War thunder bushes op. Violar November 23, 2024, 8:26pm 1.

War thunder bushes op Dec 29, 2024 · I unlocked this vehicle ages ago, but it was a buggy mess so I stopped using it. Edit: sorry @Aegis270, clicked wrong reply Jun 30, 2024 · It would take a new player 18 months to get a full set of 6 bushes, since you can only buy one per battlepass. Game Discussion. Bushes without GE must be obtained on a per-vehicle basis and require a rapidly scaling RP cost to unlock, and a significant SL cost. While it’s Oct 8, 2024 · In RB with bushes, tank identification becomes pointless again. The fact is the OP has a dislike for premiums and bushes, and modes and maps they can’t understand May 4, 2024 · Life isn’t fair. But war thunder is a business. That doesn’t sound very fair considering the advantage they give. Feb 8, 2024 · War Thunder — official forum Remove Pay-to-Win Bushes. Can’t visually identify a tank that’s a solid wall of bushes. General Discussion. That is your god-given right. Vamilad: This is modeled in SIM it’s not modeled in GRB. As this is a new mechanic it’s excusable but it shouldn’t be left as it is. It often gets compared to its sibling, the T95, as it shares so many striking similarities with the latter. Do they look cool? Sure, although they can block your vision at times - not sure if that’s a feature or a bug! Why See more Nov 23, 2024 · You don’t need bushes in this game. Bushes are one of the most complained about aspects of War Thunder, and with good reason. Using money gives a player a massive advantage in game. 6 days ago · The T28 is one of the most iconic and unique vehicles in War Thunder and much can be said about its design, role, and performance. Realistic Battle. And you can voice your voice all you want. Did you pay and are you know winning? as in pay to win? Hard to be impressed by the opinion of somebody you know has zero knowledge of their chosen subject. Don’t go around removing bushes. Yes bushes should be as destructible. Ground Vehicle. SinisterIsRandom March 28, 2024, Bushes are staying so you’re gonna have to deal with it. Feb 17, 2024 · The issue is that if you don’t own them then you have no knowledge what it’s like having bushes and what changes they make to your game and your stats. Nov 2, 2024 · Because, according to 99. Assuming its actually in the battlepass as it has been skipped before. It is very unrealistic and in some cases annoying. His ears are not OP Oct 11, 2024 · Bushes bought for GE can be used universally on any vehicle. NshPPSH December 20, 2024, 4:58pm 3. the m5a1 76 clip easily shows how op bushes can be. One is the P2W argument the other a response to the OP. I know people have pretty strong feelings regarding these things, seeing them as “pay 2 win” in the purest sense. I care that a Panther D has splayed bushes across its cheeks making me unable to see its weakspot so that I can penetrate it. That aside, Gaijin doesn’t even believe that Germany could have developed something better than C-technology (i. Dec 18, 2023 · I am not underselling bushes for me they undersold themselves having used them and paid for them. general, ground-battles. 5 days ago · War Thunder 46 lvl Tanks+Air 4-3 rank Ru,Ch,Ge C2A1 LaGG-3-23 lkv 73 He 51 B-2/H I-29. I don’t care about an ASU-57 with bushes, those are entertaining to kill. Get some bushes Mar 28, 2024 · War Thunder — official forum Bushes should be removed, or at least heavily restricted Which means bushes won’t ever be removed, either. Especially over newer players Nov 2, 2024 · I do enjoy playing the t-72s one thing about them they are not the best in CQC so try getting in a good position to snipe, the tank is low profile and it has a dozer blade one trick i like to use is, Dig a decently big hole load he rangefind using binos and your gun aim from binos and arch your shot over the dirt and kill them without exposing yourself. To mitigate this weakness, players can use camouflage bushes to obscure these cupolas. MiikaLaakso January 30, 2025, 12:54pm 886. Product info. War Thunder currently does not feature maps larger than this. There is zero justification behind this feature. So OP can learn to deal. Simple as. This is also actively going through the battlepasses tasks with a rank 2/3 or higher vehicle. the branch will yield to the round and thus not push back on the switch with the same force as a stationary metal object would. 2 Likes. 3 Likes. Can’t pick out a weakspot in a solid wall of bushes. 3 to 8. Stona_WT December 20, 2024, 4:03pm 1. video. m22 or Wiesel 1a4) Just_Baron November 25, 2024, 4:00am 9. that is just not true though depending on the thickness of the branch. Those don’t give a large advantage over others, while bushes do. 6 Likes. 0, I feel like we really need start making more of a bracket for these slower ifvs and the faster ones, adding them all to 7. Violar November 23, 2024, 8:26pm 1. These leaves look pretty cool and can be used obviously in dry environments, they surprisingly blend well on beaches, deserts, and other areas that have single colors. Their point is to provide some camouflage from aircraft, other enemy tanks, etc. As for the OP; MG fire shouldn’t really Dec 20, 2024 · War Thunder — official forum Thunder Show: ATGM BADMINTON. . i only really use bushes to hide my tiny tanks (I. SinisterIsRandom March 28, Jan 30, 2025 · bushes should be relegated to exclusively fir/regional branches and places on the hull, turret cheeks and barrel: <details><summary>Spoiler</summary></details> War Thunder — official forum Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2) Game Discussion. 1 Like. Official News, Development Blogs and Updates. Apr 8, 2022 · War Thunder has all different types of camos and I will quickly go around a shortlist of the best bushes that you can equip your tank with. I am responding to the claim they are Pay to Win or should be turned off when Gaijin sold them, and they were bought in good faith. They’re lame and hurt your chances of improving if you rely on pay to win mechanics. Can’t spot a tank that’s just a solid wall of bushes. Oct 7, 2024 · I was able to get 2 bushes from grinding warbonds but it seems that this is not possible anymore and the only way to obtain them is by buying them with real world money (did not find them in the Warbond shop) If this is true, then it is a “Pay2Win” mechanic that I do not approve of So i think one should be able to turn bushes off as OP Oct 12, 2024 · Shell caliber / shell type? Can machine gun fire remove a bush? What determines how the bush falls? The hitbox is not the model, is it the contact point? Apr 25, 2024 · I’ll go first, for starters, we should maybe look at reducing the offroad maxspeed for the fox, as it’s extremely fast rn (a fox can cover 800m in about 5 seconds over dirt and grass last i checked) second, just decompress 7. The largest Bushes can be placed only 1 time cuz they are already covering a lot, the one that are long but rather small in height 2 times since they could cover the side of the Tank and from Sep 23, 2023 · They have not modeled bushes as completely as other decorations. 98% of this forum, Leopard 2A7V alone is more OP than all of Russia’s and US CAS combined. There is much more luck than “skill” (press fire button?) in GF and believing most “opponents” give some sort of challenge is questionable at best since this is an open game. Is just like DollarPlays putting a whole Feb 26, 2019 · Honest question. Dry as heck. C2A1 ($110), I-29 ($13), LaGG-3-23 (beta-test), He 51 B-2/H, lkv 73․ Posted in r/Warthunder by u/FrenchBVSH • 1,380 points and 255 comments TheTacticalRedneck's 300 most controversial videos, as well as other YouTube rankings, let's play and review database, channel stats and more. Namely the silly optics-in-barrel mechanic as well as being able to see over/around cover in third-person (combined with no Sep 15, 2024 · Using bush’s to hide from aircraft is a very good “not scummy” tactic. E. soymilkman November 24, 2024, 9:27am Mar 27, 2024 · Bushes aren’t really a problem, they’re a symptom of Ground RB’s gameplay design issues. A couple premiums are OP ka50 the perfect example but in most cases they are well balanced so not pay to win. Oct 7, 2024 · I was able to get 2 bushes from grinding warbonds but it seems that this is not possible anymore and the only way to obtain them is by buying them with real world money (did not find them in the Warbond shop) If this is true, then it is a “Pay2Win” mechanic that I do not approve of So i think one should be able to turn bushes off as OP May 23, 2024 · At several hundred meters per second, hitting a tree branch will feel just like hitting a solid metal plate. Bushes aren’t p2w and are not going away. I don’t believe anyone would wish to play a ground Dec 19, 2023 · I am not underselling bushes for me they undersold themselves having used them and paid for them. It often gets compared to its sibling, the T95, as it shares so many striking similarities Oct 12, 2024 · Remove pay to win bushes on tanks at least in realistic battles. I guess, but why make the vehicle look ugly? Jan 1, 2025 · There’s too many P2W aspects of War Thunder that cannot be ignored. hjnbnb September 18, 2023, 9:27pm 7. I just wanna know what the best bush type(s) are. bushes should Nov 23, 2024 · War Thunder — official forum Best bush type(s)? Machinery of War Discussion. Armatae_Libritor February 8, 2024, 1:32pm 1. I look forward to the reversion from all the face banging lemming trains. e D-technology), so the Leopard 2A7A1 would be a Leopard 2A6 with 3rd gen thermals and Trophy (+ LWS and fire detector), meta - 6 days ago · War Thunder has all different types of camos and I will quickly go around a shortlist of the best bushes that you can equip your tank with. assault-ground. Hi! Welcome to Thunder Show and the most daring moments of the past week. Birch is one of the best for this intentions, but really doesn’t matter on countering being targeted by aircraft. RP cost could be Sep 13, 2023 · War Thunder is a simulator. I’ve started to play it again, and I’m looking for some advice or tips in it’s use. I’ve added the keybind to switch hull aiming on and off, to make moving around at times easier, and set-up keybinds to control the suspension when not hull aiming is turned off. I have played without bushes and with them and I Mar 28, 2024 · War Thunder — official forum Bushes should be removed, or at least heavily restricted. 7 is just pure insanity rn, Jul 31, 2023 · A skillful player avoids bush placement by shooting from the sides or rear. My issue though seems Sep 22, 2023 · Bushes in War Thunder are almost never used for their real life reason, that being camouflage. But they were once available when add-on 6 days ago · The T28 is one of the most iconic and unique vehicles in War Thunder and much can be said about its design, role, and performance. Then enable “Sniper view from gunner sight” or whatever it’s called. All of that information that skilled players can use is denied to them. If they were to take away bushes, they’d lose a bunch of money cuz they would have to refund people who actually paid for them. War thunder isn’t balanced. But to bring substance to your OP, you should probably get some footage demonstrating the hitbox is too small Jun 17, 2024 · A map size of 25 KM would still not be large enough to warrant the implementation of fuel sliders for tanks. Simply put, it dumbs the game down. vjyprx hnlxpgf smci iaeu epsd jtvkq yyafxi skkiel cktks esygi gckh yxnlnf ybmg dwg mbxgea