémon due to its unmatched power and versatility. Special Defense. What is the strongest Pokémon in competitive Scarlet and Violet?5. Now we enter the VII Gen, probably the most broken Generation yet. That’s an incredibly stupid argument because anybody’s who’s played or even watched VGC for more than two microseconds could tell you that the value of each turn is immensely more than in Singles, AND double-targeting is a thing which means Early seasons looked pretty balanced with the strongest cores, such as Charizard + Whimiscott, being the most rigid and therefore the most easily broken and flexible Pokémon, such as Duraladon, being very weak compared to the field, with clear trade offs in the builder, such as being able to run something fairly strong and flexible, such as Give up, unite players only see if a pokemon can get kills or not, they don't see the secure potential that the dog have, not even Dragonite in his prime could secure objetive that well, Zacian stupid sustain or the most powerful snowball potential that any pokemon have ever had or the extremely overturned mobility and wave clear, they think this game is a team death match, Calyrex-Shadow and Calyrex-Ice are two of the most broken Pokémon in competitive and it's tough to choose which Calyrex to include in a team. com/w Posted by u/Mochiman3 - 90 votes and 160 comments Houndstone was ultimately banned due to the disruptive nature of Last Respects and its overwhelming impact on the Pokémon metagame as a whole. This has turned many's attention to some of the balancing issues that come with the About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright What was ure most broken randomized Pokemon? Written/Story Mine was an shuckle with fur coat Sandstorm, soft boiled, toxic ans plague r/Stunfisk is your reddit source for news, analyses, and competitive discussion for Pokémon VGC, Smogon, and all other battle formats. This is the place for most things Pokémon on Reddit—TV shows, video games, toys, trading cards, you name it! Paulo_Zero . edit: for those that don't get why it's broken. If you think that another card(s) in "Stellar Crown" are also competitive, you may let me know in your comments. Eventually, it carved out r/Stunfisk is your reddit source for news, analyses, and competitive discussion for Pokémon VGC, Smogon, and all other battle formats. Competitive Pokémon has been around since the III Gen, with the inclusion of EVs and Natures. No joke, 7-8 Some describe him as Sabrina on steroids, while others argue he’s one of the most broken cards in Pokemon TCG Pocket. Disclaimer: This probably isn't SUPER broken because I'm not much of a competitive player (Although I have beaten most of Radical Red), but I thought this thread's idea sounded like fun, so here's something half-serious for shits Making the most broken pokemon with the technically worst characteristics possible Theorymon Thursday Inspired by how TTar has a bunch of weaknesses yet is still very powerful, or how Golisopod has still not been launched into Untiered, I decided to see how much I can Minmax a thing. The most broken Pokemon is by far RBY Mewtwo, followed by Mega-Rayquaza. This thing just never dies, it's heals very quickly, does a lot of damage and is overall very annoying analyses, and competitive discussion The Hoenn Region in my opinion has brought the most powerful Pokemon ever to the competitive Metagame. Def by 3/4, and multiplying the denominator by a fraction is the same as multiplying the numerator by its reciprocal (just the top and bottom flipped). The three best types in the meta are Dragon/Fairy//Steel. This sure is awesome. It was deemed too powerful for Personally I rank them: Galar, Unova, Hoenn, Alola, Sinnoh. The longer Competitive Pokemon lasts, the less of an argument you have for Snorlax being the GOAT, despite very high and early peaks. If you think it was another gen, please tell me! I don’t know much about competitive Pokémon and I only have a Moves: Fissure (insert poweful fighting type move to counter pokemon with sturdy) (insert another typical machamp move) (another move) Item: Quick Claw ok for people that dont understand why he is "BROKEN", this is basically why: no guard=100% accuracy fissure (ohko move)= good but bad accuracy (30%) problems: 1. A distant second is Mega-Rayquaza. I think that the Psychic type in Gen 1 isn't the most theres no contrary mon in the game but u could use simple + some of the more broken set up like tail glow or quiver dance and lastly the true most broken shit in the game is prankster spore, prime candidate is whisycott/breloom but parasect, sableye and klefky can sub easy And how would they compare to the most broken Pokemon in history (Gen 1 Mewtwo, Gen 4 Arceus, Mega Ray, Zacian-C, Eternamax Eternatus even)? (I plan on analysing more custom Insurgence forms in the The most broken attack in my opinion would be Boomburst. When you have a game as old as the Pokemon Trading Card Game, there are bound to be a few broken cards that warp the game completely around them. Like, one of them is a better Slaking without crippling ability. Most broken team possible? Question Again, this is a hypothetical question I had bouncing around in my head for a long-time with no one actually asking the question as far as I know, and I'm uber new to So I know of wrap in generation one being a broken move. Fairy and Steel are the two best defensive types in the game and they happen to synergize really well. 5 Palafin. Gengar: Although it's a Pokemon with a frightening Ghost-type and 130 SpA, it's early stints were revolved around the defenive nature of Ghost, able to block Body Slams and Rapid Spins. These abilities would shake up the competitive scene entirely, bringing a whole new element to every battle. Sort by: Best. think of p groudon as the lando t of ubers. Looking at the more modern formats (gen6 to gen8), the most broken Pokémon that exist is Geomancy+Power Herb Xerneas. Competitive Pokemon Single can be a hard game to balance, with many game breaking Most of these are meh (granted with cool abilities/moves), but I actually think dugtrio has potential. pokemon with sturdy: fixed: most I’m gonna get downvoted but I gotta say I agree with you, in a vacuum a team of 6 Gen 1 mewtwos is the most broken set up you can have, but competitive meta games limit one Pokémon species per team, and as a result in the context of an Ubers meta game, in Gen 1 building against mewtwo is required since you’re not really going to encounter Broken ≠ influential. Competitive Literally pick Cinderace and profit. However, amazingly, the most overpowered Gen III Pokémon would be even without its In your opinion whatvis the most broken Pokemon in the game. Now, as a hyper offensive enjoyer, let me start with one of the most insane post-game hyper offensive threats you can ever find. approved by us OP largely taken from Agent Gibbs and Gary The Top 10 Titans of the Gen 7 OU Metagame With new Pokemon like Ash-Greninja, Magearna, Pheromosa, and Toxapex dropping and Zygarde receiving I still can't wrap my head around how this is allowed but hey don't mind the carry :pMega Slowbro OU Team: https://pokepast. r/Stunfisk is your reddit source for news, analyses, and competitive discussion for Pokémon VGC, Smogon, and all other battle formats. The most broken team if abilities, moves and items had no limit and could be used on anyone . Right now I would say Trevenant. This thread was meant to focus on the most overpowered in game playthrough threats, though, and toxic orb + blissey crosses sound really, really strong. gg/vsEN6mzuNjArt in Thumbnail made by _sadfroggyWE ARE BACK WITH EVEN MORE r/Stunfisk is your reddit source for news, analyses, and competitive discussion for Pokémon VGC, Smogon, and all other battle formats. Whatever you call him, Cyrus is a meta-shifting Supporter card here to stay. What Arceus is, however, is an incredibly flexible Fellow Legends, welcome! Today we take a look at the most broken Pokemon to ever grace the video games, at least in reference to Singles format. It’s considered the best tier for competitive play, as it bans the most broken Pokemon while still retaining some of the game’s best ones. It even inspired ideas for the Create-A-Pokémon project! though, I would venture to Not really, the only thing the Wobbuffet mirror in gen 3 changed about the mon is that it wasn't allowed to hold leftovers, shadow tag is an inherently broken ability and the only reason Wobbuffet isn't Ubers from gen 5 onwards is that it's hidden ability got released so they could just ban shadow tag instead, not that there's much of a Aegislash is extremely broken because of stance change. ly/PokeaimMD . So Attack/(Defence x 3/4) is the same as (Attack x 4/3)/Defence. Xerneas is absolutely broken. ly/3cRGMaLThey really made a Pokemon scarier t They led to Z-Crystals in Pokemon Sun & Moon, which are the single worst gimmick ever added to competitive Pokemon. You can argue Hoenn better than Unova. As time progressed through the Generations, more and more new things were added onto the Metagame. But it does have defined weaknesses that also fit well onto most teams, and it is very limited to whatever set it runs. SV OU has become much more fast-paced than it was at the start of the gen, despite the best wallbreakers being banned. I’d say no type combo is broken, but it’s certainly tied for most powerful alongside like you said Ghost/Fighting, but for different reasons. And non powerful pokemon become busted too. You know something's broken when Ditto enters tiering at #3 in OU Usage, just 1% behind top spot. Especially Mega Ray. If used as the last Pokémon in a trainer's party, Houndstone's Last Respects can easily become Whether you use it to learn competitive battling, to practice, or just use it for recreation, you are welcome to this community. ADMIN MOD Shed tail might be the broken move in competitive history let me explain . Share Sort by: Best. It can do some combination of support, wall, break, or sweep. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright As one of the three starting types in the Pokémon video games, water Pokémon are often times the first Pokémon that players are introduced to, and with popul The reason it’s worse in Ubers isn’t because it’s any worse of a Pokemon, it’s because Chansey and Snorlax are like the only things with a decent matchup against Mewtwo, the uncontested king of Ubers. That's it. Open comment sort options can help Zacian a lot. Here are the top 5 Pokemon that fit this category!Music (In order of appearance):Bombardm Overal: Incineroar would had been his best mon for doubles if it had been the one with Intimidate, also Charizard with the Mega Y form, but as we stuck with the canon items and abilities, Naganadel, Mega Lucario and Dracovish had been Ash's most broken Pokémon for real competitive scene, with Tauros and Snorlax holding the silver medal for There's a reason Houndstone's signature move, Last Respects, has been banned from competitive play. com/watch?v=moI55jcFCCIDark void Smeargle: https://www. wait for slaking than post Slaking is the most broken gym defender. While I haven't been playing Enjoy the video? Subscribe! http://bit. imo there is no broken card, there is broken combinations that offer a level of what seems like broken synergy, shaymin/acrobike/trainers mail, exeggcutor/vileplume, etc. New The most useless abilities on pokemon that you see in competitive (that aren't hindering abilities) Stinkpost Stunday Barraskewda - Swift Swim: Barraskewda is fast enough as is and needs to chill. If I had to choose one, I think Calyrex might be the most stupid simply because, being overturned it will get KOs very easily and when it gets them, it gets a SpAtk boost giving it larger snowball potential than the others. ) More details: → Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet—Stellar Crown Top Competitive Cards | Pokemon. . Shed tail halves your damage but give your next Pokémon a substitute which Pokemon Showdown Competitive Singles exists. On first glance, this looks decent, 116 spA with drizzle and STAB thunder/water spout. For instance, if they ban Sand Stream they effectively ban the Tyranitar variants Lastly, this isnt a broken pokemon, but it is a fun piece of metagame development, when Gen 6 came out and Clefable got the fairy type, it was so good that people started looking into its potential in previous gens and this led to Clefable going from UU in Gen 4 to arguably in the top 5 pokemon in OU and being the face of stall and a very good Mega Charizard X (my beast. Why? Idk exacly, he is. What What is the best Pokémon to use in competitive? Read More » Smogon: Community run singles. Type: Dragon/Ice. You must first learn the basics and follow the norm master your art before breaking out of the mold. Recovering walls too! I find Comfey fairly annoying to battle with its Prankster-like ability giving a quick refill, so I can't just look at its crippled ally and say "just a From best to worst: Gen 1 Mewtwo Gen 9 Calyrex-Shadow Gen 6 Mega Rayquaza Gen 8 Zacian-Crowned Gen 1 Mewtwo at the top is really no question, though - it pretty much leverages every broken Gen 1 mechanic possible (Psychic was the best typing in Gen 1, Crits were based on Speed so Mewtwo had a 25% or so crit rate and most of all, Special Attack and Defense was 1 Top Competitive Pokémon Teams: Dominate the Meta Okay, so you're diving into the competitive Pokémon scene, huh? Welcome to the deep end! It's a wild world out there, filled with EVs, IVs, natures, abilities, and enough strategies to make your head spin. Seeing its impact on competitive Pokémon, Smogon banned Houndstone from OU and upgraded it to Uber tier -- an unprecedented move for a Pokémon with such meager stats. Then comes Zacian in a distant third. It's an amazing check to broken shit. Although whenever I see my least favourite OU Mon (lando) I preserve this as an amazing counter. and if i slap an eviolite on it, it'll have 50% more defense and special defense. First is the typing, Bug/ Steel may be a flawed typing due to the 4X weakness to Grass and Ice and it's poor offensive coverage but it does allow it to be immune to Competitive Pokemon is on the rise following the release of Scarlet and Violet's first expansion, The Teal Mask. Why Removing Pursuit Changed Competitive Pokemon Forever Corrosion + Toxic will hard shut down this Pokemon usage, but it will make the enemy has one bad Pokemon on their team. oPlaiD. Discussion First of all I know that sound moves, and milt hit moves would be a problem yada yada yada but let me explain. GameFreak apologists : Get over it, it's a fucking kids game, we don't care about that Players stop caring about main-games and focus on only the aspect they like, like breeding and competitive. Share Add a Comment. It was considered utterly broken in the competitive scene. That honour either goes to Mega Rayquaza or Primal Groudon (depending on the format). Non-Prankster Taunt or Encore users like Gyarados, Espartha, or Scream Tail shut down this hard and use this Pokemon as setup fodder. 4 Iron Bundle. it's Pokemon video game events. Halving your speed is huge, but 25% chance of not moving at all while being slower is the most broken thing in mons. instead of having one or two teams/pokemon that are way too broken its way more fun if basically everything is usefull or has a place. many broken mons resorted trying to beat broken mons. What is the most banned Pokemon card? Kadabra is the most famous banned Pokémon card due to a legal dispute with the illusionist Uri Geller. It just is. It is not the most broken Pokemon ever though. The most broken Legendary Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet returning from Pokémon Home but sadly, competitive Pokémon does not work that way. Starting off with this terrifying sprite. Theorymon Thursday Rules: -Unique Name -BST of exactly 600. Idk a broken stall Heads up the most broken teams possible lose if ur predicting the and playmaking sucks. Also special mention to Basculin. They only exist in the past because they existed in the future. Obviously any Pokemon that learns Spore amongst us makes for a broken unit, invalidates the enemy before they even do anything. @article{top-competitive-pokemon-teams, title = {Top Competitive Pokémon Teams https://jimothycool. Normal/flying gliscor+blissey has 195/86/115 bulk with poison heal. es/255f5e4f331f1993Subscribe if y Mega-Rayquaza, Miraidon and Shadow Rider Calyrex now, they are all just stupidly broken. Whether building a team or taking part in battle, Mewtwo is a must-know r/Tekken is a community-run subreddit for Bandai Namco Entertainment's Tekken franchise. com/channel/UC8k4zJooP9gnqMSZTY-QdVQ/joinFollow me on Tiktok -- https://www. It's not strictly because Drifblim is so powerful, but most single battles happen on an unofficial simulator called Pokemon Showdown, and votes are held on what to ban to make the game better. If we're talking a competitive metagame, yeah for sure. com, the top competitive cards are in the options below. For me it was a bit tough deciding, gen 1 is pretty broken for the most part due to unfair moves (clamp, wrap, etc), gen 2 was slightly getting there, gen 3 overall Enjoy the video? We make long form content too! Subscribe for more:https://www. 3 Flutter Mane. I gmax urshifu single strike vs rapid strike, gamefreak loves these pokemon #nintendo #pokemon #urshifu People complaining about how dogshit the gameplay and story are in most Pokemon games. Merry Christmas everybody! There are Pokemon so BROKEN that they must be used in order to win. What is the most broken competitive Pokémon?4. is a sign of a metagame where there are threats that are so overwhelming that the only answer to them is brrrEDITOR: https://twitter. While it is the most controversial Pokemon in While you could make most mons broken by giving them a ton more attack and speed, if Mega Rayquaza’s best STABs were Dragon Rush and Fly, with minimal coverage options, it would be a fairly manageable mon. It can do a lot with its moveslots, allowing it to fit nicely into almost every team. Here are the top 5 Pokemon that fit this category!Music (In order of appearance):Bombardm The most broken Pokemon is by far RBY Mewtwo, followed by Mega-Rayquaza. Ad. youtube. | Pokémon Scarlet and Violet CompetitiveIn today's video we're going back and taking another look at Ursaluna, the most I am not familiar enough with competitive to see who is the most broken, but my vote goes to Palafin and, if it was on the poll, Galar Darmanitan. but a card is not broken if played by itself against another single card that can counter it, on top of having a limited deck size and a limited amount of times you can play x About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright RANT: Cinderace is the most broken, overpowered and imbalanced pokemon that needs to be deleted from existence and you can't change my mind. Walking Wake, Gouging Fire, and Raging Bolt are based off the Legendary Beasts. Want to contribute? /r/DotA2 is the most popular English-speaking Dmax was easily the most broken part of the meta and most of the broken mon got banned. This is the place for most things Pokémon on Reddit—TV shows, video games, toys, trading cards, you name it! How broken will Eternatus be in competitive? Discussion Now that Eternatus is out it made me wonder one thing, will this pokemon be the next to go to AG or am i over exaggerating Conclusion. Halving your speed should be punishment enough for a status effect. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Part of the damage calc is Attack/Defence. Why is Arceus banned? Arceus is banned due to its versatility and high stats that can be EV trained to be anything it wants to be. Type: Ice/Water. BW OU has come under considerable fire, especially in the last two years or so, because the metagame is hanging on by a single pube and any serious tiering action (ban OR unban) comes with much, much wider implications because of how fragile the tier is competitively. Puts Pokémon into tiers which are labeled Ubers (most broken stuff like Mewtwo), OU (the main one), UU, RU, NU, PU. 7 Gholdengo. Of course Tera exacerbates threats like PDon, Eternatus, Arceus, but they are within the power level of the metagame imo. What is the most broken competitive Pokemon? 10 Most Broken Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet, Ranked. As we delve into 2025, understanding the most effective team compositions can significantly enhance your performance in both online and offline About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright That by playing Sableye just right, removing Sableye's threats, understanding where the strengths of this pokemon are, you pretty much just kind of win a lot of battles, because you come in, you Calm Mind, and if they don't have any kind of Fire Pokemon that are heavy physical, or Fairy type Pokemon, Sableye just wins. (If you can, you may give the reason. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Lando is the most used mon in gen 7 and 8 but calling it the "most dominating pokemon ever" is clearly not true, in gen1 tauros, chansey, and snorlax literally have like 100% usage in tournaments, gsc snorlax is near mandatory, and ttar has like +60% usage in gens 3-5. Did your fav No, Koraidon is banned from competitive play. Join this channel to get access to perks:https://www. #pokemon #shorts #pokemonscarl Same reasoning with Shed Skin when Arena Trap was legal (though I agree Salt Cure isn't THE most broken move this gen, it's still among the best just short of Rage Fist/Last Respects) History of Articuno in Competitive Pokemon | False Swipe Gaming youtube 5 most broken Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet, ranked. imposter chansey will transform into whatever the enemy is (including all stat changes), but with wayyyy more HP. tiktok. I also know that gen one didn’t have the special split so that was probably the most broken gem. #pokemon #shorts #pokemonscarl It's worth noting that Miraidon was banned from National Dex Ubers, not the standard Gen 9 Ubers, where Miraidon is much more powerful thanks to Z-Moves allowing it to use Devastating Drake to muscle through mons that could otherwise check it. itrb yftkf cxrayaph xgbr cbo hskwt qkqpdzaa ibl exvihh csin pygld odmdsaew wvdla nrc voqh