Slope stability models. This paper will propose an integrated … r.
Slope stability models Several key factors influencing the level of slope reinforcement include root geometry, orientation and strength. 1 m, and C) a slope flattening to 2H: 1V with a 4–10 m width benches at a height of 10. Studies demonstrate that natural factors such as rainfall and human activities such as deforestation are important causes of triggering a landslide. However, the lower estimation of FOS and higher estimation of pore Mar 1, 2024 · The infinite slope stability model utilizes the limit equilibrium method for mechanical analysis (Lu and Godt, 2008). a program was made to calculate the FOS and 3D form of critical slip surfaces. However, users can Jan 8, 2023 · Slope engineering is a type of complex system engineering that is mostly involved in water conservancy and civil and mining engineering. Jun 1, 2024 · The limit state functions (LSFs) of slope stability are nonlinear, implicit, or derived from numerical simulations, and additional surrogate models are usually used for its reliability problems. , (2020) used artificial neural networks as surrogate models for slope stability analysis with . , & Gordan, B. In this study, for the first time, an automated Mar 27, 2020 · 3 PLANAR(2D) VERSUS SPACE(3D) SLOPE STABILITY MODEL Character of slope determines the numerical modelling approach to the stability analysis. (2016) combined a slope stability model with an erosion model to calculate the lahar Dec 11, 2024 · Download Citation | High-accuracy slope stability analysis using data-driven and attention-based deep learning model | Because of the abrupt occurrence and severe consequences of slope disasters Jan 1, 2014 · The present study deals with the assessment of geo-technical parameters i. S for slopes. The model was built using a single data set that contained Topics on Slope Stability Analysis. Afterward, some researchers developed finite element methods as a powerful technique in analyzing the slope stability problems. The events selected for model evaluation are collected from a diverse selection of study areas around the globe. stability tool. slope. Apr 1, 2018 · Li, J. In Biennial international conference on engineering, construction, and operations in challenging environments; and fourth nasa/aro/asce workshop on granular materials in lunar and martian exploration (pp. In a failed slope, the slip surface may pass through several layers of soil. 2025). , 2012). In this study, an integrated two-dimensional slope stability model, SSHV-2D, is developed that considers various aspects of Aug 1, 2022 · In the testing data, the overall accuracy of the LR model is 0. SHALSTAB (Montgomery and Dietrich, 1994) and SINMAP (Pack et al. ijmst. (2021) evaluated the ability of 11 machine learning models for slope stability evaluation to predict slope safety coefficients under different May 1, 2021 · The results reveal that the GSOEM-SV has the highest slope stability prediction accuracy, up to 91 %, the area under the curve (AUC) is 0. Among the models used for analyzing the slope stability, the rainwater infiltration model integrated with slope stability model can be an effective way to evaluate the stability of slopes during rainstorm. Slope stability uses principles of soil/rock mechanics, geotechnical engineering and engineering geology. 0 is evaluated with computer-generated landscapes and against well-documented real-world events. The analysis is based on observed deposit grain-size and thickness, rainfall data and slope angle of the lahar events, in the area surrounding the Cordón Caulle volcano, Chile, that May 15, 2024 · An extensive evaluation of published articles suggests a lack of research on a systematic literature review relating to physical modelling techniques, developments and application in slope stability studies. (2019) analyzed the seepage behavior and stability of a lateritic soil slope containing several vertical cracks by numerical simulations. 013 Apr 8, 2024 · The study presents advanced hybrid artificial neural network (ANN) models to enhance the analysis of slope stability and the prediction of the factor of safety (FOS). Probably the first technical document dealing with stability analyses of such slopes was that by Brawner Jan 16, 2025 · 3D slope stability model examples RocFall. , 2001, Pack and Tarboton, 2004) are two such models that combine steady state hydrology assumptions with the infinite slope stability model to quantify slope stability. Mar 16, 2023 · They are certainly major factors in cut slope stability and in the stability of fill slopes involving both “internal” and “external” slope failures. Mar 10, 2020 · Mergili 17 combined GRASS GIS and the 3D Hovland model to implement a 3D Slope stability model which can accommodate both shallow and deep-seated slope failures. In recent years, machine learning (ML) has received great attention in slope stability prediction due to its strong nonlinear prediction ability. It is a model particularly suitable for analyzing rainfall-induced landslides such as the mass movements triggered in the studied road. This discrepancy may arise because the physical and mechanical parameters of the slope used in the calculation are uniform values without considering the heterogeneity of the actual slope Jan 1, 2024 · Slope models with isotropy planes dipping sub-vertically towards the slope (α ∈ [60°, 90°]), defined as anaclinal slopes with steepened escarpment by Cruden and Hu (1996), fail for lower T p and C p values than S min 1 and show another stability minimum, S Aug 1, 2022 · Slope stability models are fundamental tools for understanding and quantifying the susceptibility to landslides of areas with critical environmental characteristics. Take advantage of the comprehensive set of search methods and more than 15 analysis methods. In this paper, we use a vector-sum method-based framework for slope stability analysis that incorporates a critical Mar 24, 2020 · The model performs reasonably well, the infinite slope stability model showing a better performance. , (2016) trained support vector machines as surrogate models in slope reliability analysis. In brief, the performance of LR model is similar with that of SVM model in the slope stability prediction. Validation of Stability Models: Inclinometer data are Jan 24, 2022 · Comparative performance of eight ensemble learning approaches for the development of models of slope stability Acta Geotechnica ( IF 5. Use multiplane analysis (MPA), for enhanced spatial slope stability analysis. In contrast, both the recall rates of the stable and less stable states are 0. 2020. Jun 15, 2007 · Several shallow landslide models have been developed on the basis of the infinite slope equation. , 1995), particularly where the thickness of the soil is much smaller than the length of the slope. It offers five modes of physically-based slope stability simulations. Kang et al. , 2013, Li et al. Sep 1, 2024 · Various methods have been developed for analyzing slope stability [5], including traditional models and machine learning (ML) models. (2021) examined 12 m and 30 m resolution DEMs near the Enguri Hydroelectric Dam in Georgia using Geographic Information System Tool for Infinite Slope Stability Analysis (GIS-TISSA) but did not account for pore pressure variations. A lack of proper evaluation can lead to disastrous consequences, including landslides, structural failures, and threats to human safety. Finally, a 3D slope model was made and tested in the lab with a vertical load. Sep 1, 2020 · These key components enable geotechnical engineers to undertake site investigations, develop geotechnical models and assess slope stability faster and in more detail with less exposure to fall of ground hazards in the field. The superior predictive capabilities of the transformer model are demonstrated in comparison to LSTM and Attention-LSTM models. The present study systematically reviews the Dec 3, 2024 · An indirectly coupled model, integrating the Richards’ equation, the diffusion wave approximation equation, and the Green–Ampt infiltration model, has been developed to efficiently analyze surface flow and groundwater seepage under heavy rainfall conditions. Empirical and combined models outperform physically-based landslide models. To minimize the damage caused by failure events, a detailed investigation of landslide-prone areas identified using numerical modelling plays a crucial role. , 2017). However, FS and ky are usually obtained from nontrivial slope stability calculations, which can become Jun 1, 2023 · In recent years, training machine-learning models as surrogate models (green in Fig. Therefore, we need to develop a novel approach to convey the sampling information more effectively. Dec 21, 2016 · The majority of slope stability analyses performed in practice still use traditional limit equilibrium approaches involving methods of slices that have remained essentially unchanged for decades May 13, 2021 · This paper—after introducing main effects of vegetation on slope stability, recalling studies of reference—provides a synthesis of the main contributions to the subtopics: (i) approaches for estimating root reinforcement distribution at a regional scale; (ii) new slope Apr 13, 2022 · 强降雨引发的坡面崩塌在热带和亚热带地区非常普遍,是造成重大社会和经济损失的原因。可以使用地理信息系统 (GIS) 生成滑坡敏感性图,并限制平衡坡度稳定性模型与水文方程耦合或不耦合。本研究调查了四种用于边坡稳定性分析的模型在 GIS 环境中预测滑坡易发区的效果。 Mar 28, 2010 · Shallow slope failure due to heavy rainfall during rainstorm and typhoon is common in mountain areas. Four of them build on large numbers of randomly located, randomly sized slip surfaces, ellipsoidal in shape, whereas one employs the infinite slope stability model. It aids in designing mitigation measures such as rockfall barriers, bunds, and safe exclusion zones while also helping to understand the potential runout distances of Sep 15, 2012 · Slope Stability Models (SSMs) are valuable tools used as decision support in land management to mitigate catastrophic effects caused by rainfall-induced shallow landslides. Taking the Qianling slope model as an example, five different models are generated with different number of material points (168,562, 354,168, 721,253, 1,724,305, and 3,747,191). Furthermore, the contribution of Jan 1, 2024 · Then, after comparing our model's predictions to an analytical limit equilibrium solution that describes failure in isotropic slopes, we present a comprehensive study of TI rock slope stability that covers the full range of isotropy plane vs. 2 models. Multi-stage models quickly for cases such as weak parts of tunnels, drainage stones, underground power plant caves, open-pit mines and Apr 1, 2024 · For preventing landslide disasters caused by the slope collapse, it is crucial to research on the investigation of slope stability. It is integrated with a contour line-based topographic analysis and a geographic information system (GIS) for spatial data extraction and Apr 1, 2014 · Slope stability analysis is based on the principle of FEM strength reduction method on both natural and excavated conditions with the application of support system to solve the practical Dec 24, 2020 · In this paper, two tree-based models were constructed for stability assessment of slopes subjected to circular failure mode. Nichols et al. It is well recognised that plant vegetation and roots are capable of improving the shear strength of hillslopes by reinforcing soil shear resistance. slope orientation in two dimensions for two different slope gradients. In this study, ensemble learning was applied to develop a classification model capable of Oct 28, 2024 · A model for predicting slope stability is developed using Categorical Boosting (CatBoost), which incorporates 6 slope features to characterize the state of slope stability. This model assumes that the soil on the potential sliding surface behaves as a block. The main aim of this study is to assess the stability of slopes Feb 21, 2025 · Analyze Slope Stability Create 2D and 3D limit equilibrium slope stability models of soil and rock slopes. This paper introduces the Incremental Learning Bayesian (ILB) model, combining incremental learning theory with the naive Bayesian model, to address this issue. The authors re-analyzed PSO data and concluded Jul 4, 2024 · The use of vegetation as a Nature-based Solution (NbS) for shallow landslide risk reduction is receiving increased attention in the scientific community. Non-linear models provide marginal improvements over traditional linear models. GWO, and TLBO gave the best solution when N Pop = 300, 300, 400, 300, 50, 200, and 400. This necessitates a total of 200,000 unsaturated slope stability analyses for each SWCC model, which provides 200,000 FS values. Constructing deterministic slope analysis models serves as a practical approximation method for calculating a slope's safety factor. Jan 1, 2015 · The enhanced limit slope stability method calculates stresses using the finite element method and searches for the critical slip surface with the minimum FOS. In this study, we systematically investigate the performance of ML surrogate models on spatially variable random field MC data with and without FOSs calculated. But the problem of slope stability is related to risk and reliability. Therefore, several sets of model parameters need When it comes to construction, whether it’s building a house, a road, or even an entire city, assessing slope stability is of paramount importance. 1016/j. [31] established the LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) model for slope stability prediction using Indian engineering data, and a new feature set was be used in the study. RocFall, a tool focused on assessing rockfall risks, assists engineers in analysing the potential impacts of falling rocks from slopes. Four slope stability prediction models- GBM, SVM, XGB, and RF- were developed using machine learning algorithms. The effect of water on cut and fill slope stability is briefly discussed below. (2) MATLAB tools can be used to design the intelligent slope stability prediction system. The results indicate that: (1) After the experimental data on the internal friction angle and cohesion of rock-soil body were modified by the constrained formula, the number of iterations and mean square Feb 21, 2025 · As two well-recognized approaches for seismic slope stability assessment, the pseudo-static analysis calculates the factor of safety (FS) and the Newmark-type analysis estimates the permanent downslope-displacement for given yield acceleration (ky ). However, the processes that govern slope deformation and failure are inherently complex Jun 15, 2011 · We integrated physically-based slope stability models with empirical-statistical methods. Recently, machine learning models are commonly used in the slope stability prediction. (2010). Vegetation can contribute to slope stability through both hydrological and mechanical processes. They tested the model in a synthetic hillslope, finding more complex. 5 m spatial resolution. stability 2. 1) has gained immense popularity (Phoon and Zhang, 2022, Zhang et al. A Feature Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for future research directions and describes possible research applications. , (2009) reported a pioneering study on 3D Nov 1, 2023 · The slope stability prediction model proposed in this paper has the following advantages over the above models: (1) The IPOA algorithm addresses the issues of constant corresponding parameter modification and inadequate model robustness. In particular, SSMs Oct 24, 2024 · This comprehensive analysis affirmed the effectiveness and superiority of the constructed models in the context of slope stability prediction. However, there is growing interest in using physical model tests in slope stability investigations. , Jahed Armaghani, D. This work inspired Calle (1985), who adapted the model for probabilistic dyke safety assessments in the Netherlands. This paper will propose an integrated r. Step 2 Establish a likelihood function L ( x ) based on site-specific information, define the failure domain Ω X using Eq. Model effectiveness was validated through rigorous soil column and slope model experiments. The slope stability was analyzed and the numerical results are compared with the safety factors calculated using the Fellenius method, one of the classical limit equilibrium methods. One May 1, 2021 · The SINMAP approach was developed based on the infinite slope stability model and steady-state hydrological conditions. Among the available approaches, the kinematics-based upper-bound method shows bright prospects in addressing geotechnical stability studies due to its simplicity and efficiency (Hu et al. Jan 25, 2023 · When the models are prepared, they are solved based on Janbu’s method for slope stability analysis, and results are reported as F. May 13, 2021 · Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. A slope stability analysis is performed and the Factor of Safety of the dam embankment is calculated by using the Shear Strength Reduction Technique. The FS is the ratio of resisting to destabilizing forces acting on the slope, such that the slope is stable when FS > 1 and unstable when FS < 1, and at the limit of equilibrium when FS = 1. Jun 16, 2003 · The slope stability model was applied to a high Andean watershed (Gordeleg Catchment, 250 ha, southern Ecuadorian Andes) and was validated by calculating the association coefficients between the slope movement susceptibility map of 2000 and the spatial pattern of active slope movements, as measured in the field with GPS. Table 4 summarizes the ten studied slope stability calculations conducted by Jan 1, 2023 · The SVC has been employed for slope stability predictions by many researchers (Cheng et al. It aids in designing mitigation measures such as rockfall barriers, bunds, and safe exclusion zones while also helping to understand the potential runout distances of Jan 1, 2023 · Little or none is known about the performance of ML surrogate models on slope stability MC data without determined FOSs. Slope stability models are valuable tools to quantify the performance of vegetation management as a slope stabilizing May 13, 2021 · slope stability model that considers the effects of tension, compression, and shear in the. In this section, the M5Rules–GA model, which is the slope stability prediction model proposed in this study, is presented and In this paper, with an infinite slope model as an example, the BUS (Bayesian Updating with Subset simulation) method is adopted for the probabilistic back analysis of spatially variable hydraulic and shear strength parameters based Conventional slope stability evaluation models and methods encounter a significant challenge in adequately expressing sampling information due to uncertainty, incompleteness, and imprecision in the sampling process. It is difficult to respond with a high level of precision and efficiency requirements for stability assessment using conventional theoretical analysis and numerical computation. Forestry related land-use variables Jan 17, 2024 · Existing hydromechanical models often rely on a series of simplifications. The infinite slope models primarily considers soil Jul 10, 2023 · In many countries, slope failure is a complex natural issue that can result in serious natural hazards, such as landslide dams. The models include: (1) a regression tree based on M5P algorithm for prediction of slope safety factor, (2) a classification tree based on J48 algorithm for prediction of slope stability status. We suppose there is no problem to use the Fellenius method, because the slope that was May 10, 2023 · Previous physically-based slope stability models consider various climatic factors (e. Case studies that involve the behavior of slopes have led to an improved understanding of slope stability mechanics, the development of complex constitutive models, the recognition of laboratory and in-situ testing limitations and the Jan 1, 2023 · More efficient models are selected to predict slope stability and identify factors having relatively greater influence on slope stability. The theory does Nov 24, 2020 · The stability of slopes directly affects human lives, the environment, and the economy. Geoengineer. [22] utilized ANN to Mar 1, 2017 · Mukhlisin et al. , 1998, Pack et al. The outcomes are, however, rather conservative, pointing to possible challenges with regard to the geotechnical Mar 2, 2023 · The dynamic physically based slope stability model used in the present study, Transient Rainfall Infiltration and Grid-based Regional Slope-Stability Model (TRIGRS) is a commonly used slope stability model for Dec 1, 2024 · A novel slope stability analysis method considering the rainfall hydrology process is provided. The selected ML algorithms include Random Forest and Support Jan 16, 2025 · 3D slope stability model examples RocFall. Slope Stability Analysis by the Limit Equilibrium Method: Fundamentals and Methods presents basic principles for the safe design of constructed or natural earth slopes. (2011) had demonstrated a similar outcome with regard to the only SWRC effect in the saturation zone; specifically, they compared the performance of Brooks and Corey, van Genuchten and Lognormal models on rainfall induced slope instability and showed that the water retention models had effect on soil slope stability analysis Feb 1, 2020 · Rainfall-triggered shallow landslides are widespread natural hazards around the world, causing many damages to human lives and property. The safety factors of all slope samples were calculated using the Limit Expand on SLOPE/W’s practical approach to capturing slope failure mechanisms with the most up-to-date research on 3D stability analysis techniques. , Hedayat, A. The main feature considered in the THM-SSA model was the slope of the critical state line based on the load angle. Applying various hybrid intelligent systems to evaluate and predict slope stability under static and dynamic Jan 1, 2025 · To this end, a physically-based slope stability model (PM) coupled with the pseudo-static method is derived. May 1, 2021 · In this sense, the SINMAP mathematical model may be considered as the most suitable method in the implementation of physically-based models at the catchment scale. stability, including all its aspects, is documented in depth through scientific articles published in highly-ranked international journals. Vegetation is known to reduce the failure susceptibility to rainfall triggered shallow landslides through different mechanical and hydrological pathways. surface inclination (⊝), soil depth (z), cohesion (c), angle of internal friction (φ), soil saturation index (m), soil density (γ s) and density of water (γ w) and to construct 1D (one dimensional) Slope stability model for preparing the slope instability map under dry, semi-saturated and Apr 1, 2024 · However, studies on infinite slope stability models for landslide susceptibility analysis are limited. • Importance of Water Next to gravity, water is the most important factor in slope stability. Using Jul 20, 2013 · Any hydrological and slope stability model without incorporating hollow or basin topography could not represent the complexity of topography within the basin (Thorne et al. This study presents a machine learning (ML) model for Dec 11, 2024 · In this study, the transformer model is used to predict the slope safety factor and evaluate the slope stability, and a dataset consisting of 72,000 slope samples is created based Feb 24, 2025 · In predicting slope stability, updating datasets with new cases necessitates retraining traditional machine learning models, consuming substantial time and resources. The r. 4. Slope stability analysis performed in either PLAXIS or PLAXIS LE will give similar factors of safety in many situations. , rainfall amount and intensity, subsurface convergence flow) to deduce the degree of subsurface saturation Feb 21, 2025 · Traditional slope stability analysis predominantly relies on deterministic models (Liu, 2020), in which geotechnical parameters are regarded as fixed values rather than random variables. soil–root system. This study explored the implementation of machine Dec 1, 2024 · The analytical method for analyzing slope stability is based on the fundamental theory of mechanics and rigorous mathematical derivation. Each study represents the Dec 11, 2024 · In this study, the transformer model is used to predict the slope safety factor and evaluate the slope stability, and a dataset consisting of 72,000 slope samples is created based on the computer-generated method. [38] focused on input parameters for FS prediction and slope stability classification, recommending the MARS model for prediction and classification tasks. To assess the mechanical performance of vegetated slopes using numerical methods, root structures can be represented Oct 1, 2021 · The influence of two different constitutive models on factor of safety is studied by using data assimilation with the recursive ensemble Kalman filter in a slope stability model. Below, we briefly review the most widely used and commonly accepted simplifications. 3 m Feb 6, 2025 · The dataset was established for evaluating slope stability, and to ensure robustness, it was divided into training and testing set using a 5-fold cross-validation approach. 886, and the recall rate of the basically stable state is 1. 5. Integrate Groundwater and Consolidation Analysis Sep 9, 2004 · with some analytical assumptions, suitable theoretical models could be generated for the analysis. This paper describes the rapid and robust process utilized at BHP Limited for appraising a slope failure at an iron ore Assessing a slope’s stability is a challenging yet important aspect of civil engineering. May 1, 2024 · This study is novel in three aspects: (a) ensemble learning models are used for slope stability prediction using large amounts of monitoring data from multiple monitoring points by constructing high-dimensional nonlinear mapping relationships between monitoring data and slope stability state; (b) a prediction accuracy index is proposed to 2 days ago · maintaining slope stability is the dynamic stability of the slope under seismic forces. Finally, the prediction model (to predict slope stability) with the highest accuracy could be determined. Jan 1, 2014 · The coupled dual-permeability and slope stability model were used successfully for the slope stability analysis under the influence of preferential flow. In this work, in order to forecast the factor of safety (FOS) of the slopes, six machine learning techniques of Gaussian process regression (GPR), support vector regression, decision trees, long-short term memory, deep neural Jan 23, 2022 · Slope engineering is a complex nonlinear system. Import your Leapfrog geological models to quickly establish the 3D geometry and align your understanding of the subsurface with reality. Alternatively, an efficient numerical procedure using a variant of the HLRF-BFGS algorithm is proposed to address this issue without additional Mar 15, 2022 · Stability analysis of earth slopes can be carried out by either limit equilibrium method (LEM) or finite element method (FEM). Griffiths et al. Each model is simulated for 1000 steps by using three different GPU May 25, 2023 · This paper proposes a slope stability prediction model based on deep learning and digital twinning methods. The LEM has inherent limitations as it does not consider the stress – strain relation of the material, whereas the FEM for slope stability analysis is widely used because it accounts stress – strain behaviour of soil, the formation of failure zone Apr 1, 2024 · Physically-based slope stability models like TRIGRS estimates stability by analysing each pixel unit, and finer spatial resolution DEM (finer than or equal to 1 m resolution) provides more individual pixels for stability check than coarser DEM of 2. Slope stability analysis. Therefore, several sets of model parameters need Jan 1, 2011 · Stead and Eberhardt [5] reviewed in detail the factors influencing footwall slope stability in surface coal mining operations and the major instability mechanisms reported in the literature. The data required to apply the theory include soil and climatic characteristics that can vary at both location and time. 54 Jun 11, 2017 · SHALSTAB (Shallow Slope Stability) is a method developed by Montgomery and Dietrich . , 2020, Man et Sep 18, 2024 · The evaluation of slope stability is a critical area of research in geotechnics and slope engineering 1,2. In its simple form, limit equilibrium methods are used and stability is determined by the equilibrium of shear stress and shear strength. To establish a reliable slope database, 30 actual slopes were collected, and 100 digital twin (DT) models were generated for each actual slope by fine-tuning the slope profiles. They also introduced the numerical approach to analysing these phenomena. When the sliding force on the block exceeds the resisting force, the slope fails along the potential failure plane, resulting in a slope Jan 1, 2022 · In the last two decades, a large portion of published research papers on slope stability have tried to explicitly model the spatial variability of soil properties. Moreover, the link between slope stability and engineering safety is quite close. Nov 1, 2023 · Therefore, considering this shortcoming, a thermal-hydro-mechanical slope stability analysis model (THM-SSA model) is proposed for slope stability analysis. 05. The Mohr–Coulomb (M-C) criterion, a classical method for Dec 1, 2024 · Physics-informed neural networks (PINN) have gradually attracted attention in the field of geotechnical engineering. The limit equilibrium method assumes a Mar 15, 2022 · The lack of THM model implementations at the slope scale, together with the complexity deriving from heterogeneities and discontinuities, may in part explain the scarce evidence and research on soil slope stability processes directly controlled by thermal forcing in non-freezing or seasonally-freezing soils. The model calculates the critical shallow groundwater recharge conditions (mm/day) that can destabilize a slope. & Wang, F. Key slope parameters—height; May 4, 2020 · Radars are routinely geo-referenced to the same coordinate system used in 3D slope stability models and integration between the models and monitoring data has become seamless (McQuillan et al May 15, 2022 · Establish a slope stability model, input prior knowledge of uncertain parameters and site-specific information, and determine N l and p 0 for SuS run. As a mitigation factor in the shallow landslide initiation process, the focus on the protective role of vegetation has increased in slope stability models since the 2010s Apr 10, 2023 · The numerical simulation and slope stability prediction are the focus of slope disaster research. In the first decade, research mainly focused on showing the importance of modeling the spatial variability directly in probabilistic slope stability analysis. Vanmarcke (1977) pioneered analytical approaches, simplifying the problem to a finite-length cylindrical failure mechanism. 1. 765–776). The stability and failure modes Sep 1, 2024 · Model showing stabilized slope using combined slope flattening and benching technique, with desired stability attained at A) a slope flattening to 2H: 1V with 3 benches at SS1, B) a slope flattening to 1. Traditional approaches rely on physical mechanics analysis or numerical modeling, such as the limit equilibrium method [6], finite element simulation [7], and discrete element simulation [8]. A non-linear regression technique is applied with digital terrain analysis. , Marto, A. Jun 3, 2020 · Rapid and robust slope failure appraisal using aerial photogrammetry and 3D slope stability models International Journal of Mining Science and Technology ( IF 11. Aug 6, 2022 · Finally, the best machine learning model was used in the slope stability analysis of the Sino–Russian natural gas control section. Based on the integration of Jun 2, 2022 · This paper presents an evaluation and comparative study on the seepage and slope stability analysis of the Gomit earth dam found in the Amhara Region, South Gondar Zone, Estie woreda. The research results show that there are obvious differences in the prediction accuracy of the slope safety factor among different models. This would likely result in more precise information about the location and overall geometry of potential collapses and collapse volumes Oct 15, 2019 · Landslide events are among natural hazards with many fatalities and financial losses. The pore pressure in the soil is computed based on Darcy’s law, and the Mar 25, 2018 · Finally, if detailed 3D subsurface information were available, then an ideal application of coupled groundwater and slope stability models would be performed using a full 3D mesh incorporating a real DEM. Citation 1987). 3). Inaccurate geological profiles within numerical slope stability models can lead to potentially catastrophic consequences when model conditions do not appropriately reflect real-life stratigraphy. Field data measurements and observatory Dec 15, 2009 · Back-analysis of slope failure is often performed to improve one’s knowledge on parameters of a slope stability analysis model. Planar(2D) model of slope is solved under the plane strain condition and, unlike the anthropogenic slope, this condition is not usually filled for natural slopes because of specific Aug 4, 2020 · method used to analise slope stability,’ in which a single value of factor of safety is calculated to predict the stability of the slope. Chen et al. g. The objectives of the present study are – to identify sensitive parameters of the revised dynamic physically based slope stability model TRIGRS 2. Slope stability assessment, offering potential long-term benefits for sustainable development, remains a challenge for the practitioner and researcher. Compared with the model tests, the numerical method can analyze the mechanical behaviors and failure process of the slopes under almost any complex conditions. [32] compared various ML algorithms and found that the Auto Gluon achieved the highest accuracy among the tested models. Additionally, this model could calculate the local factor of safety (LFS Jul 15, 2024 · terization into slope stability models. This 1 day ago · Quantifying slope mechanical parameters as comprehensive indicators is crucial for predicting slope stability. Dec 12, 2024 · In the analysis of slope stability under heavy rainfall, the results of numerical simulations may yield a safety factor greater than 1 while the actual slope failure still occurs. The effectiveness of May 28, 2020 · The predictions of slope stability in soil or rock | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate The surface gravel soil layer of the slope adopts an elastic model with a A distributed, physically based slope stability model (dSLAM), based on an infinite slope model, a kinematic wave groundwater model, and a continuous change vegetation root strength model, is presented. An ensemble learning algorithm for solving highly nonlinear problems is introduced in this paper to study the stability of 444 slope cases. However, these machine learning models have some problems, such as poor nonlinear performance, local optimum and incomplete factors feature extraction. In this study, we focused on predicting landslides in a large region by coupling a 1 km-resolution hydrological model and a 90 m-resolution slope stability model, where a downscaling method for soil moisture via Jul 29, 2021 · A slope stability analysis model is generated from PLAXIS Designer and the details of the material properties, the parameters, and the shear strength method that best represents each layer are input. It is associated with the challenge of slope stability evaluation, which involves the classification problem of slopes and the regression problem of predicting the factor of safety (FOS) value. Later, the method was named the “enhanced limit” slope stability method by Jul 12, 2023 · Slope instability can lead to catastrophic consequences. Aug 25, 2021 · Based on a dataset of 349 slope cases, Lin et al. org has gathered and presented educational material on the following Slope Stability topics: Mechanics of Slope Stability; Infinite Slope Stability Analysis & Swedish Circle; Introduction to the Jun 15, 2018 · The main difference between the approach of Mead et al. 950, and its F 1 score 0. 6) Pub Date : 2022-01-23, DOI: 10. He et al. , 2015a, Li et al. 1007/s11440-021 Nov 19, 2021 · Because of the disasters associated with slope failure, the analysis and forecasting of slope stability for geotechnical engineers are crucial. Mar 1, 2025 · The use of numerical methods can address the aforementioned challenges associated with physical model tests. 5H: 1V with a 7 m width bench at a height of 8. The cells with FS value being less Hydraulic boundary conditions significantly affect slope stability, making it crucial to consider horizontal (or near the toe of the slope) drainage conditions in practical applications. Dec 15, 2009 · Back-analysis of slope failure is often performed to improve one’s knowledge on parameters of a slope stability analysis model. Nov 25, 2022 · Slope failures lead to large casualties and catastrophic societal and economic consequences, thus potentially threatening access to sustainable development. Oct 1, 2024 · The current study analyzed six key factors influencing dam slope stability, emphasizing both quantitative and qualitative data integration, while Suman et al. Computers & Geosciences, 155, 104836. Jun 1, 2024 · The importance of 3D slope reliability analysis was recognized early on. Integrating ML models into slope stability assessments has significantly improved the accuracy of predictions, allowing for more reliable evaluations of potential hazards (Sangjinda Jun 3, 2020 · Keywords: Slope stability 3D limit equilibrium analysis Aerial imagery Photogrammetry Open pit mining Abstract: Slope failures are an inevitable aspect of economic pit slope designs in the mining Feb 15, 2024 · However, calculating slope stability in numerical models can be challenging due to complex boundary conditions and advanced constitutive models, especially when probabilistic and hydro-mechanical coupled simulations are required. Oct 31, 2024 · A slope stability prediction model will be established using CatBoost, and its performance will be compared with common machine learning models: SVM, LGBM, RF, and LR. Study on the forecasting models of slope stability under data mining. The detailed calculation processes of the model for slope stability prediction are summarized in Fig. The above mechanical models were Jan 1, 2025 · In recent years, numerical methods have been widely used in the study of slope stability and failure mechanism of landslides (Cuomo, 2020). e. For the very compl Feb 24, 2025 · In predicting slope stability, updating datasets with new cases necessitates retraining traditional machine learning models, consuming substantial time and resources. The effect of Jun 18, 2020 · Framework of M5Rules–GA model for slope stability analysis. , 2012, Li et al. 10). stability uses an elevation raster Jan 1, 2021 · Extreme gradient boosting classifier is strongly suggested for stability analysis. In principle, r. Brown and King [6] applied this method to analyse the slope stability with a linear elastic soil model. Firstly, in most slope stability analysis models, the soil is treated as a rigid medium, neglecting the dynamic interplay between hydraulic and mechanical factors [12,13,14]. Conclusions The benchmark results show that our COMSOL model is capable of simulating flow governed by Richards’ equation and the local factor of safety analysis in a hillslope profile. Construct slope stability models easier and faster than ever. The approach is applied for shallow landslides controlled by shallow groundwater flow. 0; – to present a procedure for a global parameter calibration (model identification) for a landslide-triggering rainfall Feb 29, 2024 · A comparison of backpropagation neural network (BPNN) and MARS-based machine learning approaches were implemented for the evaluation of slope stability. The main purpose of this study is to investigate shallow landslide susceptibility by considering the infinite slope stability model and steady-state hydrological conditions. Furthermore, the improved HLRF_x algorithm is used to evaluate the influence of uncertainties of the geo-environmental database on the probability of slope failure, thereby constructing a framework for physically-based probabilistic Jun 15, 2018 · In this study we analyse the spatial distribution of potential lahar sources during long-lasting eruptions using two slope stability models (SHALSTAB and TRIGRS). , 2015b, Hoang and Pham, 2016) who concluded that SVC models have more advantages to slope stability evaluation over ANN models under the condition of limited data. This paper proposes a general model for studying the performance of heterogeneous slopes subject to rainfall, providing valuable guidance for landslide Dec 13, 2023 · Application of group decision-making AHP of confidence index and cloud model for rock slope stability evaluation. The ANN model has the highest evaluation accuracy, and the ensemble Sep 8, 2022 · Slope failure is a recurring natural hazard in the western margin of the Main Ethiopian Rift and especially around the Debre Sina area. In a synthetic twin experiment that mimics a slope geometry and assimilates synthetic measurements of slope deformation into a hydro-mechanical model, the use of the Feb 18, 2025 · ML has increasingly been applied to predict rock slope stability due to its ability to handle complex and nonlinear data relationships common in geotechnical engineering (Zhou et al. 917, which are better than the 15 Sep 1, 2024 · Gidon et al. Conventional methodologies, such as analytical procedures and numerical simulations, encounter difficulties in accurately representing intricate interactions. The analysis was performed using limit equilibrium (LE) and finite element (FE) methods in GeoStudio 2012 and Plaxis 2D 8. The limit equilibrium method is the most common approach for analyzing slope stability in both two and three dimensions. 7) Pub Date : 2020-06-03, DOI: 10. , 2023, Huang et al. The events selected for model evaluation are collected from a Mar 1, 2025 · The accurate prediction of slope stability is a challenging research endeavor, particularly in real-world environments. In this study, an optimum-path Nov 25, 2022 · Slope stability prediction using ANFIS models optimized with metaheuristic science. These issues May 1, 2023 · The slope stability model, TRIGRS, has been executed at 9 validation sites (Fig. Consequently, machine learning Feb 13, 2025 · r. This list only shows the most important publications directly related to the r. (2016) and our strategy is that we compare different slope stability models (TRIGRS and SHALSTAB) and two different tephra-fallout layers for the estimate of lahars initiation volumes, while Mead et al. The FS has been calculated at each validation site daily and a 9-day time series of FS-rainfall is prepared at each validation site to appreciate an explicit depiction of landslide initiation and slope stability (Fig. 3. The key concepts and findings of the initiative are presented at international conferences. Ray et al. Mar 1, 2023 · Nowadays the slope stability models have been further developed to include the effect of plants, since the beneficial effect of vegetation in the stability of slopes is widely recognized. There are four common methods for dynamic analysis of slope stability, however, pseudo-static method is commonly used. You can import surfaces from geological or mine planning software, use built-in methods with coordinates or borehole data, build from point cloud data, or import block models from Leapfrog, Deswik, Datamine, and Vulcan. Jul 15, 2020 · pacts of increasing precipitation intensities on slope stability. This paper proposes a novel PINN-based framework for the 1 day ago · In 3D slope stability models, disabling SAO almost always results in an overestimated factor of safety. The first part of the paper introduces the main effects of vegetation on slope stability (with a focus on the root reinforcement), recalling studies Apr 1, 2015 · Numerical model (slope stability analysis). In cases where localised deposits are prevalent, probabilistic methods are often Jun 15, 2007 · Several shallow landslide models have been developed on the basis of the infinite slope equation. , 2001, Pack and Tarboton, 2004) are two such models that combine steady state hydrology assumptions with the infinite slope stability model to quantify slope Mar 3, 2025 · 3D Model Creation – Point Cloud, LiDar, Leapfrog . This study took the stable state of the slope as the prediction object and used the unit weight, cohesion, internal friction angle, pore water Oct 3, 2019 · For a given M j, the 200,000 posterior samples of Θ j generated from MCMCS are used as input to perform unsaturated slope stability through the SEEP/W and SLOPE/W (GEO-SLOPE International, Ltd. Kurnaz et al. However, predicting slope stability effectively is still challenging because of the complex mechanisms and multiple influencing factors. Abstract . Mar 1, 2021 · The infinite slope model characterizes the slope's stability in terms of factor of safety (FS). Koopialipoor, M. In many investigations of natural slope stability, infinite slope analysis had fre-quently been used because of its relative simplicity (Wu et al. (2019). They reported that when cracks were considered, the factor of safety of the slope reduced from 1. If a slip surface is not being refined properly, its shape may be too simplified to Nov 23, 2022 · The present paper focuses on presenting an overall picture of different aspects of slope stability analysis in a comprehensive manner. uzwp nysfibij yhzguz hdepist nztppxz cbbwni hehxn zcvpd rahujmk mvogosr pxawx zbzl andk voo weqfl