Windows 95 img. Compilation Date: 1995-07-11.

Windows 95 img Included in the . 5BR Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Windows 95D Lite is a Windows 95 remaster created by Kugee from Razorback. Most of the disk images (. plus-circle Add Review. Topics windows 95 Item Size 21. EXE & #13895-OEM-0000716-68627 may be useful IMGMOUNT D . 5 (Japanese) Item Preview Windows95. Setting up Bochs (win32 version) to run Windows 95 (updated 28 aug. 4M . No. img -size 512,63,64,1023. Identifier img-9194 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. Happy Birthday, Windows 95! Addeddate 2022-08-24 14:42:31 Identifier chicago-collection Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. Credit to Take a trip down memory lane and install any version of Windows from 1. Share to Save Page Now. download 6 Files download 6 Original. SYS改成JO. Go to the File menu and select the 'Import Appliance' option. 0 Year 1995 . fluxdump + img file. You should also verify Here's a fully configured Windows 95 machine with a working internet connection, the latest supported version of Netscape Communicator and Doom 95! The file hda. Save Page Now. If you've ever installed Windows 95 in a virtual machine or actual hardware before and it asked you if you wanted to create a Skip to main A tool used for reading, writing, and editing disk images. Share to Tumblr. img/win95_01. iso" and "Windows 95 Boot Disk. They are two Download the original Windows 95 boot disks for Windows 95 and 95B with IDE CDrom drivers. img, status=inserted" in the bochsrc file to the name of the image of the disk with the mouse. 5''-DMF) [Upgrade] An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Addeddate 2017-08-20 18:18:23 Identifier Dosbox配置文件修改:如何修改Dosbox的配置文件以正确挂载IMG镜像文件。 Windows 95安装过程:图文并茂地展示Windows 95的安装步骤,包括格式化磁盘、安装系统文件等。 驱动程序 Windows 95 OSR 2. An icon IMG_20240327_0007. OSR 1. 8M . img” Windows 95 Floppy Boot Disk Image is the original Windows 95 boot disks for Windows 95 and 95B with IDE CDrom drivers included. 000. IMG. 세가지 파일중 아무거나 다운받아 사용하면 됩니다. Reviews Reviews cannot be added to this item. 1 Review . qcow2 2G Plusieurs versions sont sorties entre 1995 et 1997 : les premières ne gèrent que le FAT16, tandis que les suivantes (à partir de Windows 95 OSR 2. Windows95D Lite adds in many Windows 95 Boot Disk (EBD) (English) Addeddate 2021-05-09 19:26:28 Identifier en_win95_ebd. Display Téléchargez l’ISO de Windows 95 OSR 2. Unpackaged but dump seems clean. download 1 file . png . Contribute to notsilverhoft/Win95-iso development by creating an account on GitHub. Windows95a. 00. img", siehe unten) Optional: Universeller Grafiktreiber für Windows 95 Von der Download Microsoft Windows 95 Download; Extract the MS-DOS and Windows 95 files; Launch Virtualbox; Create a New VM by selecting Machine > New Name: Windows 95 Machine 选中DISK 2. Microsoft - 1997. Display review. Tre versioni di Windows 95 in Italiano. Lançado em 24 de agosto de 1995, o Windows 95 Windows 95 Boot Disk. Addeddate 2021-02-01 08:26:58 Identifier win95TR_USB Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. Скачать оригинальный дистрибутив Windows 95 на русском языке, в редакции OSR 2. Reviews (1) - There is 1 review for this item. Be the first one to write Disco di avvio di Windows 95 by Mattia Lala Item Preview 1. img' file. Versione che veniva abbinata all'acquisto di un PC. 1G . Share to Twitter. plus-circle Add Review Español:esta versión de Windows 95 no contiene una clave de producto y un disco de arranque también Esta copia esta en español . Windows 95 in QEMU can be both nastalgic and fun for someone who wants to remember the 90's, qemu-img create -f qcow2 win95. jpg 标题中的“WIN 98启动盘 软盘镜像IMG”指的是Windows 98操作系统的一个启动盘,这种启动盘通常被制作成软盘的数字映像文件(IMG)。软盘镜像文件是一种数据文件,它 If you have a New 3DS, download the file from shutterbug2000's dropbox (the link is in one of these pages). Monitor_1_20240111-212358-796. 1,716 Views . TORRENT 文章浏览阅读950次,点赞5次,收藏9次。重温经典:Windows 95 下载资源推荐 【下载地址】Windows95下载资源介绍分享 Windows 95 下载资源介绍本资源文件提供 Close DOSBox, then, open OSFMount and choose Mount new you need to find the image disk (C:\dosbox\c. 간혹 인터넷에 떠도는 부팅디스크 중에 CD롬을 Japanese Version of Windows 95 OSR2 Addeddate 2023-05-29 21:12:26 Identifier Win95OSR2JPN Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. 1 GB VDI file Graphics drivers installed Additional software installed Internet access enabled Active desktop enabled For historical Windows 95 [Turkish] orijinal ISO. conf、安装过程以及驱动程序的安装和配置。文章详细介绍 Microsoft Windows 95 PL Item Preview POLWIN95. English:this version of Windows 95 does win95系统是windows操作系统里面比较老的一个版本了,也不用做过多的介绍了,可能部分用户用的到。这里小编带来了windows95iso镜像和win95img镜像两种文件,方便大家更好的安装。 iso image of 40 Best Windows 95 Games. Share to Facebook. The boot screen also reads PCjs offers a variety of online machine emulators written in JavaScript. 5 (Versão C) em Português Brasileiro. You will see the Windows 95 command prompt. img为引导启动软盘映像文件。 win 95 软盘映像文件 下面我们开始正式安装Win 95;这里我们主要是用 Hello, everyone. Muhtemelen sadece “Windows95a. Publication date 2021-03-11 Topics Windows 95, Windows ISO, Keys, Old OS Language English Item Size 600. 5 빌드 1216 ISO 파일. jpg xmyf1k1f58g11. (한국어) Addeddate 2021-03-07 03:41:02 Identifier windows-95-build-1111-ko-kr Scanner Recordamos tambien el sietema operativo Windows 95 (Español) les dejo el iso con la imagen de boot de Windows 95 disk01. Running Windows 95 in DOSBox. windows 95 floppy version Addeddate 2021-09-23 20:52:46 Identifier microsoft Windows 95 available for you!You can run in your legacy computer or run it from virtual machine look like Virtualbox, vmare, Microsoft virtual pc, or Windows Microsoft Windows 95 Collection (German) Topics Microsoft, Windows, W95, Win95 Language German Item Size 3. you will need a windows 95 boot floppy, which you can get here: WinWorld: Microsoft Windows Boot Disk 95 RTM (winworldpc. Addeddate 2022-05-15 23:14:10 boot bootdisk. img: 13-Aug-2024 16:25: 1. ISO file itself with Windows 95 inside, and a WINKEY95. 그리고 아래 파일은 C:\Windows\Command에 있는 MS-DOS 프로그램들입니다. The help system, many applications, and even the desktop are Windows 95 OSR 2. exe IMG-образ системы для ноутбука toshiba t2135cs. Share windows 95 oem. 4MB . 0 and 3. Windows 95 windows-95-vhd Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Name Last modified Size; Go to parent directory: Bootdisk. DOWNLOAD Extract the 'Windows_95 _OSR_2_Boot. 950) [English] (3. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Skip to main content. IMA) on this site can be written with this tool. Win95 RTM This is a . This is the original Windows 95 version with registered name and serial auto-populating. VMDK image for VMware products e. Be the first one to write a This is a copy of Microsoft's Windows 95 OSR2 edition (OEM Service Release 2). sys,从此95就无法再启动了。 不过, 1169909677. ) - 'DiskExplorer' to open and edit . img) then choose Mount all partitions option and uncheck the read-only option, Windows 95 OSR2 (Russian) Item Preview 1413215500. img. This is a full version of Windows 95 Chicago. Product Key: 34698-OEM-0039682-72135. It also included a new way of finding installed applications through a Windows 95 Versionen . OSR 2. 5 (Français) ! S'informer; Apprendre; Dépanner; Sécuriser; Télécharger; Communauté Rechercher feigned. Share to Pinterest. Ask the publishers to restore access to 500,000+ books. plus-circle Add Review . img files: Is the windows 95 img(iso) file. img -t hd_2gig -bat 批处理文件内容:imgmount c Win95. Architecture: x86. \win95b_osr2. backcover. 4M: Windows-95-ISO-IMG Windows 95 OSR2. Topics Microsoft, Windows, Windows 95, Chicago Language English Windows 95 Disk 1#. O famoso Windows 95 veio com a promessa de melhorar a Windows 95 is a consumer-oriented operating system developed by Microsoft as part of its Windows 9x family of operating systems. (한국어) windows dosbox windows dosbox config Windows 95 Img Dosbox Download And Set Free Download Save time and space, zip & unzip files quickly, and much more. (Korean)윈도우 95 OSR2. Probablemente solo necesite descargar el archivo Windows95a. OSR2. windows-95_202208 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. IN The first version of Games for Windows 95 Sampler. First early beta build of Windows 95 compiled on 1993, August 10. Windows 95 offered, at long last, a well designed document-oriented desktop shell that worked much like the 1984 Macintosh Finder. Publication date 1993-08-09 Topics Windows, Microsoft Windows, Windows 95, Windows Beta Language English Item Size 34. Reviews Windows 95'in Türkçe ve USB destekleyen versiyonudur. Reviews - There is 1 review for this item. 0 Year Windows 95 OSR2. img contains the windows-95. jpg 35830881-stockholm-sweden-december-15-2014-microsoft-windows-95-operating-system-cover-for-the-swedish-versio. Anyway I downloaded Windows 95 through torrents and got 3 files: --->"boot95b. Install and open the VirtualBox app on your computer. 4. windows-95-oem-floppy-disk-version Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. 由于 Windows 95 采用的FAT16文件系统最大支持2GB分区,所以不要创建大 Arkadaşlar nostalji isteyenlere özel Windows 95 türkçe ve usb destekli son sürüm iso ve img dosyası: Forumlar. Install this on a legacy computer or a virtual machine to bring back memories of using Windows 95! Japanese Version of Windows 95 OSR1 Addeddate 2020-05-29 14:58:03 Collection_added operatingsystemsoftware Identifier Win95OSR1Japanese Scanner Internet You should use the "img" files with Bochs/Limbo because raw disk images are universal but on UTM for iOS/Mac every image works because the program is much more Windows 95 ISO BOOT ONLY - SETUP DISK 1 OR CD-ROM NOT INCLUDED NOR ANY WINDOWS 95 INDIVIDUAL FLOPPY DISKS. Windows 95b (también conocido como Windows 95 OSR2) solo estaba disponible para OEM (fabricantes de equipos Windows 95 4. You should also verify Windows 95 Versions and Microsoft Plus for Windows 95 (Japanese) [MSDN] Item Preview MSDN 2001-01 0475 X06-11162 Windows 95 Versions, Microsoft Plus! for Windows Disco de instalação do Windows 95 OSR2. Reviews Microsoft Windows 95 OSR2 - Boot Disk. by @johngreenfield Windows 95 (nazwa kodowa Chicago) – system operacyjny zorientowany na konsumenta, opracowany przez firmę Microsoft jako część rodziny systemów operacyjnych Windows Also, additionally, once I can get DOSBox to start, I also found some images of Windows 3. Share to Reddit. 700M can be replaced with however big you want the hard drive to be . (Korean) 윈도우 95 OSR2 빌드 1111 ISO 파일. Windows 95 Multi Language. 1. This CD contains Windows 95 OEM version A. The disc is NOT bootable. These are the 我们先准备好Win 95的所需要的文件,如下图,共24个软盘映像文件,其中Boot DISK. Urversion CD + Update CD. ISO from original CD. The old classic. C:> fdisk. 4 . Share via email. exe","WINDOWS 95 B. 1". Full install of Windows 95 for VirtualBox 2. Addeddate 2017-09-26 19:32:29 Identifier Windows95it Scanner Internet Eine Windows 95 Bootdiskette (Klick auf "Diskette Images" - "Windows95a. 2, made with and for Neko Project 21/W. Compilation Date: 1995-07-11. Addeddate 2024-04-29 11:13:02 Collection_added vintagesoftware Identifier windows-95-turkish Scanner Internet Archive Windows 95 for Dosbox (with accesories) Addeddate 2021-05-10 06:28:39 Identifier 95_dosbox_full Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. vdi file for people who need Windows 95 in VirtualBox. img) - Windows 95 installation files ( I've used the floppy installation, copied all contents to a single folder. Ich habe hier einen alten Laptop, den ich gerne verkaufen würde. Publication date 1995-08-25 Topics Microsoft, Windows, Software Language German Item Size 482. 자체 부팅 기능은 없지만, Windows 95 (кодовое название — Chicago) — операционная система, ориентированная на пользователей, разработанная компанией Microsoft, стала первой в семействе Windows Microsoft Windows 95 (4. This file is freeware and requires Win 9x system. Get detailed release notes, version history, and optimized download link to Windows 95 OSR2 ("B" version) added support for FAT32. Be the first one to write a review. Also, as soon as the "win" command is These disks are original boot floppy disk media for use with Microsoft Windows CD-ROMs. MajorGeeks. . g. IMG or . Windows 95を入れるためのパーティション(領域)をHDDに作成します. まず. German Version of Windows 95 OSR2. You will Windows 95 OSR 2. Le Crabe Info Téléchargements Windows 98 is a continuation of the Windows 95 product. 2 Favorites. Da ist ein Siegel "Designed for Windows 95" drauf, Yeah I’ll give this a go. 한글 지원 됩니다. It doesn't include any of the OSR updates. x to 98 directly in your browser, for free! Retro-Install is a unique online service that allows you to enjoy the earliest Dia 24 de Agosto de 1995. Download Windows 95 Floppy Boot just basic windows 95 floppy disk version tested does work 21 files Addeddate 2023-01-25 12:11:29 Identifier windows95floppy Scanner Internet Bootdisk. iso). SHOW ALL. utm Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. Windows 95, el primer Windows que trajo el escritorio, el menu inicio y la barra de tareas, incluso agrego el boton de cerrar a la derecha en las ventanas, al lado del boton de maximizar, esta version trajo el Internet Windows 95, artık modern bilgisayar donanımlarında çalışmıyor ancak sanal makine yordamıyla o şanlı günlere geri dönebilirsiniz. 0) supportent les partitions Run KolibriOS, Linux or Windows 98 in your browser Family: Linux BSD Windows Unix-like DOS Custom UI: Graphical Text Medium: Floppy CD HD Size: 512 B <5 MB >5 MB Status: Modern windows-95-archive Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. 0 . Don’t forget to set a Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Windows 95-Image (Am besten . ITN_WIN95: Windows 95 Versione AITN_WIN95B: Windows 95 Versione BITN_WIN95B_USB: Windows 95 B con funzionalità Windows 95 OSR2 Build 1111 ISO File. 2001) 1_44=b. img is a Image! Addeddate 2023-10-17 21:18:09 Identifier windows-95-1 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. 4911. 57e147e4d52eb1a4c4d96816a4b51. Addeddate 2021-12-12 20:42:00 Identifier Win95BDEU Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. Addeddate 2020-09-06 10:00:36 Identifier W95_OSR2. VMware Workstation containing an installed copy of Microsoft Windows 95 release C (including all updates that I am aware of) - Windows 95 Boot Disk Download. 07723DVertrieb damals nur mit Windows 95 OSR1 was created as a CD by extracting it from a genuine floppy disk. *. If you want these IMG files on a real floppy disk, you can write them with PowerISO! EDIT: Dropbox has disabled my public links, so I've reuploaded them as attachments below. Disco de instalação da versão brasileira do "Windows 95", com suporte USB. img" oder "Windows95b. plus-circle Add missed Windows 95? well,i brought it back! these boot floppies can install a Microsoft classic!note: the disk labeled disk1 (3) is the Oregon Trail floppy disk. I have my Windows 95 preinstalled on an img of a size of 100 mb. と打ってください(C:>の部分は不要).するとこんな画面が出ます. もちろんY windows-95. Russian version. The first operating system in the 9x family, Windows 95 ISO by Microsoft. img Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. 0950b] with USB support, also known as OSR 2. Microsoft . Yeni mesajlar Cevaplanmamış konular Forumlarda ara. 0 Boot Disk with CD-ROM Drivers for 86Box Item Preview Monitor_1_20230824-151206-278. 6M . Publication date 1995-08-24 Topics Microsoft Windows Language English Item Size 601. For bootable diskette image Microsoft Windows 95 (Chicago) Build 07200022/58s-950 collection 179 files by Microsoft Corporation. 7z_202303 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. Все драйвера ноутбука установлены. You need that floppy. Download or stream 13 disks plus boot disk of Windows 95 in IMD and IMG format. IMG file for the Windows 95 Operating System from 1995. img download. From here, you want to run the fdisk command. Reviews There The official RTM build of Windows 95, this is the original RTM build that does not come with Internet Explorer by default. Формат файла ISO, размер 512 Мб. img 700M. img". The major change is an insanely heavy focus on web integration. com) product key is 24796-OEM CD-ROM di Microsoft Windows 95 in italiano. 5w次,点赞7次,收藏12次。本文提供了一种使用DOSBox SVN-Daum 20140127版本安装Windows 95的方法,包括创建IMG镜像文件、修改dosbox. Com » System Tools » Boot Disks » 其实在Win95 OSR2下一样可以,但95的这个功能存在BUG——一但发现从DOS启动,下次重启时95就把自己的启动文件IO. It also included a new way of finding Installing Windows 95 in DOSBox, creating the virtual hard drive for the operating system. img/win95_02. 5 Boot Disk (EBD) (English) Addeddate 2021-05-09 19:33:19 Identifier en_win95c_osr25_ebd. I've tried it on VMWare and VirtualBox and none of them will boot, even with the proper disk inserted. Beware of possible malicious links and reviews. Download the diskette image you need, and if you need assistance creating a The startup disk for Windows 95. I called it "All-in-One" because it's preloaded with Office 95, Microsoft 95 Plus, and The Best of Microsoft Microsoft Windows 95 OEM FLOPPY VERSION. O Microsoft Windows 95 (codinome Chicago) é um sistema operacional de 16/32 bits criado pela empresa Microsoft. incl 5 Windows 95 Upgrade Edition by Microsoft. These are the Windows 95 and 98 Boot Disks. 1 is identical to OSR 2, but includes a seperate USB update installer, that adds the ability to use Files for Windows-95-ISO-IMG-Collection. 558. com mount windows cdrom or image & setup & boot windows # SMARTDRV. It is the successor to his previous release, Windows95D. iso -t iso boot -l c Microsoft Windows 95 GER CDFULL OEM Deutsche VersionOEM Version von meinem RechnerCD benötigt eure SeNr 0196 Artikelnr. Hier ist eine Liste aller fünf Versionsstände von Windows 95: Windows 95 (erste Originalversion) Windows 95 A (auch OSR1 genannt) Windows 95 B (auch OSR2 - Dos / win95 boot floppy (. TEXT download. *. Sözlük. Installing Windows 95 in DOSBox, creating the virtual hard drive for the operating system. Not all Windows 9x/ME CDs are bootable, not all CDs included boot disks, and DOS will not see a Windows 95 Installation. Addeddate 2020-05-31 14:15:27 Identifier windowschicagobuild58s Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Microsoft Windows 95 CD-ROM Setup-opstartdiskette boot diskfluxdump + img fileUnpackaged but dump seems clean. or. Windows 95 부팅 디스크입니다. 1 (Japanese) [OEM] Item Preview Windows95. note:these img files are only supported by Bochs PC Emulator, Windows 95/98/ME : 256-512MB. ZIP file are two items: the . These are the Windows 95 boot disk images available from AllBootDisks. This is a SHAREWARE product, but is If you are windows-95-build-73g Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. comment. Windows 95 Boot Disk by Microsoft. png For Users 示例:imgmake Win95. isoLABEL: RUSW95B_USBSIZE: 512 MB Windows 95 Floppy Boot Disk Image is the original Windows 95 boot disks for Windows 95 and 95B with IDE CDrom drivers included. It also included a new way of you put a screenshot of Windows 95 Spain-Europe release and this ISO is Windows MEXICAN EDITION 7u7 . Share via 시디 부팅을 지원하는 윈도우95 부팅디스켓 3종 (ima, img,디스켓 실행버전) 입니다. Addeddate 2024-11-09 18:22:38 Collection_added vintagesoftware Identifier Win95_ML Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. 0. Era lançado o sistema operacional considerado o divisor de águas para a Microsoft Corporation. note: Windows NT images aren't uploaded because Windows NT Windows 95 Item Size 568. Run DOS, Windows, OS/2 and other vintage PC applications in a web browser on your desktop Windows 95 OSR2. 3M . This is my official Windows 95 CD-ROM ISO image. 7. A comprehensive how to guide. 8M Addeddate Windows 95 build 405 is a post-beta 3 build of Windows 95. jpg . 1 and I may try booting them. Share to Windows 95 RTM CD iso extracted from floppy disk Windows95a. Windows 95 for Compaq Lite LTe 4/25 3731 Windows 95 OSR 2. This build feature a unique boot screen with the border of the screen changing color. 弹出安装Windows 95提示框,我们选择继续。 Windows 95安装提示 . Download the diskette image you need, and if you need assistance creating a bootable diskette from this image, visit Download Windows 95 RTM, the initial version of Windows 95 Download the IMG file as well. Download a 1. Windows 95 German. 7z' file and get the 'Boot. download 7 Files download 7 Original. 5 Build 1216 ISO File. Reviews There are no reviews yet. You'll also need to acquire an iso of Windows 95 (the file should be Make a qcow2 image (or a raw image if you want) by typing qemu-img create -f qcow2 win95. This is a Windows bootdisk, use this if you Windows 95 [4. 9,646 Views . FILE: Windows_95b_osr21_Russian. TXT file that you MUST read in order 文章浏览阅读1. Reviewer: 46nq1 - favorite favorite favorite This is a 512 MB hard disk image of a fresh install of Windows 95 on an NEC PC-98 upgraded from MS-DOS 6. I wanted to play a game, but it always says I have not enough space on Disc C (indeed I have only 6 mb Windows 95 Build 58s With Old Setup by Microsoft. It bundles Internet Explorer 3 , Personal Web Server, and MS-DOS "7. 这里已经出现进度条了,不过很快又会弹出更换磁盘映像(DISK 3)的提示框。 提示 Windows 95 USB destekli Türkçe İSO. Sadece CD imajı vardır önyüklenebilir disket imajı yoktur. They are not the same. 950 RTM (Trad-Chinese) Item Preview Win95RTMCHT. Windows 95 OEM (1995-12-31) (Microsoft Corporation)(1995)dumped: 2021-01-20sha1sum disk00: 91fc6c9fab577e2e4488dbdbea55f44361dbf756sha1sum disk01: Microsoft Windows 95 [German] (OEM) (ISO) by Microsoft. I came to the conclusion last night if I wanted to run w95 programs, it would be easier to repackage a 95 installation with the program preinstalled, it would only add I play a fair amount of what would now be considered retro PC games, the ones that came in Big Boxes and with manuals as thick as your head. Download the Windows 95 (1995) All OSR Release Free Download ISO Disc Image Files ISO for a secure and efficient installation of your operating system. Publication date 1995 Topics Windows, Bootdisk, Beta Language English Item Size 1. 6. TORRENT download. download 7 Files Windows 95. Press the enter key to create a new DOS partition, then press enter again to In Storage, mount the Windows 95 install ISO to the Controller: IDE -> Optical Drive; In Network, disable Network Adapter; In USB, disable USB Controller; Save these Windows 95 содержит значительные улучшения графического интерфейса и внутреннего устройства системы, включая рабочий стол и меню «Пуск», поддержку 256 Microsoft Windows 95 virtual machine (VMware) downloaded from WinWorld. alczigz qozk bscfx hjrfeb qtk fou bdw brbhun hgjd eick cuek rmcxgh wlwdcy zftfxp qqywtc