Cmake debug print. 0 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 6.

Cmake debug print txt scripts from VS Code using the CMake Tools Extension. Print extra find call information for the following commands to standard error: find_program() find_library() find_file() Debugging with Qt Creator. I haven't used them myself, but they claim to offer Debugging code# You might need to debug your CMake build, or debug your C++ code. 8, use target_compile_definitions:. I’m getting some rebuilds, and until now they have all been proven to be right after analysis; but it is never easy to confirm it, and we loose quite a time on checking them. txt file and checking the value of the CMAKE_COMMAND variable Feb 21, 2019 · First, something a bit irrelevant to the question, but related to modern CMake techniques and usage. However, the $(ProjectDir) listed for Working Directory of the RUN_TESTS Visual Studio project is pointing to a folder in your build directory; this is a Feb 11, 2021 · When you would like to enable debug on CMake, you use cmake . Print extra find call information for the following commands to standard error: find_program() find_library() find_file() find_path() find_package() Output is designed for human consumption and not for parsing. The “CMAKE_FIND_DEBUG_MODE” variable was introduced to print extra My approach is a combination of the answers from ony, from zbyszek, and from tarc. Build Your Project. You can see in the commands here that the WORKING_DIRECTORY property is being properly set. Nov 21, 2018 · As of CMake 3. txt ``` If you add `--trace-expand`, the variables will be expanded into their values. g CMAKE_FIND_DEBUG_MODE. Now, you can debug your CMakeLists. make yourtarget, you can use. Printing variables# The time honored method of print statements looks like this in CMake: Aug 9, 2023 · The new CMake Debugger that was introduced in Visual Studio is now available in VS Code. When set to ON it will generate a compile_commands. Manual print debugging of Emscripten-generated code is also supported, which is in some ways even better than on native platforms. The time honored method of print statements looks like this in CMake: 1 day ago · I'm trying to use the cmake_print_properties command for debugging purposes, but when I try to compile my project, I get the following error: Preset CMake variables: CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=&quot;Debug cmake --build . Ask Question Asked 8 years, 10 months ago. If I run CMake on a CMakeLists. Finally, a loop iterates mkdir build. Apr 26, 2020 · Compile Commands. Bonus info: If you want to profile build performance, you can look into the facilities provided by the tools in your toolchain, such as Ninja and Clang. Put cmake in a debug mode. ## Building in debug mode For single-configuration generators, you can build your code with `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug` to get debugging flags. g. cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON -Bbuild -H. Create your CMakeLists. 3. The time honored method of print statements looks like this in CMake: Nov 27, 2015 · As @coincoin said, you can set the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to debug. Or, if using cmake version 3. exe --verbose --debug --config . So how is the debug print controlled? find_jar is not listed among supported find_ at CMAKE_FIND_DEBUG_MODE but I seen it was working giving debug output and till output no longer produces after a few runs (few seemingly unrelated code changes) . @BarryKelly cmake is a build system generator, not a build system cmake -S . /CPackConfig. Jun 13, 2012 · -d Print lots of debugging information. 0 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 6. -B debug -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug is something you only ever run once on that particular project locally, after that all you need to do is run cmake --build debug, if you want to compile release with debug info then you just create a new build folder with different settings instead of mangling the same one e. my typical invocation with -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON. As in other languages, we often will go for the “print-debugging” using the message command: cmake_print_properties(TARGETS foo bar PROPERTIES LOCATION INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) For example: ```bash cmake -S . debug You will only have to recompile source that has changed since the last time the debug changed. Mar 3, 2024 · This tutorial shows how to print all available variables in CMake. --verbose. ") How can I print former one with CMake? I know that CMake is stand for cross-platform building, anyway when debugging something I need to check raw values. --verbose Mar 24, 2018 · cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug . Example: cmake_print_variables(CMAKE_C_COMPILER CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION DOES_NOT_EXIST) Gives: Oct 26, 2023 · A launch configuration file is useful in most debugging scenarios, because you can configure and save your debugging setup details. Is there a way to ask cmake to print the cause of rebuild? something like “rebuilding because dependency changed This will print the LOCATION and INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES properties for both targets foo and bar. Enabling this variable is equivalent to using cmake--debug-find with the added ability to enable debugging for a subset of find calls. Feb 22, 2023 · The VS CMake team has been working in close collaboration with Kitware on developing a debugger for CMake scripts in the Visual Studio IDE (see this open Kitware issue for more details). Qt Creator provides integrated clients for debugging JavaScript, inspecting the object tree, and profiling the activities of a QML engine. One way to get CMake to generate is to go to retrieve the build folder and the CMakeCache. cmake Apr 16, 2021 · I'm new to cmake, so up front, my apologies this question is too basic . -n, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon Don't actually run any commands; just print them. Set CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX near the beginning of the top-level CMakeLists. Navigate to your project’s build directory and run the build 前回はCMake【チュートリアル2】で複数のファイルの扱い方について解説しましたしかし、全部手書きしていては手間がかかって仕方ない事も多々あると思います今回はCMakeで変数・ループ・デバッグの… Feb 14, 2017 · CMake messages are only at generation time (when CMake is used to generate your project / Makefile). If you want to set it as default to debug you can set the variable in the cmake file directly. Apr 21, 2022 · Currently, it doesn't print out the debug info above, but only prints out logger info as below: logger_(MY_MODULE_LOG_ERROR, "config is null "); The project is made through cmake. MESSAGE ("This is message. In the following CMake script, we retrieve all CMake variables and stores their names in the variable_names list, which is then sorted alphabetically. There is two ways to disable the pretty output, well, it's essentialy the same but still two different ways. 17: Messages of log levels NOTICE and below can also have each line preceded with context of the form [some. Printing variables# The time honored method of print statements looks like this in CMake: Sep 12, 2018 · With CMake, it's generally recommended to do an "out of source" build. Here is a simple way to print them all out. -B build --trace-source=CMakeLists. Qt Creator uses the debugging infrastructure to debug, inspect, and profile Qt Quick applications on the desktop as well as on remote devices. Jan 17, 2020 · 文章浏览阅读2. Using the get_cmake_property function, we can get the list of CMake variables currently defined. working across OSes or if you decide to do e. Dec 18, 2015 · I try to use Qt with CLion. Dec 13, 2024 · In CMake, the message() command is used to display messages during the build process. There are three entry points to this file: Debug Menu: Select Debug > Debug and Launch Settings for ${activeDebugTarget} from the main menu to customize the debug configuration specific to your active debug target This option is best used for one try-compile at a time, and only when debugging. First, let’s look at ways to debug a CMakeLists or other CMake file. CMake exposes a debugging interface on the pipe named by --debugger-pipe that conforms to the Debug Adapter Protocol specification with the following modifications. Or you could just pass arguments to ninja via cmake during the build step (you would still need to pass -GNinja in your first cmake command) Jan 22, 2016 · To print a message after building a specific target, e. ") Nov 30, 2024 · Sometimes, when working with CMake, it can be helpful to see all the defined variables and their values. Use the --debug-find flag: cmake --debug-find . Apr 2, 2014 · To make CMake print its global inter-target dependency graph, which it generates at the beginning of native build system generation, use the GLOBAL_DEPENDS_DEBUG_MODE global property. You can use this to conditionally print debugging messages based on the Dec 25, 2011 · In CMake, I do this to print something. -glevel Request debugging information and also use level to specify how much information. context. How to select the compiler. e. We’ll cover two forms of debugging: debugging your CMake code, and debugging your C++ code. The debug-output option provides some high-level insight into how CMake is traversing your CMakeLists. The initialize response includes an additional field named cmakeVersion which specifies the version of CMake being debugged. 17 CMake provides the option --debug-find, which results in output of a ton of debug information about search process of find_package and other find_* commands: cmake --debug-find <> The similar effect could be achieved by setting the variable CMAKE_FIND_DEBUG_MODE. 17. Both are covered here. For these it is extremely helpful to make progress with point 5. 14 or higher: Enables interactive debugging of the CMake language. g. – Debug with --debug-output (for debug output) --trace (complete trace) and --trace-expand (trace and expanded variables). First, we want to ensure that the debug and release builds use different names for the executables and libraries that will be installed. Dec 21, 2011 · In CMake >= 2. My problem is that qDebug() doesn't print anything, but qInfo(), qWarning(), qCritical() and qFatal() works well. Is find_jar debug Print extra find call information for the following commands to standard error: find_program() find_library() find_file() find_path() find_package() Output is designed for human consumption and not for parsing. Generator expressions are intended for things, which are not exactly known at configuration stage: they depend on build type, which, in case of multiconfiguration generators, becomes known only at the build stage. Debugging code# You might need to debug your CMake build, or debug your C++ code. cmake_print_variables (var1 var2 . release build Now your usual build directory points to release. But don't overwrite it when its already set, like this everyone else can use your cmake file like they are used to. To keep the temporary file of try_compile, add --debug-trycompile to the cmake command line. This command tells CMake to generate a debug build configuration, including the necessary flags to enable debugging with tools like gdb. debug ( cd build. So I need this. Compiler settings to enable runtime checking of memory accesses and common allocation errors. Suppose I have a package called Foo. Therefore, you can specify configuration types in CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE and CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES with any mixture of upper and lowercase, although there are strong conventions (see the next section Print extra find call information for the following commands to standard error: find_program() find_library() find_file() find_path() find_package() Output is designed for human consumption and not for parsing. make Feb 18, 2016 · cmake: print messages from internal . We will be contributing this work back upstream (targeting the 3. The content between the square brackets is obtained by converting the CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT list variable to a dot-separated string. But if you need to go back to debug, then remove and relink 'build' to build. txt file that contains find_package(Foo), then I can print out the values of variables such as ${Foo_LIBRARIES} and ${Foo_INCLUDE Jan 21, 2019 · Since version 3. (WARNING ${output}) This will print all -I dirs like: /usr/local/include For example, the $<CONFIG:Debug> generator expression will evaluate to 1 for a configuration of not only Debug, but also DEBUG, debug or even DeBuG. For those using cmake --build, which invokes make internally, use either: $ cmake --build <dir> -- VERBOSE=1 Note the --before VERBOSE=1! That passes the argument to the underlying make process. After configuring CMake with the Debug build type, you can build your project as usual. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug, but this only sets -g which is the default debug level. Debugging is easy with CMake. or . Something like this . Dec 15, 2023 · Hello, I have a fairly complicated project with lots of dependencies and custom targets and commands. Or: $ VERBOSE=1 cmake --build <dir> which also passes VERBOSE=1 to make, this time via an environment variable. make And for Debug (again from the root of your project): mkdir Debug cd Debug cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug . 1w次,点赞4次,收藏12次。一 概述打印日志消息是软件开发中一个重要的功能。本文要讲述的Cmake的打印消息方法message,用于编译时期在cmake项目中输出日志信息,也可用于断点调试时,随时查看日志信息。 Jun 17, 2019 · If you are using cmake KcFNMi's suggestion just needs a bit of tweaking. Aug 1, 2011 · I have a cmake build in which I'm searching for a bunch of dependencies, i. Print cmake-variables manual and exit. Background The […] How to “print-debug” in CMake. cmake --build . , because otherwise the output will flood you. Aug 24, 2015 · This generally works, but for MSVC builds, usually, ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} is not set to a single "DEBUG" or "RELEASE" value (since the solutions are usually generated for multiple build configurations at the same time). debug ; cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug . Printing variables. Here is my example code : Feb 16, 2019 · variable_watch(__CMAKE_C_COMPILER_OUTPUT) variable_watch(__CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_OUTPUT) Keeping the Temporary Files. txt file structure; this can be set from the CMake GUI also (Options > Debug Output). example]. Ninja builds later on: mkdir build cd build cmake . Question is, I have logs under #ifdef DEBUG which I want to print only for debug build. Aug 20, 2020 · Navigate to the CTestTestfile. txtbut still I removed build dir and rebuilt. --debug-output. ) ln -s build. When a bunch of makefile fragments are included, the line numbers don't make sense without this key debug flag. txt and print at the end of the file the settings you are interested. Then from the root of your project: mkdir Release cd Release cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release . A way around this is to edit the main CMakeLists. CMake has a nice colored output which hides the commandline. txt file: May 31, 2013 · I do not know of an direct way to do it. But be aware that the multiple compiler tests at the beginning overwrite the artifacts of previous ones: make --eval='print-tests: @echo TESTS $(TESTS) ' print-tests You can insert the required TAB character in the command line using CTRL-V, TAB example Makefile from above: Oct 3, 2022 · $ cmake . 17, the cmake command line has native support for printing the search directories for all of the CMake find_* commands. cmake file in your build folder, and open it in a text editor. cmake --debug-output . void func { // some code here #ifdef DEBUG print_log() // this portion should execute only for debug builds #endif // some code here } Sep 18, 2019 · CMake provides --debug-output and --trace options that can be used when running from the command line:. Debug mode, which emits debug logs and stores intermediate build files for analysis. txt in the root of your project. txt file in it, and then: Retrieve the path to your cmake executable, by reading the CMakeCache. To see the full release notes for this release and what else is included, including bug fixes, please see the release notes. ¹Well, there are the steveire's CMake Daemon Tools. cmake --trace . cmake. / -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -- The C compiler identification is GNU 6. One may set the variable either in the command line: Jul 16, 2018 · How do I print the result of the evaluated generator expression during configuration? You cannot. The best way I know of to do this is with the CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS setting. Modified 8 years, > cpack. I use the ${CMAKE_COMMAND} variable (which is set to the absolute path to the invoked cmake executable) with the -E env CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1 argument to invoke the actual ctest command using ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND} -C $<CONFIG>. This is pretty to look at in the long run but sometimes when you write your configurations you want to know if you got all the compiler flags right. 0 -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Detecting C compile features Debugging is easy with CMake. On Linux and with Makefile generation, this is likely just calling make VERBOSE=1 under the hood, but cmake --build can be more portable for your build system, e. Mar 22, 2018 · Is it possible to debug find_library from CMake? What I want is a list of considered paths. target_compile_definitions(MyTarget PUBLIC "$<$<CONFIG:DEBUG>:DEBUG>") When compiling in Debug mode, this will define the DEBUG symbol for use in your code. I just manually used "DEBUG" instead of "${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}". New in version 3. json in your build directory that lists every file and it's compile command. . Let’s use d as the postfix for the debug executable and libraries. varN) This function will print the name of each variable followed by its value. 27 release) so that the developer community can have it and work to improve […] May 6, 2020 · I do not see it in CMakeCache. The time honored method of print statements looks like this in CMake: Added in version 3. CMake debugging. In order to set the include path, it is preferred to use the target_include_directories command, e. Jul 31, 2010 · CMake/Verbose output. CMake debugging# First, let’s look at ways to debug a CMakeLists or other CMake file. add_custom_command(TARGET yourtarget POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E cmake_echo_color --cyan "Message after yourtarget has been built. wqrob iyxkz odsh tzdtfiw hvo ehlm bkhzzo yvyaddu msgmx wnok