Pihole dhcp dns servers Feb 18, 2018 · Bei meiner fritz-Box 7490 verteilt nicht die FritzBox selber die Ip, sondern das PiHole. It can be deployed either directly on a server or in a Docker container. Feb 22, 2025 · Hello, I was very eager to start testing Pihole v6 (thanks for all the work btw!) but unfortunately I'm having a bit of trouble that I cannot seem to be able to fix. the way i have found to do this is to enable the dhcp server after editing the 02-pihole-dhcp. 33 (for example). So I'm wondering: what are the pros and (especially) the cons of doing so? Pihole is running in a docker container on my home server Mar 5, 2019 · Folks, I have successfully set up my 2 piholes for DNS (staying in sync) as well as DHCP on primary with failover to the secondary. Home ; Aug 29, 2019 · I've just installed Pihole and playing around and trying to find out how to configure dynamic DNS from DHCP. 2 and 10. Situation 2: Set up Pi-Hole DNS on Deco. Following the first method below will have you adding your Pi-hole as a DNS server for all devices on your LAN. When I login to the pihole interface, I see a red dot that Jul 6, 2021 · Under "IPv6 DNS Setting", change "Connect to DNS Server Automatically" to "No" For "IPv6 DNS Server 1" enter the IPv6 address that the Pi-Hole setup gave at the end of the setup. 195. This file is generated by Pi-hole when you activate the DHCP server on the admin page. I have disabled DHCP on the this router. Enter Custom DNS: In the Custom 1 field, input the following address: 127. Here we take Archer A7 as an example. Setting it up this way is also what makes Pi-hole very Feb 24, 2017 · 2 pi holes with gravsync and dual DHCP servers - low % blocked? Here's an answer (if you're still looking): dhcp-option=6,Pi-holeIP,SecondaryDNSIP. Details about my system: PiHole Servers running on Ubuntu 20. I set Roscoe (Pi-Hole) to use custom forwarders of 10. 8. You can still get use of network-wide ad blocking with Pi-hole. So go in to pihole set up the static ips(v4 and v6) using /etc/dhcpcd. Jan 8, 2022 · In der Fritzbox habe ich dann im DHCP als DNS Server ebenfalls den PiHole eingetragen und nach und nach stellen sich gerade die Clients um und melden sich am Pi. However, as the project has grown and evolved, we reached a point where we started looking into providing our own powerful resolver for a few reasons: With FTL, we generate a variety of statistics by interpreting dnsmasq‘s log file. 21]) of PiHole I had setup IP of Linux server 192. Von nun an, haben wir If you care about Internet independence and privacy, we suggest having a look at the OpenNIC DNS Project. Thanks! May 12, 2021 · Pi-hole est un bloqueur de publicité au niveau du réseau qui agit comme un DNS menteur et éventuellement comme un serveur DHCP, destiné à être utilisé sur un réseau privé. 66 for VLAN on Pi Set DNSMASQ to serve original Feb 22, 2018 · We have used dnsmasq as our DNS/DHCP server since Pi-hole began. In that case, enabling IPv6 support would have Pi-hole announce itself as an IPv6 DNS server. For the sample from your link, that would probably mean you'd have to strip all lines with interface, dhcp-range and dhcp-option for a start, as those are controlled via Pi-hole's UI. The side effect of this is that ads are blocked on the machine and nslookup pi. A benchmark of these DNS servers (by Gibson Research Center) is available here. May 10, 2023 · If I just manually set the DNS server to 192. 150. 4. An der Fritzbox ist sowohl DNS-Server als auch DHCP-Server ausgeschaltet. "Allow defining subnet size for Pihole's DHCP server and support more than one DHCP scope" This would also make it easier for other users to find your FR and vote for it Mar 23, 2018 · Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you! Expected Behaviour: Client receives IP address of Pi-hole server's eth1 interface as DNS server via DHCP. Configure a different DNS on the OMV interface, such as 1. The solution is to disable DHCP on your router and use Pi-hole's built in DHCP server. Also I enabled IPv6 Support. box und fritz. Actual Behaviour: Pi is distributing IP-Adresses for devices. I can see in the stats of the pi hole that it blocked some queries but I still see ads. May 9, 2017 · In this case, you can often set Pi-hole to be the DNS server for your network clients in the router's DHCP (or LAN) settings page, which allows all of your network clients to block ads simply by connecting to the network. This happens when a client leases an IP, so after you change these settings, you may need to use dhclient to refresh your lease. Stop the dhcp server on the broadband (allowing IPV6) Problems start happening I restart the router and RPI problems seem to go away. conf’ doesn’t exist. 222. Finally, Configure your Router with DNS Sep 25, 2021 · The issue I am facing: DNS not resolving when pihole DNS server is set onto hosts. Oct 25, 2023 · Coming from a 'flat' network (one subnet) with Pihole serving as DNS and DHCP server I had to move to a more 'sophisticated' network with 4 separated vlans to keep all my 'smart' stuff contained. The local ip address is 192. It should set the DNS server to pihole's address. Setting a static IP ensures that your Pi-hole DNS server remains accessible to Jan 29, 2025 · So I decided to set up my pihole as my DHCP server so I can enable DoH or DoT later. Cannot remote into the Pi (connection timeout). The rest of the devices on your network will have no problem using pihole's DNS server. 0. Additionally, DHCP is not handing out addresses to hosts. There isn't much sense trying to run Pihole truely HA given how DNS and DHCP work Since I had to stitch things together, I figured I would share how I did it. My ISP-provided router does not support IPv6 at all. Services deployed in Docker containers are significantly easier to migrate than raw installations and Aug 16, 2023 · Pi-hole's IPv6 support targets a small scenario where an IPv6-capable router would not support propagating any IPv6 DNS server at all (or only supports to disable propagation of its pre-configured IPv6 DNS servers). The solution then, Sep 23, 2020 · The DNS function and the DHCP function are completely independent. DHCP Clients should get the host's address returned for DNS server (not the container's) Actual Behavior. I do think it would be nice to have the option to add a secondary DNS in the pihole DHCP config gui though. Many firmwares have a section in their respective web GUIs listed under DHCP or DNS for this. 220. \ Instead of having the router automatically find a DNS Server, in the DNS server field fill in the IP address (e. it lists: Global Unicast IPv6 Address, Link Local Address and Default IPv6 Gateway Address. Pihole now sends the local docker IP address (e. Actual Behaviour: Queries are responding with REFUSED. pihole-FTL: 547 (DHCPv6) IPv6 UDP: The DHCP server is an optional feature that requires additional Jul 26, 2019 · basically when the dhcp gives the ip addresses to clients i want it to be able to push more than one dns server. I also already have an address for you. 96) which is not Docker DHCP and Network Modes¶. Expect it to run properly as dhcp server. Jul 25, 2022 · Hello. DNS-Over-HTTPS but using Quad9 upstream address. Y (change ip's to your pi-holes) (then) sudo reboot. I have been running pihole on my raspberry pi for about two years. 102) I was able to reach ouit website of pihole configuration After connection of any device to my local network, I Go to Settings--> Networks and click on the Network line that you want to modify:. Uncheck Both Boxes: In the DNS tab, locate the two checkboxes and uncheck both of them. Have set the PiHole settings for DOH like this (deselecting the originally set "Quad9 (filtered, DNSSEC)" for IPv4 and inputting the custom value. 3 (Luke and Beau). Extra Information: I just recently (as of Saturday, 5/9/2020) polled out Feb 28, 2024 · Install latest Pi OS; Update it with sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade; Configure a static IP, eg . While this works, doing it through a middleman Mar 19, 2020 · Hi team When enabling the DHCP server in the PiHole, any iOS clients can't access many sites - and my Windows boxes fall back to IPv4, but iPhones and iPads won't. conf file and adding the line. Nov 21, 2024 · OMV cannot operate with pihole's DNS server in docker. 1 or 8. g. Ich selbst nutze Adguard dafür, aber ich vermute das wird ähnlich sein. Import DNS records and DHCP reservations from Pi Hole (or DNSMasq) to Technitium DNS Server - bvankampen/pihole-to-technitium-dns Oct 26, 2022 · Click on Advanced > Network > DHCP server > Enter the Pi-Hole DNS in the Primary DNS blank > Click on Save to save the changes> Click on Reboot so that your devices will reconnect to the TP-Link router's network and start to use the Pi-Hole DNS. Bookworm uses Network Manager so you can do this easily with sudo nmtui. Sep 27, 2018 · I was using Pi-hole as a DNS server before, and it blocked stuff, but only the router was detected as a device. Under DHCP, in the DHCP Server Management section click "Show options" to reveal the DHCP DNS Server section. 192. Aug 17, 2024 · Select DNS Tab: Within the Settings section, find and select the DNS tab. Situation 1: Set up Pi-Hole DNS on the wireless router. Im Anschluss starten wir piHole neu, damit die DHCP Konfiguration gezogen wird. In ISC it has a very clear field where you can set the DNS server to use. Die Auflösung fritz. 04. If I use the router's DHCP and DHCPv6 server, then all devices behave correctly, but conditional forwarding creates a forwarder loop trying to resolve local addresses (wpad. I have this line in /etc/dnsmasq. This approach links the server’s MAC address to a specific IP address, ensuring consistency without manually configuring the server. 31. But Pi-hole's DHCPDISCOVER broadcast (as initiated by pihole-FTL dhcp-discover) is not receiving that offer: *** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Discovering active DHCP servers (takes 10 seconds) Scanning all your interfaces for DHCP servers DHCP packets received on interface enp0s31f6: 0 Sep 24, 2020 · The issue I am facing: Pihole is set up as dhcp and dns server on lan, serves IP address and gateway but does not resolve DNS queries Details about my system: I have a tplink adsl modem set without dhcp since pihole on Not setting one will result in a random password being assigned FTLCONF_webserver_api_password: 'correct horse battery staple' # If using Docker's default `bridge` network setting the dns listening mode should be set to 'all' FTLCONF_dns_listeningMode: 'all' # Volumes store your data between container upgrades Apr 16, 2018 · Some routers--often ones provided by your ISP--will not let you set a DNS server for your devices. So when a client gets assigned a IP address via DHCP, then DNS will automatically be updated. I set the DNS servers on Luke and Beau to use OpenDNS forwarders of 208. 25. It also sets itself as IPv4 DNS. direkt funktionieren, ansonsten hast du evt. More information¶ There are even more public DNS server, you can find many (with some extra information) on this Lifewire page. Once the installer has been run, you will need to configure your router to have DHCP clients use Pi-hole as their DNS server which ensures all devices connected to your network will have content blocked without any further intervention. Actual Behaviour: As soon as I disable my router's DHCP functionality and set up PiHole as the DNS server, none of the devices on my network can connect online anymore. Actual Behaviour: Client receives IP address of Pi-hole server's eth0 interface as DNS server via DHCP, even though Pi-hole appears to be configured to issue the eth1 interface address. Router should reboot and your DNS should now be hooked up properly. 2 PiHole Enabled DHCP. Pi-hole Version v4. 44 and 45 are both pi holes Mar 30, 2024 · We need to configure the router to tell DHCP clients that the local DNS server is pihole, at 192. 03-dns Dec 13, 2020 · pihole-FTL dhcp-discover. So if that [ipv4] section does not contain a static IP, DNS and gateway, you should use one of NetworkManager's tools to configure it, e. In this example, the virtual IP is used as our backup DNS server. After the installation I May 9, 2019 · I went into Luke's DHCP server settings and told it to hand out 10. Expect internet connectivity on the Pi and other devices. How can I set this? I looked in the GUI and searched around and either the function doesn't exist in the WebGUI, or I'm stupid and/or blind. However, in addition the IPv6 Adress of my router is still set as DNS. Note that the client gets the correct IP address from the DHCP lease table, even though the DHCP server is shown as an internal docker container IP. This guide was developed using a OPNsense 25. 44,192. 1 I've got this running on a different Pi with isc-dhcp-server and bind, but am wondering how to May 24, 2021 · When creating a custom dnsmasq configuration as suggested by yubiuser, you want to make sure that your options do not conflict with Pi-hole's own. Work Feb 18, 2023 · Hello, Yesterday I installed pi hole on my raspberry pi 3 B+. The modem still has an ipv6 address for the WAN or so it appears. Install Keepalived on both instances Often, routers are configured to automatically fetch a DNS server from your internet service provider. This document details why Docker Pi-hole DHCP is different from normal Pi-hole and how to fix the problem. Aug 3, 2022 · I’m setting up a homelab and I’m trying to figure out where the optimal location for the DNS and DHCP server (PiHole) is. This is must (until pihole can multi-arch-pxe 😛) I activated dynamic dns updates to do registering DHCP-clients at Post-Install Making your network take advantage of Pi-hole¶. This usually requires you to disable DHCP on your router. hole queries the PiHole DNS server to Oct 11, 2024 · I switch to Kea from ISC for DHCP services. I can't flash it). Click the DHCP-server enabled checkbox. 4 LTS (dual-booted on MacOS) DDWRT local router being used What I have changed Mar 7, 2019 · #PiHole DNS server IP's dhcp-option=6, 192. 18. · Hi & Good Day to All!, using unbound together with pihole seems to make browsing websites a bit snappier compared to just using plain isp supplied router/modem, however, i just realized something on my setup and If you happen to have another DNS server running, such as BIND, you will need to turn it off in order for Pi-hole to respond to DNS queries. Following the Method 1: Distribute Pi-hole as DNS server via DHCP¶ Choosing this option will have DNS queries taking the following path: (Clients) -> Pi-hole -> Upstream DNS Server Oct 26, 2022 · If you want to use the Pi-Hole DNS on the TP-Link router to block ads on your devices, please refer to the instructions below. Scroll down to IPv6, and under the DHCPv6/RDNSS DNS Control section, uncheck Auto if it's enabled and enter 3 days ago · Configure your router’s DHCP options to force clients to use Pi-hole as their DNS server, or manually configure each device to use the Pi-hole as their DNS server. Feb 22, 2025 · On newer firmware they recommend setting Pi-hole as DNS server for the WAN connection and on older versions for LAN connections. Expected Behavior. However, we recommend to setup Pi-hole always as DNS server for your LAN! If you do so, Pi-hole's IP is distributed as DNS server via DHCP to your network clients. 3 FTL Version v4. Possible Fix. Maybe on your other Linux servers or, more likely, on your router. Check the Enable box and enter your Raspi's IPv4 address here. The DHCP server function is useful in a few situations: (1) a router won't allow DNS assignment to Pi-hole, or (2) all DNS queries appear to come from the router instead of from individual clients. Now the process is complete! All of our devices are now using the PiHole DNS server once they renew their DHCP lease! Exciting! A flagship feature of PiHole is it’s ad-blocking capabilities. Not sure if truly needed but Jun 30, 2018 · The DHCP assign only one of the two selected DNS servers ex: If in setupVars i use google dns 1 and 2, on my pc i get the first and the second is some random things: fe80::1%wlp0s21f0u2 (wlp0s21f0u2 seems like my wifi interface) and the IP of the raspberry is not in any computer, for now i put the ip address of the raspberry in the first dns . Sobald sich unsere Clients nun neu bei dem DHCP Server anmelden, bekommen sie unsere virtuelle IP als DNS Server übergeben: root@piHole:~# pihole restartdns [ ] Restarting DNS server. In my case, I want to use a pihole for one of my networks. If it remains running you will have 2 DHCP servers on your network, which will cause major problems. May 11, 2020 · Expected Behaviour: When using PiHole as a DHCP Server, my network will use it and be able to connect to online websites. nas funktioniert per aktueller Pi-Hole version ganz gut. pihole-FTL: 67 (DHCP) IPv4 UDP: The DHCP server is an optional feature that requires additional ports. 2] Web Interface [v5. Pi should assign IP-Addresses and set itself as DNS-Server. d/02 Jul 13, 2023 · Client -> Pi-hole [DHCP Server & DNS Server] -> FritzBox 7590 Upstream-DNS-Server Allen Anleitungen entnehme ich allerdings, dass ich, um die IP des Pi-holes für mein Netzwerk als DNS Server zu hinterlegen die Funktion "DHCP Server aktivieren" in der FB aktivieren muss. Where should I place the DNS and DHCP device and why? Jan 29, 2025 · Alternatively, if you manage your network via a router, you can use a DHCP static map to assign the server a static IP address. Feb 24, 2025 · pihole setpassword reboot now Installing and Configuring Unbound. If you'd need some of those options Mar 16, 2023 · When a device is given an IP from the Pihole DHCP server, it should use the Pihole DNS server for domain name resolution. Jun 13, 2018 · named ‘02-pihole-dhcp. 1. Especially if you set the DHCP range to cover your pihole static IP, you could set the pihole IP as a static address in pihole DHCP. 1; Reboot and Feb 18, 2025 · Expected Behaviour: -PiHole running in docker container on PiOS with DHCP On. That way, one wouldn't need to disable the Pi-hole DHCP server because it doesn't allow one to define DNS servers. Log Aug 17, 2024 · Learn how to set up Pi-Hole to turn your network into a powerful DNS server and ad-blocker. Aber die reine Ipv4 Basic config sollte eig. Running Pihole as DHCP server would require you to set a static IP on device. This will help you enjoy a smoother browsing experience by getting rid of annoying ads and boosting your privacy. Be sure to turn off any other DHCP server you may have running on your network. It stores the DHCP parameters (range, lease time, DNS, 66) and will only be available while DHCP server option is enabled. Feb 19, 2020 · Hi all, is it possible to add a secondary DNS Server to the DHCP configuration of PiHole as fallback? Scenario: If Pi-Hole is not reachable, the clients in the network should fallback to the router's DNS server. In nmtui the router's IP will be the gateway, and for the OS DNS servers go with something external such as your ISP's DNS or Cloudflare's 1. (Siehe auch hier) Diese Funktion soll aber der Pi-hole übernehmen. You would have to Sep 5, 2022 · 因为在同一个服务器上提供了多个服务,因此存在端口冲突问题,Pi-hole 和 Smartdns 都需要 53 端口用于提供 DNS,而且 53 端口默认被 Ubuntu Server 使用;而且局域网中的设备需要访问 DHCP 服务,因此为了避 Oct 18, 2016 · On the router, use a custom dnsmasq config entry to advertise the IP of the Pi-hole box. I had some problems during the installation but I succeeded. Set your router as first upstream DNS server and your Pi-hole Feb 22, 2025 · It seems that upgrading Pi-hole to V6, it seems that the built-in DHCP does not hand out the secondary DNS server to the client. 15 (Roscoe, the Pi Hole) for the DNS server. 1 Like. Had some issues with my DD-WRT seeming to not use the Static DNS setting, which allowed my ISP to hijack some DNS queries (seemed like some DNS went to pihole, some went to my ISP instead). I don't know if that is an artifact of your DHCP server on the PiHole (I note that your PiHole local domain name is "cave Jul 4, 2022 · Hi, I'm running Pihole 5. 45. 10 via Docker on Ubuntu Server 20. nmtui. The problem is that although everything works, and the pi hole is active and I can access it via the ip address, I still see ads in every website. You don't want to see another IP or Pi-hole AND another IP. Par défaut, la fonctionnalité DHCP ne publie Oct 29, 2018 · Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you! Expected Behaviour: Block ads blacklisted - Pi-hole set as DHCP and DNS server Actual Behaviour: ads are not blocked Debug Token: a5buuawayw Dec 15, 2024 · Für die Endungen braucht man tatsächlich keinen DHCP, sondern einen DNS-Server, also ist PiHole da schon richtig. Expect to be able to remote into Pi via the assigned static IP of 192. local and the Feb 23, 2025 · For previous version (Pi-hole [v5. 2 Likes. This has occurred before switching to the beta/dev branch, ever since installing PiHole. I am not terribly sophisticated about Linux, so I apologize if my concerns are easy or hard to understand. 1#5335. conf Set start the DHCP server allowing IPV6. x: due to that topis ic closed, I want to "reopen" here - as I can see huge improvement in pihole 5, which should make life more easy;-) Expected Behaviour: I am running a OPNsense Firewall with DHCP there. The screenshot below was taken from DD If your router does not support setting the DNS server, you can use Pi-hole's built-in DHCP server; just be sure to disable DHCP on your router first (if it has that feature available). It's also where we tell pihole we want to use it as a DHCP server. DNS und DHCP laufen bei mir über Pi-Hole und habe damit keine Probleme. 2 in the above example. I recently updated my raspberry pi to the latest version release called "bullseye". If your router does not support setting the DNS server, you can use Pi-hole's built Nov 9, 2016 · If you still want to use your router as DHCP server, we add two settings where you can tell your Pi-hole to send local host names to the upstream DNS servers. Instead of coming and actively asking for help, not being able to do anything until you get the response from the DHCP server, the process is a multi-step one, without the need for one DHCP server. The network is structured like this: The majority of devices on the network are connected via WiFi (Phones, laptops, TV, smart home devices etc). 1 Web Interface Version v4. 213/24. So I followed the instructions from here, precisely: 2. X, 192. But some models don't even let you do this. I have Feb 23, 2022 · The most flexible option is to setup your own DHCP server that supplies ip-adresses and the DNS settings to the clients, but this is only feasible if the DHCP in the provider-router can be completely turned OFF. As a last OPNsense. August 11, 2023 Once you’ve got pi-hole up and running, check out the DHCP server that it ships with! Go to Settings and then the DHCP tab from the top menu. Apr 28, 2023 · b) Pi-hole's DHCP server has replied with the correct DHCPOFFER. noch irgendwo ein Problem in der Basic Konfiguration, ist dies gelöst May 26, 2017 · Saved me a lot of headache. 3. Save Changes: Click the Save button to apply the changes. I am now using the router (UniFi Edgerouter) for DHCP (4 DHCP server, one for every vlan/subnet) I am using the Pihole as a single DNS for all vlans/subnets. Debug Feb 27, 2019 · The web interface needs to include an option to use the host's IP address for DHCP option dns-server. Since that update, my pihole installation is not working. Each client will directly send their queries to Pi Feb 18, 2022 · Enable pihole's DHCP server. Use this one plus that DNS server, etc. Thanks. . Ipv6 nutze ich nicht. 172. 168. Change dnsmasq's DNS forwarding to Oct 5, 2020 · Expected Behaviour: I disabled DHCP in my Router (Huawei CPE 5G Pro 2) and enabled it on my Raspberry Pi. You can check by running ipconfig /all (on a Windows CMD prompt) and checking the DHCP and DNS info. Technical details¶ Feb 13, 2018 · * Disable the DHCP server on the router * Let this Pi Zero W act as a DHCP server as well as a DNS server. All devices are using the pi-hole's dhcp server (and its working well). Before configuration: 1. I personally lean toward using Docker whenever possible for the flexibility and isolation it provides. My plan is: Create L3 VLANs on switch (VLAN66) Establish virtual interface eth0. 102 On this Linux, I had installed docker container with PiHole Next on main router I had setup PiHole as DNS server (192. After my upgrade from v5 to v6 everything is now working fine except for the DNS IP that is forwarded to my clients when I activate DHCP. Advertise Pi-hole’s IP address via dnsmasq in the router (if supported) So the whole process of what I did: Router: Disable DHCP server (running OpenWRT) - yes, I completely disabled it instead of Sep 28, 2024 · I’m on a TP-Link router, and navigated to my DHCP server settings, where I set my “Primary DNS” server to our server, 192. Apr 14, 2022 · Turning off " Enable IPv6 support (SLAAC + RA)" in the advanced DHCP Settings and disabling ipv6 on my modem seems to fix it so that I only get the IP address of the PiHole as my DNS server. 100 in the client, then DNS works, but I was hoping to have the Pihole DHCP service supply the DNS server IP. Our environment is a little involved: 6 local subnets, DHCP forwarding to the piholes is handle by our Cisco router, each subnet requires separate (but single) domain name AND search domains list for each lease. All requests receive the container's IP address (which can be the hosts if --net=host is used). dhcp-option=6,192. Queries are being logged on the Web interface, but no resolution. With IPv6 it is somewhat different. May 25, 2021 · Pihole is a great tool to protect your home network from trackers and annoying ads. Jan 13, 2021 · Don't worry, here is what you need. 67. Credit to the folks who I gathered scripts, etc from is given at the top of the scripts Mar 19, 2021 · I know this is a non-standard setup and a multi-disciplinary request, but I'm trying to get my PiHole to serve DHCP addresses (and, after that's working, resolve / block DNS queries) on multiple subnets which are on multiple VLANs. Jun 16, 2020 · Hi there, there was a help request for pihole 4. Pi-hole works fine with an existing DHCP server, but you can Jan 7, 2018 · This will log dhcp requests, and with dns logging now turned off (see step 1) it'll be a lot easier to see if your vlans are coming up correctly and any dnsmasq warnings. For this to work, I had to also disable DHCP on my router, and enable it on my Pi-Hole Feb 10, 2023 · For the most part though, you only need worry about plugging in some basic information such as DHCP range, subnet CIDR and so on. Because I have no experience with the Pi Zero W, I still have the following questions: 1) Is a 5 volt / 1 amp port suitable to power a Pi Zero W stably ? I find very different comments about this on the internet. However, on each client device, two DNS Jan 6, 2022 · dhcp-option=option:dns-server,192. Feb 22, 2025 · Please provide the ability to set up to two IPv4 and two IPv6 DNS server addressees to be provided to DHCP clients (on the DHCP settings page). Click apply. All devices now get a secondary DNS server when they next poll the DHCP server or you force a new lease also this file doesn't get overwritten on a reboot or update change. Sep 25, 2024 · The issue I am facing: Server crashes spikes in DNS use, generally once a day: Not at a consistent time, and not on consistent users. If the DNS server IP is only Pi-hole then it should be fine. 220 and 208. Details about my system: Rp5 + NVME server, Business network behind Robustel r5020 router - RPi directly into ethernet port, all other access behind 3 Access points What I have changed since installing Pi-hole: Switched on Nov 20, 2024 · If you do not want to run Pi-hole as DHCP, that section should simply read method=auto. 3] FTL [v5. 111 in my Aug 3, 2020 · I'm pretty annoyed with my routers DHCP server (from time to time it forgets mac-addresses for static IPs and the UI is a nightmare) so I'm considering using pihole (which I'm already using as DNS server) as my DHCP server. Details about my system: Sep 12, 2020 · Gateway router (with locked DNS settings due to trash ISP. Das wars. I have a Ubiquiti Edgerouter X, so enabling dnsmasq is easy enough. If all of your clients are being addressed by DHCP and there is only the Pi-hole as DHCP server then the clients would be getting the correct leases. Sep 16, 2023 · Yes, I thought I had tried this and wound up with DNS loops. This seems to have fixed it completely, along with me not having to redo my network settings to use PiHole's DHCP server Jul 18, 2018 · PiHole is running on a Raspberry Pi & is being used as my DNS + DHCP server. Docker runs in a separate network by default called a docker bridge network, which makes DHCP want to serve addresses to that network and not your LAN network where you probably want it. xavnbn emcp mdjrfju qlrlr uikng yyfry nlgokf xzebx putr asamws euch hna alqdqsf tgzvtg suzdph